

事實揭露 揭密真相
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2019.10 - 至今 北京工商大學 教授 博士生導師

2012.10 - 2019.09 北京工商大學 副教授 碩士生導師

2011.07 - 2012.09 北京工商大學 講師

2009.04 - 2011.06 清華大學 博士後

2005.09 - 2009.04 北京科技大學 工學博士

2016.02 - 2017.02 美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院放射系 訪問學者






近年來已在科學出版社出版學術專著3部,在Optics Letters、Optics Communications、Optical Engineering、Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation、電子學報、ICPR等國際國內期刊與會議發表論文60餘篇,其中SCI收錄14篇。申請國家發明專利23項,其中已授權17項,獲批軟件著作權9項。主持國家自然科學基金面上項目2項,北京市「高創計劃」青年拔尖人才資助項目1項,北京市自然基金-北京市教委重點聯合基金項目1項,北京市自然科學基金面上項目1項,北京市屬高等學校高層次人才引進與培養計劃項目1項,北京市組織部優秀人才培養資助項目1項,中國博士後科學基金面上項目1項,國家留學基金委資助項目1項,北京工商大學青年教師科研啟動基金項目1項。目前為中國教育發展戰略學會人工智能與機器人教育專業委員會常務理事,中國人工智能學會生物信息學與人工生命專委會委員,中國自動化學會、中國電子學會和中國人工智能學會高級會員,CCF YOCSEF委員,Optics Letters、Optics Communications、IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement等國際期刊審稿人,國家自然科學基金函評專家。







[1] Yu Wang*, Xi Liu, Chongchong Yu. Assisted Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Deep Learning and Multimodal Feature Fusion [J]. Complexity, 2021.

[2] Changchun Zhang, Qingjie Zhao, Yu Wang. Hybrid adversarial network for unsupervised domain adaptation[J]. Information Sciences, 2020, 514: 44-55. (SCI, EI)

[3] Changchun Zhang, Qingjie Zhao, Yu Wang. Transferable attention networks for adversarial domain adaptation[J]. Information Sciences, 2020, 539: 422-433. (SCI, EI)

[4] Yu Wang*, Changsheng Li, Ting Zhu, Jingyang Zhang. Multimodal brain tumor image segmentation using WRN-PPNet [J]. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 2019, 75: 56-65.(SCI, EI)

[5] Wang Yu*, Zhang Na, et al. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Gray Matter Based on XGBoost in Schizophrenia [J]. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2018, 17(4): 331-336. (SCI, EI)

[6] Yu Wang*, Na Zhang, Huaixin Yan. Using Local Edge Pattern Descriptors for Edge Detection [J]. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2018, 32(3): 1-16. (SCI, EI)

[7] Yu Wang*, Xiaomeng Chen, Qiang Cai, Haisheng Li. Common Green Plants Recognition Based on Wavelet Transformation and Varied Local Edge Patterns [J]. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2018, 32(12): 1850045-1-14. (SCI, EI))

[8] Yu Wang*, Yongsheng Zhao, et al. A varied local edge pattern descriptor and its application to texture classification. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2016, 34(1): 108-117. (SCI, EI)

[9] Yu Wang*, Huan Jiang. Three-dimensional reconstruction of microscopic images using different order intensity derivatives. Optical Engineering, 2015, 54(2): 023103-023103. (SCI, EI)

[10] Yu Wang*, Yongsheng Zhao, et al. Texture Classification Using Rotation Invariant Models on Integrated Local Binary Pattern and Zernike Moments. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2014, 182(1): 1-12. (SCI, EI)

[11] Yu Wang*, Qionghai Dai, et al. Blind deconvolution subject to sparse representation for fluorescence microscopy. Optics Communications, 2013, 286(1): 60-68. (SCI, EI)

[12] Yu Wang*, Dejian He, et al. Multimodal biometrics approach using face and ear recognition to overcome adverse effects of pose changes. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2012, 21(4): 043026-043026. (SCI, EI)

[13] Wang Yu*, Ji Xiangyang, Dai Qionghai. Fourth-order Oriented Partial-differential Equations for Noise Removal of Two-photon Fluorescence Images. Optics Letters, 2010, 35(17): 2943-2945. (SCI, EI)

[14] Wang Yu*, JI XiangYang, Dai QiongHai. Key Technologies of Light Field Capture for 3D Reconstruction in Microscopic Scene. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 2010, 53(10): 1917-1930. (SCI, EI)

[15] Yu Wang*, Changsheng Li, Ting Zhu, Chongchong Yu. A Deep Learning Algorithm for Fully Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation. In proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Budapest, Hungary, July 14th-19th, 2019. (EI)

