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國 籍 ---- 中國

職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者


職 稱 ---- 教授




1984 - 1988年 南開大學物理系 大學本科

1988 - 1991年 南開大學物理系 碩士研究生

1991 - 1994年 南開大學物理系 博士研究生


1994 - 1996年 南開大學物理系 講師

1996 - 2001年 南開大學物理系 副教授

2001 – 至今 南開大學物理系 教授







國家自然科學基金資助項目:複雜嵌段共聚物體系自組裝形態結構的模擬退火研究(20774052). 2008年1月至2010年12月; 項目負責人。


國家自然科學基金資助項目:嵌段共聚物自組裝形態結構及其受限結晶行為的模擬退火研究(20474034). 2005年1月至2007年12月; 項目負責人。

國家自然科學基金資助項目:軟態核磁共振波譜研究具有殘餘偶極相互作用的高分子材料. 2004年1月至2006年12月;主要參加人。

國家自然科學基金資助項目:軟態NMR波譜研究智能凝膠結構和相轉變機理. 2003年1月至2003年12月;主要參加人。


教育部《高等學校骨幹教師資助計劃》項目:分子篩中催化反應的原位核磁共振與分子模擬研究. 2000年1月至2002年12月;項目負責人。

國家自然科學基金資助項目:改性分子篩中催化活性中心的二維多量子原位核磁共振研究. 1999年1月至2001年12月;主要參加人。

國家自然科學基金資助項目:新型分子篩催化材料的分子設計與生成機理研究. 1997年1月至1999年12月; 項目負責人。


27. Minglin Ma*, Edwin L. Thomas, Gregory C. Rutledge, Bing Yu, Baohui Li*, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-Chang Shi, "Gyroid-Forming Diblock Copolymers Confined in Cylindrical Geometry: A Case of Extreme Makeover for Domain Morphology", Macromolecules. 2010, 43, in press

26. Weixin Kong, Baohui Li*, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-Chang Shi*, "Complex Micelles from Self-Assembly of ABA Triblock Copolymers in B-Selective Solvents", Langmuir. 2009, in press

25. Weixin Kong, Baohui Li*, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-Chang Shi*, "Helical Vesicles, Segmented Semi-Vesicles and Noncircular Bilayer Sheets from Solution-State Self-Assembly of ABC Miktoarm Star Terpolymers", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 8503-8512. PDF

24. Yuhua Yin, Run Jiang, Baohui Li*, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-Chang Shi*,"Self-Assembly of Grafted Y-Shaped ABC Triblock Copolymers in Solutions", J. Chem. Phys. 2008, 129, 154903. PDF

23. Run Jiang, Qinghua Jin, Baohui Li*, Datong Ding, Robert A. Wickham and An-Chang Shi*, "Phase Behavior of Gradient Copolymers", Macromolecules 2008, 41, 5457-5465. PDF

22. Bin Yu, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding, Baohui Li* and An-Chang Shi*, "Confinement-induced Morphologies of Cylinder-forming Asymmetric Diblock Copolymers", Macromolecules 2008, 41, 4042- 4054. PDF

21. Zheng Wang, Baohui Li*, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-Chang Shi*, "Self-Assembly of Cylinder-Forming ABA Triblock Copolymers under Cylindrical Confinement", Macromol. Theory Simul. 2008, 17, 86-102. PDF

20. Zheng Wang, Baohui Li*, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-Chang Shi*, "Simulated Annealing Study of Self-Assembly of Symmetric ABA Triblock Copolymers Confined in Cylindrical Nanopores", Macromol. Theory Simul. 2008, 17, 86-102 . PDF

19. Bin Yu, Baohui Li*, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-Chang Shi*, "Self-Assembly of Symmetric Diblock Copolymers Confined in Spherical Nanopores", Macromolecules 2007, 40, 9133-9142. PDF

18. Baohui Li, Lu Xu, Qiang Wu, Tiehong Chen, Pingchuan Sun*, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding, Xiaoliang Wang, Gi Xue* and An-Chang Shi, "Various Types of Hydrogen Bonds, Their Temperature Dependence and Water-Polymer Interaction in Hydrated Poly(Acrylic Acid) as Revealed by 1H Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy", Macromolecules 2007, 40, 5776. PDF

