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拉丁學名:Flacourtia mollis

J. D. Hooker & Thomson




亞 綱:原始花被亞綱


亞 目:山茶亞目




毛葉刺籬木(máo yè cì lí mù),學名 Flacourtia mollis J. D. Hooker & Thomson,大風子科刺籬木屬喬木,小喬木或灌木,3-4米(? 或更多)高,顯然無刺; 小枝多少具銹色短柔毛,毛開展,相當長。葉柄5-10毫米,略粗,密被有毛,毛開展,帶褐色,直,長(0.5-1毫米); 葉片卵形到卵狀橢圓形, 11-18 * 4.5-7.5厘米,厚紙質,背面整個具的軟的短柔毛, 觸摸時柔軟, 毛開展和長(0.5-1毫米), 除近的葉柄頂之外的正面無毛,產雲南緬甸也有分布。 [1]


小喬木或灌木,3-4米(? 或更多)高,顯然無刺; 小枝多少具銹色短柔毛,毛開展,相當長。葉柄5-10毫米,略粗,密被有毛,毛開展,帶褐色,直,長(0.5-1毫米);

葉片卵形到卵狀橢圓形, 11-18 * 4.5-7.5厘米,厚紙質,背面整個具的軟的短柔毛, 觸摸時柔軟, 毛開展和長(0.5-1毫米), 除近的葉柄頂之外的正面無毛,中脈在上面凹陷;

側脈4-6 對,突出,基部寬銳尖到圓形,邊緣淺鋸齒到細鋸齒,全緣至基部,先端鈍,收縮至狹漸尖頭1-2厘米,最頂端鈍。多數花序腋生,總狀具軸約1厘米,或退化為團傘花序或束簇;

軸濃密有毛,出現近具剛毛在10倍下,毛開展,長約0.5毫米; 苞片卵形到披針形,1-2毫米,兩面稀疏具剛毛。 花梗長約1毫米在雌花,在雄花(很少標本可見)的長約3毫米,具剛毛。

萼片4-6,卵形,1-1.5毫米,大小不等,兩面和邊緣疏生具剛毛,或正面近無毛,先端銳尖。雄花 雄蕊花絲3-4毫米,無毛。 雌花 瓶形的子房,1.5-2毫米,無毛;

花柱合生為短柱狀的長約0.5毫米; 柱頭4-6,輻射狀,,扁平腎形。 乾果長圓形多邊形到倒卵球形多邊形,約1厘米(?未發育完全),具縱向的角。

Small trees or shrubs, 3-4 m (?or more) tall, apparently unarmed; branchlets ± rusty pubescent, hairs spreading, rather long.

Petiole 5-10 mm, stoutish, densely hairy, hairs spreading, brownish, straight, long (0.5-1 mm); leaf blade ovate to ovate-elliptic, 11-18 × 4.5-7.5 cm, thickly papery, abaxially softly pubescent throughout, soft to the touch, hairs spreading and long (0.5-1 mm), adaxially glabrous except near petiole apex, midvein impressed above, lateral veins 4-6 pairs, prominent abaxially, base broadly acute to rounded, margin shallowly serrate to serrulate, entire toward base, apex obtuse, contracting to a narrow acumen 1-2 cm, extreme tip obtuse.

Inflorescences mostly axillary, racemose with axis ca. 1 cm, or reduced to glomerules or fascicles; rachises densely hairy, appearing nearly bristly at × 10 mag., hairs spreading, ca. 0.5 mm; bracts ovate to lanceolate, 1-2 mm, both surfaces sparsely bristly.

Pedicels ca. 1 mm in pistillate flowers, ca. 3 mm in staminate flowers (few specimens seen), bristly. Sepals 4-6, ovate, 1-1.5 mm, unequal in size, both sides and margin sparsely bristly, or adaxially nearly glabrous, apex acute.

Staminate flowers: stamen filaments 3-4 mm, glabrous. Pistillate flowers: ovary bottle-shaped, 1.5-2 mm, glabrous; styles connate into a short column ca. 0.5 mm; stigmas 4-6, radiating, recurved, flattened-reniform. Dried fruit oblong-polygonal to obovoid-polygonal, to ca. 1 cm (?immature), longitudinally angled.


Mountain forests; 1000-1700 m. Yunnan [Myanmar]. 山地森林;1000-1700米。雲南 [緬甸 ]。


Flacourtia mollis is sometimes misidentified as the Indian en- demic F. montana J. Graham. The two species can be distinguished by the abaxial indumentum of the leaf: in F. mollis , it is softly hairy throughout; in F. montana, it is sparsely hairy only along the midvein and lateral veins. Gatherings of F. mollis seem scarce; more material is required to confirm and improve the above description.

Flacourtia mollis有時被錯誤鑑定為印度的本地種F. montana J. Graham.。兩種可以按葉的背面的毛被區分: F. mollis,它全部具軟毛;F. montana,只沿着中脈和側脈是疏生有毛。F. mollis的採集好像不足;更多的材料被要求確認並且改進上述描述。


  1. 毛葉刺籬木, 植物智, 2020-01-18