[16] Yu Wang*, Huan Jiang. Light field creating and imaging with different order intensity derivatives. SPIE/COS Photonics Asia 2014: Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology III, Beijing, China, October 9-11, 2014. (EI)

[17] Yu Wang*, Zhichun Mu, Hui Zeng. Block-based and Multi-resolution Methods for Ear Recognition Using Wavelet Transform and Uniform Local Binary Patterns. The 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 08), Tampa, USA, 2008. (EI)

[18] 王瑜*, 穆志純, 付冬梅. 基於小波變換和規範型紋理譜描述子的人耳識別研究. 電子學報, 2010, 38(1): 239-243. (EI)


[1] 戴瓊海, 王瑜.一種微觀光場採集與三維重建方法及裝置. (授權)

[2] 戴瓊海, 王瑜. 一種圖像去噪方法(基於四階偏微分方程與對比度增強).(授權)

[3] 王瑜等. 基於盲反卷積和稀疏表示的熒光顯微圖像復原方法和裝置. (授權)

[4] 王瑜等. 一種人臉檢測與跟蹤方法及系統. (授權)

[5] 王瑜等. 相似圖像分類方法及系統. (授權)

[6] 王瑜等. 基於局部二值模式和Zernike矩的紋理圖像分類方法及系統. (授權)

[7] 王瑜等. 基於局部邊緣模式的紋理圖像分類方法及系統. (授權)

[8] 王瑜. 圖像局部邊緣模式與非邊緣模式判別方法及其判別裝置. (授權)

[9] 王瑜等. 基於圖像強度各階導數的熒光顯微圖像3D重建方法及裝置. (授權)

[10] 王瑜等. 基於空間變化點擴散函數的熒光顯微圖像重建方法及系統. (授權)

[11] 王瑜等. 基於複合正則化技術的熒光顯微圖像3D重建方法及裝置. (授權).

[12] 王瑜等. 一種基於多尺度多分辨率的方形算子邊緣提取方法及系統.(授權)

[13] 王瑜等. 基於改進的分裂Bregman算法的熒光顯微圖像復原方法和裝置.

[14] 王瑜. 一種基於顏色-形狀特徵的自動目標跟蹤方法及系統.

[15] 王瑜等. 一種基於圓形算子的圖像邊緣提取方法和裝置. (授權)

[16] 王瑜等. 基於多通路卷積神經網絡的圖像分類方法及系統.

[17] 王瑜等. 一種基於寬殘差金字塔池化網絡的圖像分類方法及系統. (授權)

[18] 王瑜等. 基於LP正則化的多任務學習分類方法與系統. (授權)

[19] 王瑜等. 基於視覺顯著性檢測的高紋理圖像分類方法及系統.

[20] 王瑜等. 基於分線性整數規劃的捲紙分切和排產優化方法及系統.

[21] 王瑜等. 全自動機械設備安裝泄露檢測方法及裝置. (授權)

[22] 王瑜等. 基於頻率調諧全局顯著度和深度學習的圖像分割方法及系統. (授權)

[23] 王瑜等. 綠色植物識別系統V1.0. 登記號: 2014SR177053.

[24] 王瑜等. 基於視頻文件的車牌分析系統V1.0. 登記號: 2014SR161214.

[25] 王瑜等. 熒光顯微圖像顯示與分析系統V1.0. 登記號: 2015SR150801.

[26] 王瑜等. 人臉識別門禁系統V1.0. 登記號: 2016SR235108.

[27] 王瑜等. 熒光顯微圖像顯示與分析系統V2.0. 登記號: 2016SR226823.

[28] 王瑜等. 捲紙分切系統軟件V1.0. 登記號: 2018SR150801.

[29] 王瑜等. 基於骨架與色調的鉛筆畫生成系統V1.0. 登記號: 2020SR1066143.

[30] 王瑜等. 阿爾茨海默病輔助診斷系統V1.0版. 登記號: 2020SR1066161.


