1.劉伊萌,楊賽霓*,王運濤,劉曉燕,張馨文,朱羽遙. 基於CADDIES-2D的北京城區暴雨洪澇模擬及驗證分析[J]. 水電能源科學,2021
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4.Yao, Kezhen, Saini Yang*, Jiting Tang. Rapid Assessment of Seismic Intensity Based on Sina Weibo—A Case Study of the Changning Earthquake in Sichuan Province, China.International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2021).
5.Han, Chuanliang, Saini Yang*, et al. Mechanisms of recurrent outbreak of COVID-19: a modelbased study. Nonlinear Dynamics (2021).
6.Liu, X., Yang, S., Ye, T.*, An, R., & Chen, C. (2021). A new approach to estimating flood-affected populations by combining mobility patterns with multi-source data: A case study of Wuhan, China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 55, 102106.
7.Tang, Jiting, Saini Yang*, Weiping Wang.Social Media-based Disaster Research: Development, Trends, and Obstacles,International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (2021).Volume 55, 102095.
8.Hu, F., Yang, S.* & Thompson, R.G. Resilience-Driven Road Network Retrofit Optimization Subject to Tropical Cyclones Induced Roadside Tree Blowdown. Int J Disaster Risk Sci 12, 72–89 (2021).
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10.Jiting, Tang, Yang, Saini* & Wang, Weiping. Review of the Application of Social Media Data in Disaster Research[C]. In proceedings of Modern Management based on Big Data, Beijing, 2020:74-82.
11.Liu Y , Yang S* , Han C , et al. Variability in Regional Ecological Vulnerability: A Case Study of Sichuan Province, China[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk ence, 2020:1-13.
12.Zhu, Y.-Y.; Yang, S*. Evaluation of CMIP6 for Historical Temperature and Precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau and Its Comparison with CMIP5. Advances in Climate Change Research 2020, S1674927820300617.
13.Zhu, Y.; Yang, S*. Interdecadal and Interannual Evolution Characteristics of the Global Surface Precipitation Anomaly Shown by CMIP5 and CMIP6 Models. Int J Climatol 2020, joc.6756. .6756.Han C , Liu Y , Tang J , et al. Lessons from the Mainland of China's Epidemic Experience in the First Phase about the Growth Rules of Infected and Recovered Cases of COVID-19 Worldwide[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk ence, 2020(6).
14.劉伊萌, 楊賽霓*, 倪維, et al. 生態斑塊重要性綜合評價方法研究——以四川省為例[J]. 生態學報, 2020,40(11).
15.張新龍,楊賽霓*,賈梁。中國極端高溫未來情景下的公路暴露度分析. 災害學, 2020 35(2) 224-229.
16.Wang, W., Yang S.*, Gao J., Hu, F., Zhao, W., Stanley, H. E.(2020) An integrated approach for impact assessment of large-scale future floods on the road transport system. Risk Analysis.
17.Yaqiao Wu, Xiaoye Wang, Jingyan Wu, Rui Wang, Saini Yang*.(2020)Performance of heat-health warning systems in Shanghai evaluated by using local heat-related illness data. Science of the Total Environment
18.Wang, W., Yang, S.*, Stanley, H. E. , Gao J. (2019). Local floods induce global abrupt failures of road networks. Nature Communications, doi: s41467-019-10063-w
19.Xuechi Zhang, Ali Haghani*, Saini Yang. (2019) Is dynamic traffic sensor network profitable for network-level real-time information prediction? Transportation Research Part C, ,102, 32-59.
20.吳競妍,楊賽霓*,倪維.中國綜合減災示範社區的發展演變與創建成效評價.災害學,2019,34( 3) : 184 - 188.
21.Lucas, Klaus, Renn, Otwin, Jaeger, Carlo*, Yang, Saini. (2018) Systemic Risks: A Homomorphic Approach on the Basis of Complexity Science. Int J Disaster Risk Sci 9: 292.
22.Wang, W., Yang, S.*, Hu, F., Stanley, H. E., He, S., Shi, M. (2018). An approach for cascading effects within critical infrastructure systems. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 510, 164-177.
23.Wang, W., Yang, S.*, Hu, F., Han, Z., & Jaeger, C. (2018). An agent-based modeling for housing prices with bounded rationality. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1113, No. 1, p. 012014). IOP Publishing. (EI)
24.Shi, Peijun, Saini Yang* et al. Fourteen Actions and Six Proposals for Science and Technology - Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia. Int J Disaster Risk Sci (2018) 9:275–279.
