

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋

王利超,女, 西南石油大學副教授。



2010.09 – 2015.06,南京大學,地質學,理學博士

2006.09 – 2010.06,中國地質大學(武漢),地質學基地班,理學學士


2022.12 – 至今,西南石油大學,地球科學與技術學院,副教授

2015.07 – 2022.11,西南石油大學,地球科學與技術學院,講師

2015.11 – 2016.05,英國劍橋大學,地球科學系,訪問學者









24、王利超, 周楊, 胡林輝, 張亞, 王柏智, 喬艷萍, 2022. 川西北下二疊統棲霞組斑馬狀白雲岩地球化學特徵及形成過程——以ST18井為例. 石油實驗地質 44, 647-654.

23、Wang, L., Hu, G., Zhao, D., Tan, X., Wang, H., 2022. Microbialites of terminal Ediacaran in the Upper Yangtze Platform, China: From mesoscopic to nanoscale. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 585, 110729.

22、Zhao, D., Tan, X., Hu, G., Wang, L., Wang, X., Qiao, Z., Luo, S., Tang, H., 2021. Characteristics and primary mineralogy of fibrous marine dolomite cements in the end-Ediacaran Dengying Formation, South China: Implications for aragonite–dolomite seas. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 581, 110635.

21、Xiong, Y., Wang, L., Tan, X., Liu, Y., Liu, M., Qiao, Z., 2021. Dolomitization of the Ordovician subsalt Majiagou Formation in the central Ordos Basin, China: fluid origins and dolomites evolution. Petroleum Science 18, 362-379.

20、蘆飛凡, 譚秀成, 王利超, 唐青松,肖笛, 董少峰, 蘇成鵬, 潘政屹, 2021. 川中地區中二疊統棲霞組灘控岩溶型白雲岩儲層特徵及主控因素. 沉積學報 39, 456-469.

19、Wang, L., Hu, W., Wang, X., Cao, J., Yao, S., 2020. Halogens (Cl, Br, and I) geochemistry in Middle Triassic carbonates: Implications for salinity and diagenetic alteration of I/(Ca + Mg) ratios. Chemical Geology 533, 119444.

18、Xiong, Y., Tan, X., Dong, G., Wang, L., Ji, H., Liu, Y., Wen, C., 2020. Diagenetic differentiation in the Ordovician Majiagou Formation, Ordos Basin, China: Facies, geochemical and reservoir heterogeneity constraints. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 191, 107179.

17、張耀續, 王利超, 譚秀成, 2020. 川北小南海剖面棲霞組岩石微相及沉積環境. 沉積學報 38, 1049-1060.

16、鍾壽康, 李凌, 譚秀成, 孫健, 王利超, 黃道軍, 侯雲東, 董少峰, 包洪平, 2020. 鄂爾多斯盆地中東部馬五段中粗晶白雲岩成因及成岩演化. 成都理工大學學報(自然科學版) 47, 691-710.

15、Hu, G., Liao, Z., Wang, L., Cao, J., Tan, X., 2019. Transient fluctuation in paleoclimate at the end of Permian: New constraints from paleosol carbonates in the Erlongkou section, Chongqing, southwestern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 173, 225-236.

14、Hu, G., Yang, R.F., Wang, L., Hu, W.X., Cao, J., 2019. Hydrocarbon potential and depositional environment of the Lower Cretaceous black mudstones and shales in the coastal Guangdong Province, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 99, 92-106.

13、Xiao, D., Zhang, B., Tan, X., Liu, H., Xie, J., Wang, L., Yang, X., Ma, T., 2018. Discovery of a shoal-controlled karst dolomite reservoir in the Middle Permian Qixia Formation, northwestern Sichuan Basin, Southwest China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation 36, 686-704.

12、王宏遠, 胡廣, 王利超, 羅思聰, 趙東方,2018. 四川盆地震旦系燈影組二段微生物岩特徵及成因——以南江楊壩剖面為例, 第十五屆全國古地理學及沉積學學術會議, 中國四川成都.

11、趙東方, 胡廣, 王利超, 李飛, 譚秀成, 2018. 新元古代末期淺層海水低氧和高Mg/Ca比特徵:以華南巫溪魚鱗剖面埃迪卡拉系燈影組二段鮞粒為例, 第十五屆全國古地理學及沉積學學術會議, 中國四川成都.

10、趙東方, 胡廣, 張文濟, 王利超, 李飛, 譚秀成, 連承波, 2018. 渝北巫溪魚鱗剖面燈影組鮞粒沉積特徵及其地質意義. 地質論評 64, 191-202.

9、Hu, Z., Hu, W., Wang, X., Lu, Y., Wang, L., Liao, Z., Li, W., 2017. Resetting of Mg isotopes between calcite and dolomite during burial metamorphism: Outlook of Mg isotopes as geothermometer and seawater proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 208, 24-40.

8、Tang, H., Kershaw, S., Liu, H., Tan, X., Li, F., Hu, G., Huang, C., Wang, L., Lian, C., Li, L., Yang, X., 2017. Permian-Triassic boundary microbialites (PTBMs) in southwest China: implications for paleoenvironment reconstruction. Facies 63, 1-23.

7、趙東方, 胡廣, 李世臨, 譚秀成, 王利超, 劉宏, 廖義沙, 龐謙, 萬虎, 劉明潔, 2016. 四川盆地東北緣震旦系沉積特徵及演化, 第十四屆全國古地理學及沉積學學術會議, 中國河南焦作.

6、王利超,胡文瑄,王小林,曹劍,吳海光,廖志偉,萬野,2016. 白雲岩化過程中鍶含量變化及鍶同位素分餾特徵與意義. 石油與天然氣地質37(4),464-472.

5、王利超,胡文瑄,王小林,曹劍,2015. 白雲岩化過程中鹵族元素的含量變化及意義,中國礦物岩石地球化學學會第15屆學術年會,中國吉林長春.

4、Wang, L., Hu, W., Wang, X., Cao, J., Chen, Q., 2014. Seawater normalized REE patterns of dolomites in Geshan and Panlongdong sections, China: Implications for tracing dolomitization and diagenetic fluids. Marine and Petroleum Geology 56, 63-73.

3、王利超,胡文瑄,王小林,2014. 下揚子宜興葛山三疊系周沖村組白雲岩化過程及元素地球化學響應.地球化學43(3),255-266.

2、王利超,胡文瑄,王小林,2013. 下揚子宜興葛山三疊系周沖村組白雲岩元素地球化學特徵,中國礦物岩石地球化學學會第14屆學術年會,中國江蘇南京, p. 544.

1、Hu, W., Wang, L., Wang, X., 2013. Dolomitization process and its effect on the behavior of trace elements in carbonate rocks. Goldschmidt 2013 Conference Abstracts, p. 1334[1]
