北京大學流行病與衛生統計學博士;北京大學生育健康研究所副所長,國家衛健委生育健康重點實驗室副主任;中國優生科學協會-環境與生育健康分會主任委員,中國環境誘變劑學會-環境與生育健康專委會副主任委員;《International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health》、《中國生育健康雜誌》編委。
1. 北京市自然科學基金面上項目,孕早期血清銅水平與婦女脂質代謝及自發性早產發生風險關係的研究(7222248),2022/01-2024/12,主持
2. 國家自然科學金面上項目,多環芳烴複合暴露致胎兒神經管缺陷的協同效應及毒性機制研究(81973056),2020/01-2023/12,主持
3. 科技部重點研發計劃應急專項課題,新冠肺炎流行對孕婦不良妊娠結局的影響(2020YFC0846300),2020/04-2021/06,主持
4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,多環芳烴誘發自發性早產的效應與機制以及葉酸的保護作用(81673177),2017/01-2020/12,主持
5. 國家自然科學基金中英交流項目,神經管缺陷的重要環境和遺傳因素(81511130088),2015/04-2017/12,主持
6. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,孕早期被動吸煙致胎兒神經管缺陷發生的風險及機制研究(81373014),2014/01-2017/12,主持
7. 科技部國家重點研發計劃課題,環境和表觀遺傳變化在結構性出生缺陷發生中的作用和致病機制(2021YFC2701001),2021/12-2024/11,骨幹
8. 科技部國家重點研發計劃課題,環境因素導致重要器官發育異常的關鍵環節(2016YFC1000501),2016/07-2021/06,骨幹
1. Xu R, Meng X, Pang Y, An H, Wang B, Zhang L, Ye R, Ren A, Li Z*, Gong J*. Associations of maternal exposure to 41 metals/metalloids during early pregnancy with the risk of spontaneous preterm birth: Does oxidative stress or DNA methylation play a crucial role? Environ Int. 2022 Jan;158:106966. SCI收錄IF2021= 9.621/Q1;
2. Jia X, Zhang L, Zhao J, Ren M, Li Z, Wang J, Wang S, Liu Y, An H, Li Y, Yan L, Li Z*, Liu X*, Pan B*, Ye R. Associations between endocrine-disrupting heavy metals in maternal hair and gestational diabetes mellitus: A nested case-control study in China. Environ Int. 2021 Dec;157:106770. SCI收錄IF2021= 9.621/Q1;
3. Ren M, Jia X, Shi J, Yan L, Li Z, Lan C, Chen J, Li N, Li K, Huang J, Wu S, Lu Q, Li Z*, Wang B*, Liu J. Simultaneous analysis of typical halogenated endocrine disrupting chemicals and metal(loid)s in human hair. Sci Total Environ. 2020 May 20;718:137300. SCI收錄IF2019= 6.5519/Q1;
4. Liu J, Li Z*, Ye R, Ren A, Liu J. Folic acid supplementation and risk for congenital limb reduction defects in China. Int J Epidemiol. 2019 Dec 1;48(6):2010-2017.SCI收錄IF2019 = 7.339/Q1;
5. Yu Y, Gao M, Wang X, Guo Y, Pang Y, Yan H, Hao Y, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Ye R, Wang B*, Li Z*. Recommended acceptable levels of maternal serum typical toxic metals from the perspective of spontaneous preterm birth in Shanxi Province, China. Sci Total Environ. 2019 Oct 10;686:599-605. SCI收錄IF2019= 6.5519/Q1;
6. Wang B#*, Zhu Y#, Yan L, Zhang J, Wang X, Cheng H, Li Z*, Ye R, Ren A. Association of maternal chronic arsenic exposure with the risk of neural tube defects in Northern China. Environ Int. 2019 May;126:222-227. SCI收錄IF2019= 7.943/Q1;
7. Li Z, Wang B*, Huo W, Liu Y, Zhu Y, Xie J, Li Z*, Ren A. Are concentrations of alkaline earth elements in maternal hair associated with risk of neural tube defects? Sci Total Environ. 2017 Dec 31;609:694-700. SCI收錄IF2017 =4.900/Q1;
8. Huo W, Zhu Y, Li Z, Pang Y, Wang B, Li Z*. A pilot study on the association between rare earth elements in maternal hair and the risk of neural tube defects in north China. Environ Pollut. 2017 Jul; 226:89-93. SCI收錄IF2017 = 5.099/Q1;
9. Li Z, Mei Z, Zhang L, Li H, Zhang Y, Li N, Ye R, Ren A, Liu JM, Serdula MK. Effects of Prenatal Micronutrients Supplementation on Spontaneous Preterm Birth: Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial in China. Am J Epidemiol. 2017 Aug 1;186(3):318-325. SCI收錄IF2017 = 4.825/Q1;
10. Li Z, Ye R, Zhang L, Li H, Liu J, Ren A. Periconceptional folic acid supplementation and the risk of preterm births in China: a large prospective cohort study. Int J Epidemiol. 2014 Aug;43(4):1132-9. SCI收錄IF2014 = 9.197/Q1;[1]