

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2007.9-2011.6 中國科學院大氣物理研究所 水文氣象學專業 聯合培養博士

2006.9-2011.6 北京交通大學        計算數學專業   理學博士

2002.9-2006.6 安陽師範學院        應用數學專業   理學學士


2017.1-至今 北京師範大學陸地表層系統科學與可持續發展研究院 教學科研

2011.8-2016.12 北京師範大學全球變化與地球系統科學研究院   教學科研




科技部第二次青藏綜合科學考察項目:「安全屏障功能與優化體系」; 2019-2024; 專題五第三子課題參與

國家自然科學基金重點項目:「中國陸表氣候觀測數據的漸變型不均一性」; 2020-2024;子課題主持

中科院大氣所LASG開放基金: 「陸面模式參數優化及其對蒸散發估算的應用研究」; 2019-2020; 主持

國家青年科學基金項目: 「擬三維地下水模型與通用陸面模式(CoLM)的耦合研究」; 2014-2016; 主持

北京市優秀人才培養資助項目:「基於北京天氣系統的WRF模式參數化方案組合優化研究」; 2013-2014; 主持

中央高校基本科研基金:「擬三維地下水模型與陸面過程模式的區域耦合研究」; 2013-2014; 主持

中科院大氣所LASG開放基金: 「陸面模式CLM4.0的參數敏感性分析研究」; 2013-2014; 主持



  • Li, M., Di, Z.*, Duan, Q. (2021). Effect of sensitivity analysis on parameter optimization: case study based onstreamflow simulations using the SWAT model in China. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 603, 126896
  • Wang, X., Di, Z.*, Li, M., et al. (2021). Satellite-derived variation in burned area in China from 2001 to 2018 and its response to climatic factors. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 1287.
  • Di, Z., Ye, A., Duan, Q., et al. (2021). Assessment of parametric sensitivity analysis methods based on a quasi two- dimensional groudwater model. Joural of Environmental Informatics, 37(1): 62-78.
  • Di, Z., Duan, Q., Shen, C., et al. (2020). Improving WRF typhoon precipitation and intensity simulation using a surrogate-based automatic parameter optimization method. Atmosphere, 11: 89.
  • Zhang, C., Di, Z.*, Duan, Q., et al. (2020). Improved land evapotranspiration simulation of the Community Land Model using a surrogate-based automatic parameter optimization method. Water, 12:943.
  • Di, Z., Ao, J., Duan, Q., et al. (2019). Improving WRF model turbine-height wind-speed forecasting using a surrogate- based automatic optimization method. Atmospheric Research, 226(9): 1-16.
  • Di, Z., Gong, W., Gan, Y., et al. (2019). Combinatorial optimization for WRF physical parameterization schemes: A case study of three-day typhoon simulations over the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Atmosphere,10(5): 233.
  • Di, Z., Duan, Q., Wang, C., Ye, A. ,&Gong, W. (2018). Assessing the applicability of WRF optimal parameters under the different precipitation simulations in the Greater Beijing Area. Clim. Dyn. 50: 1927-1948.
  • Di, Z., Duan, Q., Gong, W.,et al.(2017). Parametric sensitivity analysis of precipitation and temperature based on multi-uncertainty quantification methods in the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Sci. China Earth Sci. 60(5): 876-898.
  • Duan, Q., Di, Z., Quan, J., et al.(2017). Automatic model calibration - a new way to improve numerical weather forecasting. B. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 98(5): 959-970.
  • Quan, J., Di, Z., Duan, Q.,et al.(2016). An evaluation of parametric sensitivities of different meteorologicalvariables simulated by the WRF model. Q. J. Roy.Meteor.Soc.142(700): 2925-2934.
  • Di, Z., Duan, Q., Gong, W., et al.(2015). Assessing WRF model parameter sensitivity: A case study with 5 daysummer precipitation forecasting in the Greater Beijing Area. Geophys.Res. Lett. 42(2):579-587.
  • Di, Z., Luo, Z., Xie, Z., et al.(2012). An optimizing implicit difference scheme based on proper orthogonaldecomposition for the two-dimensional unsaturated soil water flow equation. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fl. 68(10):1324-1340.
  • 狄振華, 謝正輝, 陳亞寧. (2021). 塔里木河下游長期輸水條件下河流剖面地下水埋深估算. 乾旱區地理, 44(3): 659-669.[1]
