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S. M. Phillips & S. L. Chen |
岩生草沙蠶(yán shēng cǎo shā cán),學名 Tripogon rupestris S. M. Phillips & S. L. Chen,為禾本科、草沙蠶屬中的多年生草本。稈10-35厘米高。 成為稍的紙質基部的葉鞘纖維狀; 葉片 4-12 * 0.08-0.12 厘米,粗糙的正面,疏生柔毛具長星散的毛,背面無毛。 5-20厘米的總狀花序,之字形,小穗鬆弛貼伏於這纖細軸,分開隔開自己長度或只覆瓦狀的稍。 小穗4.3-8毫米,微染帶褐色的紫色; 產於海拔2300-3000米,西藏,雲南 。 [1]
稈10-35厘米高。 成為稍的紙質基部的葉鞘纖維狀; 葉片 4-12 * 0.08-0.12 厘米,粗糙的正面,疏生柔毛具長星散的毛,背面無毛。
5-20厘米的總狀花序,之字形,小穗鬆弛貼伏於這纖細軸,分開隔開自己長度或只覆瓦狀的稍。 小穗4.3-8毫米,微染帶褐色的紫色; 小花4-7,緊緊對鬆弛覆瓦狀;
在一側的更低的穎片狹披針形,不對稱,擴大的成為一突出的側的齒,2.2-3毫米,漸尖; 上面穎片狹披針形的長圓形,3.2-5毫米,先端微缺和短尖;
外稃橢圓狀披針形, 2.4-3毫米到凹缺, 3具芒的具2在芒之間切成齒形, 內稃龍骨飛行,不久纖毛。 花葯3,0.5-0.9毫米。花期 以及果期8月。
Culms 10–35 cm tall. Basal leaf sheaths papery becoming slightly fibrous; leaf blades 4–12 × 0.08–0.12 cm, adaxial surface scabrid, sparsely pilose with long scattered hairs, abaxial surface glabrous.
Racemes 5–20 cm, flexuose, spikelets loosely appressed to the slender rachis, spaced their own length apart or only slightly imbricate. Spikelets 4.3–8 mm, tinged brownish purple; florets 4–7, tightly to loosely imbricate; lower glume narrowly lanceolate, asymmetrical, broadened into a prominent lateral tooth on one side, 2.2–3 mm, acuminate;
upper glume narrowly lanceolate-oblong, 3.2–5 mm, apex emarginate and mucronate; lemmas elliptic-lanceolate, 2.4–3 mm to sinus, 3-awned with 2 teeth between the awns, central awn 5–9 mm, flexuose, often recurving, teeth variable, obtuse to acuminate, lateral veins extended into (1.5–)2–3.5 mm awns;
palea keels winged, shortly ciliate. Anthers 3, 0.5–0.9 mm. Fl. and fr. Aug.
Damp rocks, often among moss; 2300–3000 m. Xizang, Yunnan [N India, Nepal].
潮濕的岩石,在苔蘚中的通常; 海拔2300-3000米,西藏,雲南 [印度北部,尼泊爾 ]。
This small species, forming delicate tufts with dark, flexuose racemes, was formerly usually identified as Tripogon filiformis. Tripogon rupestris has a looser raceme of spaced spikelets with widely spreading awns. Identification can be confirmed by inspecting the number of anthers.
這小種,形成精美多孔軟岩具深色的,總狀花序,以前被通常鑑定作為filiformis。 Tripogon rupestris有一隔開小穗具寬平展的芒的更鬆散的總狀花序。 鑑定可以通過檢查花葯的數量被確認。