【狼山棘豆】,拉丁文名為【Oxytropis langshanica】,
名稱狀態為【被SP2000收錄,狀態為:Oxytropis langshanica為接受名】,國內分布區域為【內蒙古全球觀測記錄分布(數據來自GBIF)】。
名稱狀態:被SP2000收錄,狀態為:Oxytropis langshanica為接受名中文名:狼山棘豆形態描述:24. Oxytropis langshanica H. C. Fu, Fl. Intramongol., ed. 2. 3 672. 1989. 狼山棘豆 lang shan ji dou Herbs, acaulescent, 3-5 cm tall, from a multiheaded cau-dex, clothed with marcescent stipules and leaf bases, appressed gray villous. Stipules triangular, herbaceous, appressed villous with long trichomes, adnate to petiole, basally connate. Leaves 3-5 cm; rachis densely long hirsute; leaflets verticillate or some-times subverticillate, in 2-5 whorls, 3 or 4 blades per whorl or merely opposite; leaflet blades linear to linear-lanceolate, 4-8 × 1-1.5 mm, both surfaces appressed pilose with long trichomes, base rounded, margin usually involute, apex acute. Racemes 1-3-flowered; peduncle obsolete or to 3 cm, shorter than leaves, densely whitish villous; bracts ovate, ca. 4 mm, densely whitish villous, apex obtuse. Calyx cylindric, 10-15 × 2-4 mm, white hirsute; lobes lanceolate, 3-5 × ca. 0.5 mm. Corolla purple; standard 2.1-3.2 cm, lamina rhombic, apex emarginate; wings 1.8-2 cm, lamina obliquely oblong, apex obtuse; keel ca. 1.6 cm, beak ca. 2 mm. Legume sessile, ovoid, ellipsoid, or oblong-ovoid, 1.6-2.3 × 0.8-1 cm, leathery to thinly leathery, densely hirtellous. Fl. and fr. May-Jun.● Sandy deserts. Nei Mongol. From Flora of China FOC Vol. 10 Page 456, 464, 468國內分布:內蒙古全球觀測記錄分布(數據來自GBIF)。[1]