17. Yuhua Yin, Pingchuan Sun, Baohui Li*, Tiehong Chen, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-Chang Shi*, "A Simulated Annealing Study of Diblock Copolymer Brushes in Selective Solvents", Macromolecules 2007, 40, 5161. PDF

16. Bin Yu, Pingchuan Sun, Tiehong Chen, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding, Baohui Li* and An-Chang Shi*, "Self-Assembly of Diblock Copolymers Confined in Cylindrical Nanopores", J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 127, 114906. PDF

15. Bin Yu, Pingchuan Sun, Tiehong Chen, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding, Baohui Li* and An-Chang Shi*, "Self-Assembled Morphologies of Diblock Copolymers Confined in Nanochannels: Effects of Confinement Geometry", J. Chem. Phys. 2007, 126, 204903. PDF

14. Run Jiang, Qinghua Jin, Baohui Li, Datong Ding and An-Chang Shi*, "Phase Diagram of Poly(ethylene oxide) and Poly(propylene oxide) Triblock Copolymers in Aqueous Solutions", Macromolecules, 2006, 39, 5891. PDF

13. Yuhua Yin, Pingchuan Sun, Run Jiang, Baohui Li*, Tiehong Chen, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-chang Shi*, "Simulated annealing study of asymmetric diblock copolymer thin films", J.Chem.Phys. 2006, 124(18), 184708. PDF

12. Bin Yu, Pingchuan Sun, Tiehong Chen, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding, Baohui Li* and An-Chang Shi*, "Confinement-induced novel morphologies of block copolymers", Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006, 96(13), 138306. PDF

11. Bin Yu, Baohui Li*, Pingchuan Sun*, Tiehong Chen, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-chang Shi, "Cylinder-Gyroid-Lamella Transitions in Diblock Copolymer Solutions: A Simulated Annealing Study", J.Chem.Phys. 2005, 123, 234902. PDF

10. Pingchuan Sun,Yuhua Yin, Baohui Li*, Tiehong Chen, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-chang Shi*, "Simulated Annealing Study of Morphological Transitions of Diblock Copolymers in Solution", J.Chem.Phys. 2005, 122, 204905. PDF

9. Pingchuan Sun, Yuhua Yin, Baohui Li*, Tiehong Chen, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-Chang Shi "Simulated Annealing Study of the Formation of Gyroid Structure in Diblock Copolymer Solutions" Phys.Rev. E. 2005, 72, 061408. PDF

8. Yuhua Yin, Pingchuan Sun, Tiehong Chen, Baohui Li*, Qinghua Jin, Datong Ding and An-chang Shi, "Simulated annealing study of diblock copolymer thin films confined between two homogeneous surfaces", ChemPhysChem, 2004, 5, 540. PDF

7. Pingchuan Sun, Yuhua Yin, Baohui Li*, Qinghua Jin and Datong Ding, "Monte Carlo Simulation of Self-Assembled Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymer in Solution", International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2003, 17, 241-244.

6. Baohui Li, Lijun Wang, Qinghua Jin, Zhenya Guo, Shixiong Tang and Datong Ding, "Theoretical studies of CdS Clusters in Zeolitte Y", Journal of Porous Materials, 2002, 9: 287–290.

5. Baohui Li, Datong Ding, Pingchuan Sun, Yinong Wang, Jianbiao Ma and Binglin He, "PGSE NMR Studies of Water States of Hydrogl ( P(Am-NaA)", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2000, 77, 424.

4. Baohui Li, Pingchuan Sun, Qinghua Jin, Jingzhong Wang and Datong Ding, "A simulated annealing study of Si, Al distribution in the omega framework", Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 1999, 148, 189.

3. Baohui Li, Datong Ding, Yinong Wang, Pingchuan Sun, Jianbiao Ma and Binglin He, "NMR Characterization of Absorbed Water in Equilibrium Swollen Hydrogel P(Am-NaA)", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 1999, 72, 1203.

2. Baohui Li, Qinghua Jin, Shuiping Zhu, Zhenya Guo, Datong Ding and Pingchuan Sun, "Development of 3D 4-Connected Framework Structures with Extra-llargr Open Pores", Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 1999, 31, 123.

1. Baohui Li, Pingchuan Sun, Qinghua Jin and Datong Ding, "A Simulated Annealing Study of Cation Distribution in dehydrated Na-Exchanged Faujasite Zeolites", J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 1997, 58, 665.


  1. 「良師益友」獎:李寶會 ,南開新聞網, 2018-09-05