

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2012 香港科技大學 資訊系統學 博士

2006 清華大學 金融學 碩士

2004 北京大學 應用數學 學士









  • Nan Zhang, Chong (Alex) Wang, Elena Karahanna and Yan Xu, 「Peer Privacy Concerns: Conceptualization and Measurement,」 MIS Quarterly, forthcoming (abstract online, https://www.misq.org/skin/frontend/default/misq/pdf/Abstracts/14861_RA_ZhangAbstract.pdf).
  • Xiaohua Lu, Tian Lu, Chong (Alex) Wang and Ruofan Wu, 「Can Social Notifications Help to Mitigate Payment Delinquency in Online Peer-to-Peer Lending?」 Production and Operations Management, forthcoming (published online, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/poms.13395).
  • Xuechen Luo, Ling Ge and Chong (Alex) Wang, 「Crowdfunding for Microfinance: The New Hope?」, MIS Quarterly, forthcoming (abstract online, https://www.misq.org/skin/frontend/default/misq/pdf/Abstracts/15406_RA_LuoAbstract.pdf).
  • Cheng Zhao and Chong (Alex) Wang, 2021, 「A Cross-site Comparison of Online Review Manipulation using Benford’s Law」 Electronic Commerce Research, forthcoming (published online https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-020-09455-8).
  • Erik Brynjolfsson, Chong (Alex) Wang and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, 2021, 「The Economics of IT and Digitization: Eight Questions for Research,」 MIS Quarterly, 45(1), pp. 473-477.
  • Chong (Alex) Wang, Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang and Il-Horn Hann, 2018, 「Socially Nudged: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Friends』 Social Influence in Online Product Ratings,」 Information Systems Research, 29(3), pp. 641-655.
  • Xin Li and Chong (Alex) Wang, 2017, 「The Technology and Economic Determinants of Exchange Rates of Cryptocurrencies – The Case of Bitcoin,」 Decision Support Systems, 95, pp. 49-60.
  • Yili Hong, Chong (Alex) Wang and Paul Pavlou, 2016, 「Comparing Open versus Sealed Bid Auctions: Evidence from Online Labor Markets,」 Information Systems Research, 27(1), pp. 49-69.
  • Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang and Chong (Alex) Wang, 2012, 「Network Positions and Contributions to Online Public Goods: The Case of the Chinese Wikipedia,」 Journal of Management Information Systems, 29(2), pp. 11-40.
  • Chong (Alex) Wang and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, 2009, 「Sampling of Information Goods,」 Decision Support Systems, 48(1), pp. 14-22.


  • 「People You May Know: Friend Recommendation, Network Formation, and Online Community Participation,」 with Lin Wang, Xin Xu, Manzhou Li, and Fan Guo, ICIS 2020 Proceedings.
  • 「The Impact of Digital Platform Rapid Release Strategy on its Third-Party App Update Behavior: An Empirical Study of Firefox,」 with Dan Luo, Peijian Song, and Yulin Fang, ICIS 2019 Proceedings.
  • 「Sponsored Data Services and Consumer Welfare on Mobile Broadband,」 with Liangfei Qiu and Jia Jia, ICIS 2017, Paper 17 (Economics).
  • 「The Impact of Team Ranking on Team Lending Performance: An Empirical Study on Kiva,」 with Xuechen Luo and Ling Ge, PACIS 2016 Proceedings, Paper T27-719 (Economics of IS).
  • 「To Follow or Be Followed? Social Interaction and Crowdsourced Stock Prediction,」 with Alvin Leung, Collective Intelligence Conference 2016.
  • 「Network Overlap and Network Blurring in Online Social Networks,」 with Nan (Andy) Zhang, ICEIS 2016.
  • 「Time to Adoption of a New IT Service: A Field Experiment on Adopting Office365,」 with Yue Feng and Kar Yan Tam, ICIS 2015 Proceedings, Paper 21 (IT implementation).
  • 「The Impacts of Informant and Friend Relationships on Online Opinion Sharing,」 with Yue Feng and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, ICIS 2013 Proceedings, Paper 9 (Economics of IS).
  • 「All Online Friends are not Created Equal: Discovering Influence Structure in Online Social Networks,」 with Xi Chen and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, PACIS 2013 Proceedings, Paper 56 (1st Runner-up, Best Paper Award), 2013.
  • 「Privacy in Online Social Networks,」 with Nan Zhang and Yan Xu, ICIS 2011 Proceedings, Paper 3, 2011.
  • 「Role Identity Salience and User Participation in Online Communities,」 with Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang and Kar Yan Tam, ICIS 2010 Proceedings, Paper 206, 2010.[1]
