

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2002 北京大學 社會學 學士

2005 北京大學 社會學 碩士

2007 美國華盛頓大學 國際研究 碩士

2012 美國杜克大學 社會學 博士


2012 - 2017:北京大學光華管理學院組織與戰略管理系 助理教授

2017 - 今: 北京大學光華管理學院組織與戰略管理系 副教授








2020 Park, Sun-Hyun, and Yanlong Zhang. (In Press). "Cultural Entrepreneurship in Coprorate Governance Practice Diffusion: Framing of "Independent Directors" by U.S.-Listed Chinese Companies." Organization Science

2020 Zhang, Yanlong, Heli Wang, and Xiaoyu Zhou. "Dare to Be Different? Conformity vs. Differentiation in Corporate Social Activities of Chinese Firms and Market Responses." Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 63(3): 717-742.

2020 Park, Sun-Hyun, Yanlong Zhang, and Lisa A. Keister. "Governance Innovations in Emerging Markets." Academy of Management Perspectives. Vol. 34(2): 226-239.

2018 Li, Ting, Yang Claire Yang, and Yanlong Zhang. "Culture, economic development, social network type, and mortality: Evidence from Chinese older adults." Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 204: 23-30.

2018 Hu Qiongjing, Yanlong Zhang, and Jingjing Yao. "Family Involvement in Middle Management and Its Impact on the Labor Productivity of Family Firms." Management and Organization Review. Vol.14(2): 249-274.

2018 Wang, Junmin, Yanlong Zhang, and Doug Guthrie. "Economic Openness and Institutional Embeddedness: Global Capital and Firm Performance in China's Stock Market." Social Science Quarterly. Vol. 99(2):807-828.

2017 Zhang, Yanlong, Xiaoyu Zhou, and Wei Lei. "Social Capital and Its Contingent Value in Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Western China." World Development. Vol. 93: 350-361.

2016 Zhang, Yanlong, and Lisa A. Keister. Management and Organizations in Transitional China. New York: Routledge. (ISBN: 9781138813014).

2016 Zhang, Yanlong, Wei Zhao, and Jianhua Ge. "Institutional Duality and Political Strategies of Foreign-invested Firms in an Emerging Economy". Journal of World Business. Vol.51: 451-462.

2016 Zhang, Jianjun, Wei Zhao, and Yanlong Zhang. "Institutional Transformation and the Changing Networking Patterns of Private Firms". Management and Organization Review. Vol.12(2):303-331.

2016 張建君, 張閆龍. "董事長-總經理的異質性、權力差距和融洽關係與組織績效-來自上市公司的證據". 《管理世界》. No.268:110-120

2016 孫飛宇, 儲卉娟, 張閆龍. "生產社會,還是社會的自我生產?以一個NGO的扶貧困境為例". 《社會》. Vol.36 (1): 151-185.

2015 張閆龍, 郭琨, 張好雨. "企業政治行為、銀企關係與中小企業信用評級". 《金融學季刊》. Vol.9 (3).

2015 張閆龍. "城市基礎設施領域公共合作政策的擴散". 《公共行政評論》. Vol.3: 25-51..

2015 Zhang, Yanlong, and Nan Lin. "Hiring for Networks: Social Capital and the Staffing Practices in Transitional China". Human Resource Management. (DOI: 10.1002/hrm.21738)

2015 Zhang, Yanlong. "The Formation of Public-private Partnerships in China: An Institutional Perspective". Journal of Public Policy. Vol. 35: 329-354.

2015 Li, Ting, and Yanlong Zhang. "Social Network Types and the Health of Older Adults: Exploring Reciprocal Association". Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 130: 59-68.

2015 Zhang, Yanlong. 「The Contingent Value of Social Resources: Entrepreneurs' Use of Debt-Financing Sources in Western China". Journal of Business Venturing. Vol. 30: 390-406.

2014 Zhang, Yanlong. "From State to Market: Private Participation in China's Urban Infrastructure Sectors, 1992-2008". World Development. Vol. 64: 473-486.

2013 Zhang, Yanlong, and Hang Young Lee. 「The Road to Democracy: A Three-Society Comparison of Civic Network Structures」. In N. Lin, Y. Fu, and C. Chen (eds.) Social Capital and Its Institutional Contingencies: A Study of the United States, China and Taiwan. New York: Routledge.

2012 Zhang, Yanlong, Nan Lin, and Ting Li. 「Markets or Networks: Household Choices of Financial Intermediaries in Western China」. Social Networks. Vol. 34(4): 670-681.

2012 Zhang, Yanlong. 「Institutional Sources of Reform: A Study of the Diffusion of Land Banking Systems in China」. Management and Organizational Review. Vol. 8 (3): 507-535.

2009 Keister, Lisa A. and Yanlong Zhang. 「Organizations and Management in China」. The Academy of Management Annals. Vol. 3 (1), 377-420.

2009 Lin, Nan, Yanlong Zhang, Wenhong Chen, Dan Ao, and Lijun Song. 「Recruiting and Deploying Social Capital in Organizations: Theory and Evidence」. Research in the Sociology of Work. Vol. 19, 225-254.

2008 Zhang, Yanlong. 「Fiscal Decentralization and the Evolution of Sub-provincial Intergovernmental Relations: A Case Study.」 reprinted in Chinese Sociology (《中國社會學》). Vol. 6, 105-129 (In Chinese).

2006 Zhang, Yanlong. 「Fiscal Decentralization and the Evolution of Sub-provincial Intergovernmental Relations: A Case Study.」 Sociological Studies (《社會學研究》) 21(3): 39-63 (In Chinese).

2006 Jiang, Xingsan, Shouying Liu, and Yanlong Zhang. 「Investigations on China’s Land Issues.」 Investigation and Research Report of the State Council (PRC) 45 (《國研報告》)(In Chinese).

2002-3 Bai, Nansheng, and Yanlong Zhang. 「Rural Fee Reform: Practice in Anhui Province (3) (2) (1).」 Internal Reference Material on Reform 1 (2003), 24 (2002), 23 (2002).(《改革內參》) (In Chinese).[1]
