


出生 1964年10月21日
國籍 中國






1986年7月-1988年8月 河南師範大學生物學系助教、講師;

1994年7月– 1997年2月 中國科學院南海海洋研究所 助理研究員,副研究員;

1996年1月– 1996年5月 英國威爾士大學海洋學院 訪問學者;

1997年2月–1998年4 月 日本國際科學技術交流中心及日本國立水產養殖研究所 博士後特別研究員 (STA FELLOW);

1998年4月–2004年8月 新加坡國立大學熱帶海洋科學研究所,研究員(A級), 課題組長 (PI);

2004年9月–2005年6月 日本學術振興會特邀研究員(JSPS Invitation Fellow),東京海洋大學基因組科學研究室客座教授;

2004年1月–2009年3月 中山大學生命科學學院 教授、博士生導師,有害生物控制與資源利用國家重點實驗室學術帶頭人、學術委員會秘書,水生生物學國家重點學科帶頭人;

2009年3月-2016年4月 中國科學院南海海洋研究所研究員,博士生導師,中科院熱帶海洋生資源與生態重點實驗室主任;

2016年5月-至今 華南農業大學海洋學院院長,教授、博士生導師。


1982年9月-1986年7月 北京師範大學生物系本科、學士學位;

1988年9月-1991年7月 武漢大學生物學系 碩士研究生、理學碩士;

1991年9月-1994年7月 中國科學院水生生物研究所 博士研究生、理學博士;






長期從事海洋生物學和水產保護學研究,近年來,獲得並主持包括國家傑出青年科學基金、國家自然科學基金重點項目,"973"計劃課題和"863"計劃項目等多項國家重要科研項目,在海洋魚類分子病毒學、免疫學、基因組學和蛋白質組學等研究方面取得了一系列創新性學術成果,在BMC Genomics、J. Virology、Virology、Antiviral Research、Fish and Shellfish Immunology和Aquaculture等本領域重要國際期刊上已發表30多篇SCI收錄研究論文,在國際海水魚類病毒研究領域處於較高水平。




1. Xia L, Cao J, Huang X, Qin QW. Characterization of Singapore grouper iridovirus (SGIV) ORF086R, a putative homolog of ICP18 involved in cell growth control and virus replication. Arch Virol. 2009, in press.

2. Huang X, Huang Y, Sun JJ, Han X, Qin QW. Characterization of two grouper Epinephelus akaara cell lines: Application to studies of Singapore grouper iridovirus (SGIV) propagation and virus–host interaction. Aquaculture

3. Huang Y, Huang X, Liu H, Gong J, Ouyang Z, Cui H, Cao J, Zhao Y, Wang X, Jiang Y, Qin QW. Complete sequence determination of a novel reptile iridovirus isolated from soft-shelled turtle and evolutionary analysis of Iridoviridae. BMC Genomics

4. Huang X, Huang Y, Gong J, Yan Y, Qin Q. Identification and characterization of a putative lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-alpha factor (LITAF) homolog from Singapore grouper iridovirus. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.

5. Mao XL, Zhou S, Xu D, Gong J, Cui HC, Qin QW. Rapid and sensitive detection of Singapore grouper iridovirus by loop-mediated isothermal amplification. J Appl Microbiol

6. Teng Y, Hou Z, Gong J, Liu H, Xie X, Zhang L, Chen X, Qin QW. Whole-genome transcriptional profiles of a novel marine fish iridovirus, Singapore grouper iridovirus (SGIV) in virus-infected grouper spleen cell cultures and in orange-spotted grouper, Epinephulus coioides. Virology

7. Teng, Y., Liu, H., Lv, J., Q., Fan, W. H., Zhang, Q. Y., Qin, Q. W., 2007. Characterization of complete genome sequence of the spring viremia of carp virus isolated from common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in China. Archives of Virology


8. Zhou, S., Hou, Z. W., Li, N., Qin, Q. W., 2007. Development of a SYBR green I Real-time PCR for quantitative detection of Vibro alginolyticus in seawater and sea food. Journal of Applied Microbiology

9. Qin, Q. W., Wu, T. H., Jia, T. L., Hegde, A., Zhang, R. Q., 2006. Development and characterization of a new tropical marine fish cell line from grouper, Epinephelus coioides susceptible to iridovirus and nodavirus. Journal of virological Methods

10. Qin, Q. W., Gin, K. Y.H., Lee, L. Y., Gedaria, A. I., Zhang, S., 2005. Development of a flow cytometry based method for rapid and sensitive detection of a novel marine fish iridovirus in cell culture. Journal of Virological Methods

11. He, N., Qin, Q. W., Xu, X. 2005. Differential profile of genes expressed in hemocytes of white spot syndrome virus-resistant shrimp (Penaeus Japonicus) by combining suppression subtractive hybridization and differential hybridization. Antiviral Research

