思茅蘋婆 |
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中文學名:思茅蘋婆 拉丁學名:Sterculia simaoensis 別 稱:白榔皮 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:木蘭綱 亞 綱:五椏果亞綱 目:錦葵目 科:梧桐科 屬:蘋婆屬 種:思茅蘋婆 |
思茅蘋婆(sī máo píng pó),學名Sterculia simaoensis Y. Y. Qian,梧桐科,蘋婆屬灌木,2-4米小枝具凹槽,密被星狀柔毛和被微柔毛,後脫落。 葉柄2.5-5.5厘米,星狀柔毛,後脫落; 單葉,倒披針形, 紙質的或很少薄革質, 總狀的花序,下垂,近頂生,6-15厘米,紫色星狀柔毛。花梗纖細,披針形的8-10毫米。副萼裂片,4-5毫米。花萼紫色,分的近基部,外表星狀柔毛,內部無毛,裂片披針形, 邊緣具緣毛。雄花: 雌雄蕊柄弄彎,雌花: 子房球狀,白色的星狀柔毛;花柱弄彎,白色的星狀柔毛。 蓇葖果紅色,乾燥棕紅色,斜紡錘形,基部漸減,狹銳尖的先端,和被微柔毛的星狀柔毛。種子略帶紫色黑色,長方形,產於雲南南部(思茅Simao)。 [1]
灌木,2-4米小枝具凹槽,密被星狀柔毛和被微柔毛,後脫落。 葉柄2.5-5.5厘米,星狀柔毛,後脫落; 單葉,倒披針形, 11-27 * 3.5-8 厘米, 紙質的或很少薄革質;
裂片披針形, 12-14 * 3.5-4.2 毫米,彎曲的具連着的端部,邊緣具緣毛。雄花: 雌雄蕊柄弄彎,3.5-4毫米無毛。雌花: 子房球狀,白色的星狀柔毛;花柱弄彎,白色的星狀柔毛。
蓇葖果紅色,乾燥棕紅色,斜紡錘形, 5-8 * 1.5-2.5 厘米,3-5種子,基部漸減,狹銳尖的先端,和被微柔毛的星狀柔毛。種子略帶紫色黑色,長方形,12-15 * 8-10 毫米。花期以及果期2月
Shrubs, 2-4 m. Branchlets grooved, densely stellate pilose and puberulent, glabrescent. Petiole 2.5-5.5 cm, stellate pilose, glabrescent; leaf blade simple, oblanceolate, 11-27 × 3.5-8 cm, papery or rarely thinly leathery, both surfaces stellate pilose, when young, glabrescent, lateral veins 14-16 on each side of midrib, base shallowly cordate, rarely cuneate, apex acuminate.
Inflorescence racemose, pendulous, subterminal, 6-15 cm, purple stellate pilose. Pedicel slender, 8-10 mm. Epicalyx lobes lanceolate, 4-5 mm. Calyx purple, divided nearly to base, exterior stellate pilose, interior glabrous, lobes lanceolate, 12-14 × 3.5-4.2 mm, incurved with coherent tips, margin ciliate.
Male flowers: androgynophore curved, 3.5-4 mm glabrous. Female flowers: ovary globose, white stellate pilose; style curved, white stellate pilose. Follicle red, drying brownish red, obliquely fusiform, 5-8 × 1.5-2.5 cm, 3-5-seeded, base tapered, apex narrowly acute, stellate pilose and puberulent. Seed purplish black, oblong, 12-15 × 8-10 mm. Fl. and fr. Feb.
● Forests; ca. 1400 m. S Yunnan (Simao). ● 森林; 約1400米。雲南南部(思茅Simao)。
More detailed study could show that Sterculia simaoensis is better included within S. henryi. It is differentiated by the subcordate base of the leaf blade, the relatively shorter bracteoles, only ca. 1/2 as long as the pedicels, and by the purplish, not yellow-brown, indumentum of the inflorescence.
更詳細的研究能顯示Sterculia simaoensis 最好置於 S. henryi內。它差別在於,葉片的近心形的基部,相對短的小苞片,僅長約花梗的1/2,和具紫色的花序毛,而非黃棕色的。