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主要從事木材保護與改性、生物質複合材料方面的研究工作,聚焦於木竹材光降解和腐朽降解機理、生物質複合材料開發與保護、植物源木材保護劑研究等方向。主持國家自然科學基金青年項目、中國博士後科學基金面上項目、北京林業大學新進教師科研啟動項目等研究課題,參與國家自然科學基金面上項目、企業橫向等科研項目。以第一作者或責任作者在Ind. Crop. Prod.、ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng.、Holzforschung等期刊發表SCI收錄論文19篇、中文核心期刊論文4篇,主編中文學術專著1部,參編英文學術專著1部。副主編出版「十三五」規劃教材1部,主持校級教育教學改革項目3項,第一作者發表教改論文3篇。










  • Yujiao Wang, Runhua Zhang, Mengqi Yang, Yao Peng*, Jinzhen Cao. (2022). Improvement on dimensional stability and mold resistance of wood modified by tannin acid and tung oil[J]. Holzforschung, 76(10):929-940.
  • Yujiao Wang, Jing Xue, Yao Peng*, Jinzhen Cao*. (2022). Effect of photodegradation on fungal colonization on wood during initial stage of brown-rot decay[J]. Holzforschung, 76(4): 356-367.
  • Yao Peng*, Yujiao Wang, Runhua Zhang, Wen Wang, Jinzhen Cao. (2021). Improvement of wood against UV weathering and decay by using plant origin substances: Tannin acid and tung oil. Industrial Crops & Products, 168: 113606.
  • Yujiao Wang, Yuxiang Huang, Jing Xue, Yao Peng*, Jinzhen Cao. (2021). Effects of heat treatment temperatures on the photostability of Moso bamboo during accelerated UV weathering. Wood Material Science & Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/17480272.2021.1961858
  • Yao Peng, Yujiao Wang, Pingan Chen, Wen Wang, Jinzhen Cao*. (2020). Enhancing weathering resistance of wood by using bark extractives as natural photostabilizers in polyurethane-acrylate coating. Progress in Organic Coatings, 145: 105665.
  • Yao Peng, Xiong Li, Wen Wang, Jinzhen Cao*. (2020). Photodegradation of wood flour/polypropylene composites incorporated with carbon materials with different morphologies. Wood Material Science & Engineering, 15(2): 104-113.
  • Yao Peng*, Sandeep S. Nair, Heyu Chen, Ramin Farnood, Ning Yan*, Jinzhen Cao. (2020). Application of different bark fractions in polypropylene composites: UV and thermal stability. Polymer Composites, 41(6): 2198-2209.
  • Yao Peng, Ning Yan, Jinzhen Cao*. (2020). Utilization of three bark extractives as natural photostabilizers for the photostabilization of wood flour/polypropylene composites. Fibers and Polymers, 21(7): 1488-1497.
  • Yao Peng, Sandeep S. Nair, Heyu Chen, Ning Yan*, Jinzhen Cao. (2018). Effects of lignin content on mechanical and thermal properties of polypropylene composites reinforced with micro particles of spray dried cellulose nanofibrils. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6(8): 11078-11086.
  • Yao Peng, Wen Wang, Jinzhen Cao*. (2018). Preparation of sodium ligninsulfonate‐layered double hydroxide and its effects on wood flour/polypropylene composites during accelerated UV weathering. Polymer Composites, 39(7): 2451-2460.
  • Yao Peng, Xi Guo, Jinzhen Cao*, Wen Wang. (2017). Effects of two staining methods on color stability of wood flour/polypropylene composites during accelerated UV weathering. Polymer Composites, 38(6): 1194-1205.
  • Yao Peng, Wen Wang, Jinzhen Cao*, Yiheng Huang. (2017). Synthesis of 5-sulfosalicylic acid-intercalated layered double hydroxide and its effects on wood flour/polypropylene composites during accelerated UV weathering. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 134(11): 44597-44606.
  • Yao Peng, Wen Wang, Jinzhen Cao*. (2016). Preparation of lignin-clay complexes and its effects on properties and weatherability of wood flour/polypropylene composites. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 55(36): 9657-9666.
  • Yao Peng, Ru Liu, Jinzhen Cao*. (2015). Characterization of surface chemistry and crystallization behavior of polypropylene composites reinforced with wood flour, cellulose, and lignin during accelerated weathering. Applied Surface Science, 332: 253-259.
  • Yao Peng, Wen Wang, Jinzhen Cao*. (2015). Effects of a layered double hydroxide (LDH) on the photostability of wood flour/polypropylene composites during UV weathering. RSC Advances, 5(51): 41230-41237.
  • Yao Peng, Ru Liu, Jinzhen Cao*, Xi Guo. (2015). Effects of vitamin E combined with antioxidants on wood flour/polypropylene composites during accelerated weathering. Holzforschung, 69(1): 113-120.
  • Yao Peng, Ru Liu, Jinzhen Cao*, Yu Chen. (2014). Effects of UV weathering on surface properties of polypropylene composites reinforced with wood flour, lignin, and cellulose. Applied Surface Science, 317: 385-392.
  • Yao Peng, Ru Liu, Jinzhen Cao*, Shupin Luo. (2014). Antiweathering effects of vitamin E on wood flour/polypropylene composites. Polymer Composites, 35 (11): 2085-2093.
  • Yao Peng, Ru Liu, Jinzhen Cao*. (2014). Effects of antioxidants on photodegradation of wood flour/polypropylene composites during artificial weathering. BioResources, 9(4): 5817-5830.
  • 王玉嬌, 彭堯*, 曹金珍. (2021). 褐腐初期南方松木材微觀形貌與化學成分分析. 北京林業大學學報, 43 (3): 138-144.
  • 趙璐, 薛靜, 賈文彤, 彭堯*, 曹金珍. (2019). 竹材的氟硼酸鈉/DDAC改性與性能表徵. 林產工業, 56(12): 24-29,51.
  • 彭堯, 王雯, 曹金珍*. (2018). 蒙脫土對木粉 /聚丙烯複合材料光降解及老化抑制作用. 北京林業大學學報, 40 (8): 116-122.
  • 彭堯, 劉如, 曹金珍*. (2013). 木粉-聚乳酸複合材料的染色及其性能評價. 北京林業大學學報, 35 (5): 123-127.


母軍, 漆楚生, 劉紅光, 戴璐, 彭堯, 劉一萌.《輕型木結構建築工程與實踐》,中國林業出版社,2020.

ISBN 978-7-5219-0710-0


Yao Peng, Jinzhen Cao. Photochemical process of wood-thermoplastic composites[M]//Photochemical Behavior of Multicomponent Polymeric-based Materials. Springer, Cham, 2016: 291-346. ISBN 978-3-319-25196-7 彭堯.《木塑複合材料耐光老化性保護》,中國建材工業出版社,2020. ISBN 978-7-5160-2821-6[1]
