

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2010.9-2014.6 南京航空航天大學 本科

2014.9-2021.3 北京理工大學 博士

2022.3-現在 上海交通大學 博士後


2021.6-現在 福州大學 碩士生導師





[1] Dongfang Li; Zhenhua Pan; Hongbin Deng; Lingyan Hu. Adaptive Path Following Controller of A multi-joint snake robot Based on the Improved Serpenoid Curve. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/tie.2021.3075851.(第一作者)

[2] Dongfang Li, Hongbin Deng, Zhenhua Pan, Yang Xiu. Collaborative obstacle avoidance algorithm of multiple bionic snake robots in fluid based on IB-LBM. ISA Transactions, Early Access, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.isatra.2021.04.048. (第一作者)

[3] Zhenhua Pan, Zhongqi Sun, Hongbin Deng, Dongfang Li. A Multilayer Graph for Multiagent Formation and Trajectory Tracking Control Based on MPC Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Early Access, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2021.3119330(通信作者)

[4] Dongfang Li, Z. Pan, H. Deng, 「2D Underwater Obstacle Avoidance Control Algorithm Based on IB-LBM and APF Method for a Multi-Joint Snake-Like Robot,」 Journal of intelligent & robotic systems, vol. 98, no. 3-4, pp. 2020, 771-790. (第一作者)

[5] Dongfang Li, Z. Pan, 「Two-dimensional obstacle avoidance control algorithm for snake-like robot in water based on immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method and improved artificial potential field method,」 Transactions of The Institute of Measurement and Control, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 1840-1857, 2020. (第一作者)

[6] Dongfang Li, Z. Pan, H. Deng, and T. Peng, 「Trajectory tracking control law of multi-joint snake-like robot based on improved snake-like curve in flow field,」 International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, vol. 16, no. 2, 2019. (第一作者)

[7] 李東方,楊弘晟,鄧宏彬,黃捷. 蛇形機器人跟蹤誤差預測的自適應軌跡跟蹤控制器,儀器儀表學報,2021.(第一作者)

[8] 修楊; 鄧宏彬; 危怡然; 李東方. 基於參數估計的四旋翼無人機自適應魯棒路徑跟隨控制器,兵工學報,2021.錄用.(通信作者)

[9] 李東方,鄧宏彬,潘振華,王超. 基於改進蛇形曲線的蛇形機器人在流場中避障的軌跡跟蹤控制律. 機器人, 2019, 41(4):433-442. (第一作者)

[10] 李東方,李科偉,鄧宏彬,等. 基於人工勢場與IB-LBM的機器蛇水中2D避障控制算法. 機器人, 2018, 40(3):346-359. (第一作者)

[11] 李東方, 王超, 鄧宏彬,等. 基於人工勢場和RRT算法的機器蛇水下三維避障算法. 兵工學報, 2017(s1):205-214. (第一作者)

[12] Dongfang Li, Zhou, Z. , De Ng, H. , Chao, W. , & Peng, T. "2D obstacle avoidance method for snake robot based on modified artificial potential field." IEEE International Conference on Unmanned Systems IEEE, 2017:358-363. (第一作者)

[13] Dongfang Li, C. Wang, and H. B. Deng. "Parametric analysis for the reliable operations of electromechanical actuators." International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control IEEE, 2017:444-448. (第一作者)


[1] 李東方;周志昊;劉培君;危怡然;鄧宏彬;潘振華. 用於多關節蛇形機器人在水下避障的浸入邊界控制方法. 201910046085.X(第一作者)

[2] 李東方;舒領;危怡然劉恆一;鄧宏彬. 一種周期性姿態調整的機器人運動控制方法. ZL202010164437.4(第一作者)[1]