[1] 融合結構和功能磁共振成像的阿爾茨海默型痴呆輔助鑑別關鍵技術研究, 國家自然科學基金面上資助項目(No. 61671028) (已結題);

[2] 熒光顯微樣本3D重建與分析關鍵技術研究, 國家自然科學基金面上資助項目(No. 61171068) (已結題) ;

[3] 基於多模態磁共振成像與深度學習的腦腫瘤輔助診斷關鍵技術研究,北京市自然科學基金-北京市教育委員會科技計劃重點項目聯合項目(No. KZ202110011015) (在研);

[4] 免於釋文解釋的精細圖像分類新方法研究, 北京市自然科學基金面上資助項目(No. 4162018) (已結題);

[5] 綠色植物物種識別關鍵技術研究, 北京市「高創計劃」青年拔尖人才支持計劃項目(No. 2014000026833ZK14) (已結題);

[6] 計算機視覺中從屬層對象分類關鍵技術研究, 北京市屬高等學校高層次人才引進與培養計劃項目(No.CIT&TCD201504010) (已結題);

[7] 3D光場顯微鏡基礎理論研究, 北京市優秀人才培養資助項目(No. 2012D005003000010) (已結題);

[8] 基於磁共振成像的腦部疾病的分析與診斷, 國家留學基金委公派高級研究學者及訪問學者資助項目(No. 201508110012) (已結題);

[9] 微觀光場高質量獲取與三維重建研究,中國博士後科學基金面上資助項目 (No. 20100480273) (已結題);

[10] 薄樣本顯微圖像3D重建與分析,北京工商大學青年教師科研啟動基金項目(No. QNJJ2012-22) (已結題)。


[1] 2018年,榮獲北京工商大學科學技術獎三等獎,排名第1;

[2] 2017年,榮獲北京工商大學研究生教育教學成果獎二等獎,排名第1;

[3] 2010年,成果《光場處理理論與光場系統》通過教育部科技成果鑑定,排名第10;

[4] 2019年,榮獲北京工商大學優秀研究生導師稱號;

[5] 連續4年指導研究生榮獲國家獎學金(2015 姜歡,2016 閆懷鑫,2017 張娜,2018 陳肖蒙),1人次榮獲北京工商大學和北京市普通高等學校優秀畢業生(2016 閆懷鑫);

[6] 2015年,院級優秀班主任,所帶班級榮獲校級優良學風班,北京市優秀班集體;

[7] 2018年,作為指導教師帶隊參加國際虛擬現實技術及應用創新大賽(IVRTC2018),榮獲國際三等獎1組,潛質獎1組,優秀指導教師稱號;

[8] 2014年,作為指導教師帶隊參加 「中國軟件杯」大學生軟件設計大賽,榮獲北京市一等獎1組,二等獎1組,全國優秀獎1組,最佳學校組織獎,以及優秀指導教師稱號;

[9] 2011年,作為指導教師參加全國大學生電子設計大賽,榮獲北京市二等獎1組。


[1] 2012-至今,IEEE (美國電氣與電子工程師協會),會員;

[2] 2013-至今,中國自動化學會,高級會員;

[3] 2015-至今,中國電子學會,高級會員;

[4] 2013-至今,中國人工智能學會,高級會員,生物信息學與人工生命專委會委員;

[5] 2019-至今,中國教育發展戰略學會人工智能與機器人教育專業委員會常務理事;

[6] 2013-至今,中國計算機學會 YOCSEF,委員;

[7] 2012-至今,國家自然基金函評專家;

[8] 2010-至今,Optics Letters、Optics Communications、IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement、Journal of Electronic Imaging等國際期刊審稿人;

[9] 2014.9-2016.2,國家自然科學基金委員會信息科學部兼聘。

Curriculum Vitae

Yu Wang

Email: wangyu@btbu.edu.cn

Tel.: +86-010- 68985506

Education and Employment

l Oct. 2019 ~ Present Professor, Beijing Technology and Business University, China

l Oct. 2012 ~ Sep. 2019 Associate Professor, Beijing Technology and Business University, China

l Jul. 2011 ~ Sep. 2012 Lecturer, Beijing Technology and Business University, China

l Apr. 2009 ~ Jun. 2011 Postdoctor, Tsinghua University, China

l Sep. 2005 ~ Jan. 2009 Ph. D., University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

l Feb. 2016 ~ Feb. 2017 Visiting Scholar, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Research Interests

l Image processing

l Pattern recognition

l Computer vision


Principal Investigator

l Key Technologies Research on 3D Reconstruction of Fluorescence Microscopic Specimen. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61171068)

l Key Technologies Research on aided discrimination of Alzheimer's disease fusing structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61671028)

l Key Technologies Research on Aided Diagnosis of Brain Glioma Based on Multi-model Magnetic Resonance and Deep Learning. Joint Project of Beijing Natural Science Foundation and Beijing Municipal Education Commission (No. KZ202110011015)

l New annotation-free methods research on fine-grained image categorization. Beijing Natural Science Foundation(No. 4162018)

l Analysis and Diagnosis for Human Brain Diseases based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Foundation of China Scholarship Council (No. 201508110012)