25.Yang, Saini, Fuyu Hu* et al. Criticality ranking for components of a transportation network at risk from tropical cyclones. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Feb 2018. DOI:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.02.017
26.劉曉剛,張文慧,楊賽霓*.珠海市家庭自然災害適應性行為及其影響因素.災害學(2018) Vol.30.29-36.
27.Hu, Fuyu, Saini Yang* et al. Integrated optimization for shelter service area demarcation and evacuation route planning by a ripple-spreading algorithm. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.· June 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.06.006
28.Shi, Peijun, Saini Yang, et al. Green Development and Integrated Risk Governance. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. June 2017, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp 231–233.
29.Fang, Jiayi, Liu, Wei, Yang, Saini, Brown, Sally, Nicholls, Robert, Hinkel, Jochen, Shi, Xianwu and Shi, Peijun* (2017) Spatial-temporal changes of coastal and marine disasters risks and impacts in Mainland China Ocean and Coastal Management, 139, pp. 125-140. (doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.02.003 )
30.Yang, Saini*, Ying, Guofan et al. Modeling of adverse impact of rainstorm on a regional transport network. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (2016),7:77-87.
31.Wang, Weiping, Yang, Saini* et al. An Integrated Optimization Model for Shelter Allocation and Evacuation Routing with Consideration for Reliability. Transportation Research Record (2016), Vol. 2599, pp. 33-42.
32.孟永昌,楊賽霓*,史培軍,王鑄. 巨災對全球貿易的影響評估.災害學, 2016, 31(4).
33.Hu, Fuyu, Chi Ho Yeung, Saini Yang* et al. Recovery of infrastructure networks after localized attacks. Scientific Report (2016), Article number: 24522, DOI: 10.1038/srep24522.
34.Yang, Saini, Hu, Fuyu*, Jaeger, Carlo. Impact Factors and Risk Analysis of Tropical Cyclones on a Highway Network. Risk Analysis (2016), Volume 36, Issue 2, Pages 262–277.(TOP)
35.Yang Saini*, Juan Du, Shuai He, Xiaohua Sun. The emerging vulnerable population of the urbanisation resulting from post-disaster recovery of the Wenchuan earthquake. Natural Hazards (2015), 75, 2103-2118.
36.Yang Saini*, Shuai He, Juan Du, Xiaohua Sun. Screening of social vulnerability to natural hazards in China. Natural Hazards (2015), 76, 1-18.
37.Li Shuangshuang, Saini Yang*, Xianfeng Liu, Yanxu Liu and Mimi Shi. NDVI-Based Analysis on the Influence of Climate Change and Human Activities on Vegetation Restoration on the Loess Plateau in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Region in Central China. Remote Sensing, 2015, 7(9), 11163-11182.
38.Yongchang Meng, Saini Yang, Peijun Shi*, Carlo Jaeger. The asymmetric impact of natural disasters on China's bilateral trade. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 2273-2281, 2015.
39.Xianwu Shi, Shan Liu, Saini Yang, Qinzheng Liu*, Jun Tan, Zhixing Guo (2015). Spatial–temporal distribution of storm surge damage in the coastal areas of China. Natural Hazards, online June, 2015.
40.Liu Min, Ming Wang*, Saini Yang, Peijun Shi. Incorporating Triggering and Environmental Factors in the Analysis of Earthquake-Induced Landslide Hazards. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 2015, Vol.5 (2), pp 125-135.
41.李雙雙, 楊賽霓*, 劉憲鋒,等.2008年中國南方低溫雨雪冰凍災害網絡建模及演化機制研究[J].地理研究,2015,34(10):1887-1896.
42.李雙雙, 楊賽霓*, 劉憲鋒.1960-2013年秦嶺—淮河南北極端降水時空變化特徵及其影響因素[J].地理科學進展,2015,34(3):354-363.
43.李雙雙, 楊賽霓*, 劉憲鋒.1960-2013年北京旱澇變化特徵及其影響因素分析[J].自然資源學報,2015,30(6):952-962.
44.李雙雙, 楊賽霓*, 張東海,等.近54年京津冀地區熱浪時空變化特徵及影響因素[J].應用氣象學報,2015,26(5):545-554.
45.李雙雙, 楊賽霓*, 劉憲鋒.西南地區水稻虧缺率時空變化特徵及其影響因素[J].生態學報,2015,doi: 10.5846/stxb201503290603.
46.賀 帥, 楊賽霓*, 汪偉平, 石蜜蜜. 中國自然災害社會脆弱性時空格局演化研究[J]. 北京師範大學學報(自然科學版), 2015, 51(3) : 299-305.
47.石蜜蜜,楊賽霓*,賀帥,杜娟,孫小華. 災後重建中的資金來源及有效性對比研究--以美國綠堡鎮與中國汶川災區南壩鎮為例. 北京師範大學學報, 2015, 51(2), 160-163.