12. Liu, W. T., Zhu. L., Qin, Q. W., Zhang, Q., Feng, H., Ang, S. 2005. Microfluidic device as a new platform for immunofluorescent detection of viruses. Lab on a Chip

13. Song, W. J., Qin, Q. W., Qiu, J., Wang, F., Huang, C. H., Hew, C. L., 2004. Functional genomics analysis of Singapore grouper iridovirus (SGIV): complete sequence determination and proteomic analysis. Journal of Virology

14. Huang, C., Zhang, X., Gin, K. Y. H., Qin, Q. W., 2004. In situ hybridization of a marine fish virus, Singapore grouper iridovirus (SGIV) with a nucleic acid probe of major capsid protein (MCP). Journal of Virological Methods

15. Zhang, X., Huang, C., Qin, Q. W. 2004. Antiviral properties of hemocyanin isolated from shrimp Penaeus monodon. Antiviral Research

16. Qin, Q. W., Chang, S. F., Ngoh, G. H., Kueh, S., Shi, C. Y., Sin, Y. M. and Lam, T. J. 2003. Characterization of a novel ranavirus isolated from brown-spotted grouper, Epinephelus tauvina. Disease of Aquatic Organisms

17. Shi, C. Y., Qin, Q. W., Shen, H., Gin, K. Y. H. and Lam, T. J. 2003. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to a grouper iridovirus. Journal of Virological Methods

18. Gibson-Kueh, S., Netto, P., Ngoh-Lim, G. H., Qin, Q. W., Chang, S. F., Ho, L. L., Chua, F. H. C., Ng, M. L. and Ferguson, H. W. 2003. The pathology of systemic iridoviral disease in fish. Journal of Comparative Pathology

19. Qin, Q. W., Shi, C. Y., Gin, K. Y. H. and Lam, T. J. 2002. Antigenic characterization of a marine fish iridovirus from grouper, Epinephelus spp. Journal of Virological Methods

20. Qin, Q. W., Lam, T. J., Shi, C., Shen, S. and Sin, Y. M. 2002. Ultrastructure, morphogenesis and antigenesis of a grouper iridovirus. Fisheries Science

21.Qin, Q. W., Ototake, M., Nogoya, H. and Nakanishi, T. 2002. Graft-verus-host reaction (GVHR) in clonal amago salmon, Oncorhynchus rhodurus. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology

22. Okubo, K., Yamano, K., Qin, Q. W., Aoyagi, K., Ototake, M., Nakanishi, T., Fukuda, H. and Dijikstra, J. M. 2002. Ubiquitin genes in fish. Fish and Shellfsih Immunology

23. Hegde, A., Chen, C. L., Qin, Q. W., Lam, T. J. and Sin, Y. M. 2002. In vitro neutralization and pathogensis of a novel nervous necrosis virus from grouper (Epinephelus sp.).Aquaculture

24. Seng, E. K., Fang, Q., Chang, S. F., Ngoh, G. H., Qin, Q. W., Lam, T. J. and Sin, Y. M. 2002. Characterization of a rotavirus like virus isolated from threadfin (Polynemus sp.). Aquaculture

25. Chang, S. F., Ngoh-Lim, G. H., Kueh, L. F. S., Qin, Q. W., Seng, E. K. and Sin, Y. M. 2002. Initial investigations into two viruses isolated from marine food fish. Veterinary Recor

26. Qin, Q. W., Ototake, M., Noguchi, K., Soma, G-I. and Nakanishi, T. 2001. Tumor necrosis factor alpha –like factor produced by macrophages in rainbow trout, Oncorhychus mykiss. Fish and Shellfish Immunology

27.Qin, Q. W., Lam, T. J., Shen, H., Chang, S. F., Ngoh, G. H., Chen, C. L. and Sin, Y. M. 2001. Electon microscopic observations of a marine fish iridovirus isolated from brown-spotted grouper, Epinephelus tauvina. Journal of Virological Methods

28. Chang, S. F., Ngoh-Lim, G. H., Kueh, L. F. S., Qin, Q. W., Chen, C. L., Lam, T. J. and Sin, Y. M. 2001. Development of a tropical marine fish cell line from asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) for virus isolation. Aquaculture


從上蔡縣走出的國務院政府特殊津貼專家秦啟偉 2017-02-07


  1. 秦啟偉 ,華南農業大學, 2019-01-17
  2. 演講專家 | 秦啟偉 華南農業大學海洋學院院長 ,鳳凰網, 2019-10-31
  3. 秦啟偉教授簡介 ,天津師範大學, 2020-02-14
  4. 秦啟偉 ,河南師範大學, 2012-12-02
  5. 秦啟偉 ,華南農業大學, 2016-07-15