l Key Technologies Research on Object Categorization Belonging to Subordinate Level. The Importation and Development of High-Caliber Talents Project of Beijing Municipal Institutions (No. CIT&TCD201504010)

l Key Technologies Research on green plant recognition. Beijing Talents Fund (No. 2014000026833ZK14)

l Research on High-quality Acquisition and 3D Reconstruction for Microscopic Light Field. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 20100480273)

l Research on Basic Theories of 3D Light Field Microscope. Excellent Talents Training Foundation of Beijing (No. 2012D005003000010)

l 3D Reconstruction and Analysis on Microscopic Images of Thin Specimen. Research Foundation for Youth Scholars of Beijing Technology and Business University (No. QNJJ2012-22).


l Multi-dimension Media Perception and Understanding of Data Driven. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61035002)

l Research on Multimodal Biometrics Recognition Based on the Information Fusion of Face and Ear. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60573058)

l Research on Ear Recognition Technologies. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60375002)



[1] Yu Wang. Local edge pattern and its application. China, Beijing: Science Press, 2020.10.

[2] Yu Wang. 3D reconstruction technologies and applications of fluorescence microscopic images. China, Beijing: Science Press, 2015.10.

[3] Yu Wang. Multi-modal biometrics recognition based on face and ear. China, Beijing: Science Press, 2013.12.


[1] Yu Wang*, Xi Liu, Chongchong Yu. Assisted Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Deep Learning and Multimodal Feature Fusion [J]. Complexity, 2021.

[2] Zhang Changchun, Zhao Qingjie, Wang Yu. Hybrid adversarial network for unsupervised domain adaptation[J]. Information Sciences, 2020, 514: 44-55.

[3] Zhang Changchun, Zhao Qingjie, Wang Yu. Transferable Attention Networks for Adversarial Domain Adaptation. Information Sciences, 2020, 539: 422-433.

[4] Yu Wang*, Changsheng Li, Ting Zhu, Jingyang Zhang. Multimodal brain tumor image segmentation using WRN-PPNet. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 2019, 75: 56-65.

[5] Wang Yu*, Zhang Na, et al. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Gray Matter Based on XGBoost in Schizophrenia. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2018, 17(4): 331-336.

[6] Yu Wang*, Na Zhang, Huaixin Yan. Using Local Edge Pattern Descriptors for Edge Detection. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2018, 32(3): 1-16.

[7] Yu Wang*, Xiaomeng Chen, Qiang Cai, Haisheng Li. Common Green Plants Recognition Based on Wavelet Transformation and Varied Local Edge Patterns. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2018, 32(12): 1850045-1-14.

[8] Yu Wang*, Yongsheng Zhao, et al. A varied local edge pattern descriptor and its application to texture classification. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2016, 34(1): 108-117.

[9] Yu Wang*, Huan Jiang. Three-dimensional reconstruction of microscopic images using different order intensity derivatives. Optical Engineering, 2015, 54(2): 023103-023103.

[10] Yu Wang*, Yongsheng Zhao, et al. Texture Classification Using Rotation Invariant Models on Integrated Local Binary Pattern and Zernike Moments. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2014, 182(1): 1-12.

[11] Yu Wang*, Qionghai Dai, et al. Blind deconvolution subject to sparse representation for fluorescence microscopy. Optics Communications, 2013, 286(1): 60-68.

[12] Yu Wang*, Dejian He, et al. Multimodal biometrics approach using face and ear recognition to overcome adverse effects of pose changes. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2012, 21(4): 043026-043026.

[13] Wang Yu*, Ji Xiangyang, Dai Qionghai. Fourth-order Oriented Partial-differential Equations for Noise Removal of Two-photon Fluorescence Images. Optics Letters, 2010, 35(17): 2943-2945.

[14] Wang Yu*, JI XiangYang, Dai QiongHai. Key Technologies of Light Field Capture for 3D Reconstruction in Microscopic Scene. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences, 2010, 53(10): 1917-1930.

[15] Yu Wang*, Changsheng Li, Ting Zhu, Chongchong Yu. A Deep Learning Algorithm for Fully Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation. In proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Budapest, Hungary, July 14th-19th, 2019.

[16] Yu Wang*, Huan Jiang. Light field creating and imaging with different order intensity derivatives. SPIE/COS Photonics Asia 2014: Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology III, Beijing, China, October 9-11, 2014.

[17] Yu Wang*, Zhichun Mu, Hui Zeng. Block-based and Multi-resolution Methods for Ear Recognition Using Wavelet Transform and Uniform Local Binary Patterns. The 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tampa, USA, 2008.[1]
