王忠偉,男, 西南石油大學副教授。
2017.12~2018.6,Curtin University (Australia),訪問學者,研修沉積大地構造學
(1) 國家自然科學青年基金項目(42002132),羌塘沃若山地區那底崗日組火山-沉積序列與盆地開啟響應,2021.1-2023.12 負責人.
(2) 中國博士後科學基金項目(2019M663558),羌塘盆地東部晚三疊世古海洋演化及對有機質富集的控制,2019.11-2021.7 負責人.
(3) 頁岩油氣富集機理與有效開發國家重點實驗室開放基金項目(G5800-20-ZS-KFGY011),羌塘盆地中部早二疊世火山作用與黑色泥岩有機質富集的響應研究—來自岩心記錄的證據,2021.3-2022. 2. 負責人.
(4) 西南石油大學科研啟航計劃項目(2019QHZ001),晚三疊世-早侏羅世羌塘盆地反轉過程的源-匯演化規律,2020.1-2022.12. 負責人.
(5) 國家自然科學基金重大研究計劃(特提斯地球動力系統)重點項目(91955204),東特提斯演化在羌塘盆地的沉積響應及能源效應,2020.1-2023.12 主研.
(6) 國家第二次青藏高原綜合科學考察研究(2019QZKK080301),青藏高原重點海相盆地結構構造與油氣資源潛力評價,2019.11-2022.10. 主研.
1: Zhongwei Wang, Jian Wang, Fei Yu, Xiugen Fu, et al., Geochemical characteristics of Upper Triassic black mudstones in the Eastern Qiangtang Basin, Tibet: Implications for petroleum potential and depositional environment. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 207: 109180.
2: Zhongwei Wang, Fei Yu, Jian Wang, Xiugen Fu, et al., Palaeoenvironment evolution and organic matter accumulation of the Upper Triassic mudstones from the eastern Qiangtang Basin (Tibet), eastern Tethys. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2021, 130: 105113.
3: Zhongwei Wang, Jian Wang, Xiugen Fu, et al., Sedimentary successions and onset of the Mesozoic Qiangtang rift basin: Insights on the Paleo- and Meso-Tethys evolution. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 102: 657-679.
4: Zhongwei Wang, Jian Wang, Xiugen Fu, et al., Geochemistry of the Upper Triassic black mudstones in the Qiangtang Basin, Tibet: Implications for paleoenvironment, provenance, and tectonic setting. Journal of Asian Earth Science, 2018, 160: 118-135.
5: Zhongwei Wang, Jian Wang, Xiugen Fu, et al., Provenance and tectonic setting of the Quemoco sandstones in the North Qiangtang Basin, North Tibet: Evidence from geochemistry and detrital zircon geochronology. Geological Journal, 2018, 53: 1465-1481.
6: Zhongwei Wang, Jian Wang, Xiugen Fu, et al., Organic material accumulation of Carnian mudstones in the North Qiangtang Depression, eastern Tethys: Controlled by the paleoclimate, paleoe-environment, and provenance. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017, 88: 440-457.
7: Zhongwei Wang, Xiugen Fu, Xinglei Feng, et al., Geochemical features of the black shales from the Wuyu Basin, southern Tibet: Implications for paleoenvironment and plaleoclimate. Geological Journal, 2017, 52: 282-297.
8: Zhongwei Wang, Jian Wang, Xiugen Fu, et al., Petrography and geochemistry of upper Triassic sandstones from the Tumengela Formation in the Woruo Mountain area, North Qiangtang Basin, Tibet: Implications for provenance, source area weathering, and tectonic setting. Island Arc, 2017, 26: e12191.
9: 王忠偉,占王忠,高遠,等. 羌塘盆地北緣上三疊統藏夏河組沉積物源及構造背景分析. 地質論評, 2020, 66(5), 1199-1216.
10: 王忠偉, 王 劍, 付修根, 等. 藏北羌塘盆地井下布曲組含油白雲岩地球化學特徵及其意義. 地質通報, 2017, 36(4), 591-600.
11: Fei Yu, Xiugen Fu, Guang Xu, Zhongwei Wang, et al., Geochemistry characteristics, palynological investigation and organic matter accumulation of the Upper Triassic Bagong Formation from the North Qiangtang Basin, Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2019, 515: 23-33.
1. 王忠偉, 王劍, 付修根, 馮興雷, 占王忠, 萬友利. 中生代羌塘盆地的開啟及沉積充填序列:對古、中特提斯洋演化的啟示. 第十五屆全國古地理學及沉積學學術會議摘要集, 2018.[1]