48.李雙雙, 楊賽霓*,劉憲鋒.北非Sahel地區夏季降水異常對華北平原旱澇指示意義[J].自然災害學報,2015.Vol. 5, pp.47-56.
49.李雙雙, 楊賽霓*,劉焱序,等.1960-2013年京津冀地區乾旱-暴雨-熱浪災害時空聚類特徵[J].地理科學,2015.
50.李雙雙, 楊賽霓*. 1960-2014年北京極端氣溫事件變化特徵[J]地理科學,2015.
51.Hu Fuyu, Saini Yang*, Wei Xu. A non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for the location and districting planning of earthquake shelters. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2014, 28(7): 1482-1501.
52.孟永昌,楊賽霓*, 史培軍. 基於改進遺傳算法的路網應急疏散多目標優化.武漢大學學報(信息科學版), 2014, Vol 39(20):201-205.
53.Saini Yang* and Wu, Dan (2013). Transportation energy consumption and energy security in China. Editors: A. Gheorghe, M. Masera, K. Polinpapilinho, 2013. Infranomics. Springer-Verlag.
54.Yang, Saini*, Jiayuan Ye, Xuechi Zhang and Hao Liu. Study of the impact of rainfall on freeway traffic flow in Southeast China. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 2012, Vol.8, pp. 230-241.
55.Wang, Ming, Chuan Liao, Saini Yang and Peijun Shi. Are people willing to buy disaster insurance in China. Risk Analysis, 2012, Vol.32(10), pp. 1717-1740.(SCI-top)
1.Yang, Saini*, Liang Zong and Yuanqing Wang. Review on the Research of Highway Bridges Seismic Damage Assessment, Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012. Vol. 93, pp.1224-1230.(EI)
2.Yang, Saini*, Xuechi Zhang and Jiayuan Ye. Reliability Analysis of Highway Evacuation Network Post-Earthquake Disaster. Publisher: ASCE. Proceeding of ICTPA 2012. pp.401-412. (EI)
3.Masoud Hamedi, Ali Haghani, Saini Yang. Reliable Transportation of Humanitarian Supplies in Disaster Response: Model and Heuristic. Proceeding of EWGT 2012, 15th Meeting of the Euro Working Group on Transportation. Paris, France. (國際會議)
4.Liu, Hao, Xiao-Bing Hu, Saini Yang, Ke Zhang, Ezequiel Di Paolo, Application of Complex Network Theory and Genetic Algorithm in Route Networks, Transportation Research Record, 2011, Vol.2214, pp. 50-58.(SCI)
5.Yang, Saini*, Weifeng Ma. A Hierarchical Model for Relief Distribution after Earthquake Disaster. Publisher: ASCE. Proceeding of ICCTP, 2011, Section: Transportation Logistics, pp. 3706-3717.(EI)
6.宗亮, 王元清, 楊賽霓*, 施剛. 基於HAZUS平台的中國公路橋樑震害評估模型研究. 土木工程學報, 2014, vol 47. 263-268.
7.葉佳緣,楊賽霓*,劉浩, 降雨對小型車高速公路旅行時間的影響研究,公路交通科技 (學術版), 2012 Vol. 29 (11): 135-139,158
8.吳丹,楊賽霓*, 考慮優先權的人群安全疏散動態模型, 中國安全科學學報, Vol.22(2), pp.56~62, 2012.
9.楊賽霓*,馬衛峰. 地震次生滑坡災害下的公路應急物流配送研究. 公路交通科技 (學術版).Vol.7, pp.70-75, 2011 .
10.馬衛峰,楊賽霓*,潘耀忠,龐西磊. 自然災害下的應急物流協調研究. 北京師範大學學報(自然科學版), 2011, 51(3) : 299-305.
11.沐連順,張鵬,楊賽霓*,汪明,金贇贇. 國外電力企業風險管理典型案例及其啟示。中國電力.2012(5),91-96 (中文核心)
12.沐連順,張鵬,楊賽霓*,汪明,陳一銘. 國外企業風險管理進展對我國電力行業的啟示。電網技術.2011(35), 898-905(中文核心)
1.2021年 軟著登字第2021SR0501275: 地震致災因子快速評估軟件
2.2021年 軟著登字第2021SR0520426: 颱風致災因子快速評估軟件
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2.2014年 北京市 北京市科學技術獎 二等獎
3.2014年 北京師範大學 教學成果 一等獎
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5.2016 - 目前 聯合國減災署亞太科技委 委員 Asia-Pacific Science and Technology Advisory Group-UNDRR [1]