

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2013.9–2019.6 北京林業大學 生態學 博士

2009.9–2013.6 北京林業大學 野生動物與自然保護區管理 學士


2021.7至今 北京林業大學生態與自然保護學院 講師

2019.7–2021.6 中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所 博士後


2021-2023國家自然科學青年基金,32001186, 青藏高原植物功能性狀頻度分布特徵及其與生態系統功能的關係, 24萬, 在研, 主持

2019-2022 國家科技部基礎資源調查項目子課題,2019FY101303-1,農田濕地生態系統關鍵性狀調查, 120萬,在研,主持

2020-2023 國家自然科學基金面上項目,31971538,戈壁荒漠植物多樣性與土壤微生物關聯性及其生態機理, 在研,參加

2017-2020 國家科技部基礎資源調查項目,2017FY100200, 中國荒漠主要植物群落調查, 在研,參加


Wang, J., Li, M., Xu, L., Liu, C., Yan, P., & He, N. (2022). Divergent Abiotic Stressors Drive Grassland Community Assembly of Tibet and Mongolia Plateau. Frontiers in plant science, 12, 715730-715730.

Wang, J., Li, M., & Li, J. (2021). Soil pH and moisture govern the assembly processes of abundant and rare bacterial communities in a dryland montane forest. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 13(6), 862-870.

Wang, J., He, N., Wang, Y., Li, J., & Li, M. (2021). Divergent drivers determine soil bacterial β-diversity of forest and grassland ecosystems in Northwest China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 28, e01622.

Wang, J., Wang, Y., Li, M., He, N., & Li, J. (2021). Divergent roles of environmental and spatial factors in shaping plant β-diversity of different growth forms in drylands. Global Ecology and Conservation, 26, e01487.

Wang, J., Wang, Y., Li, M., Xu, L., He, N., Yan, P., ... & Li, J. (2021). Differential response of abundant and rare bacterial subcommunities to abiotic and biotic gradients across temperate deserts. Science of the Total Environment, 763, 142942.

Wang, J., Wang, Y., He, N., Ye, Z., Chen, C., Zang, R., ... & Li, J. (2020). Plant functional traits regulate soil bacterial diversity across temperate deserts. Science of The Total Environment, 715, 136976.

Wang, J., Wang, Y., Feng, J., Chen, C., Chen, J., Long, T., ... & Li, J. (2019). Differential responses to climate and land-use changes in threatened chinese taxus species. Forests, 10(9), 766.

王健銘,崔盼傑,鍾悅鳴,李景文,褚建民. 阿拉善高原植物區域物種豐富度格局及其環境解釋. 北京林業大學學報,2019,41(03):14-23.

Wang, J., Chen, C., Li, J., Feng, Y., & Lu, Q. (2019). Different ecological processes determined the alpha and beta components of taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity for plant communities in dryland regions of Northwest China. PeerJ, 6, e6220.

Wang, J., Chen, C., Ye, Z., Li, J., Feng, Y., & Lu, Q. (2018). Relationships between fungal and plant communities differ between desert and grassland in a typical dryland region of northwest China. Frontiers in microbiology, 2327.

王健銘,王文娟,李景文,馮益明,吳波,盧琦. 中國西北荒漠區植物物種豐富度分布格局及其環境解釋. 生物多樣性,2017,25(11):1192-1201.

Wang, J., Long, T., Zhong, Y., Li, J., Zhang, T., Feng, Y., & Lu, Q. (2017). Disentangling the influence of climate, soil and belowground microbes on local species richness in a dryland ecosystem of Northwest China. Scientific reports, 7(1), 1-11.

Wang, J., Zhang, T., Li, L., Li, J., Feng, Y., & Lu, Q. (2017). The patterns and drivers of bacterial and fungal β-diversity in a typical dryland ecosystem of northwest China. Frontiers in microbiology, 8, 2126.

王健銘,鍾悅鳴,張天漢,李景文,馮益明,盧琦. 中國黑戈壁地區植物物種豐富度格局的水熱解釋. 植物科學學報,2016,34(04):530-538.

王健銘,董芳宇,巴海·那斯拉,李景文,李俊清,馮益明,盧琦. 中國黑戈壁植物多樣性分布格局及其影響因素. 生態學報,2016,36(12):3488-3498.



