

事實揭露 揭密真相
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2018.1-至今, 北京林業大學, 生物科學與技術學院, 副教授

2013.7-2018.1, 北京林業大學, 生物科學與技術學院, 講師

2009.9–2011.8, University of Manitoba, Canada, 藥用植物學, 中外聯合培養博士

2008.9–2012.12, 北京林業大學, 植物學, 博士

2005.9–2008.7, 西北大學, 中藥學, 碩士

2001.9–2005.7, 北京林業大學, 生物技術, 學士











Fan, H., Li, K., Yao, F., Sun, L.*(孫立煒),Liu, Y.* Comparative transcriptome analyses on terpenoids metabolism in field- and mountain-cultivated ginseng roots. BMC PLANT BIOLOGY, 2019, 19, 82.

Xue, Q., Yin, P., Li, K., Fan, H., Yang, L., Cao, X., Sun, L.* (孫立煒) Liu, Y.* Identification of bioactive phenolics from Porana sinensis Hemsl. stem by UPLC-QTOF-MS/MS and the confirmation of anti-inflammatory indicators using LPS-induced RAW264.7 cells. Inflammopharmacology, 2019 doi: 10.1007/s10787-018-00558-1.

Yin, P., Yang, L., Li, K., Fan, H., Xue, Q., Li, X., Sun, L.* (孫立煒) Liu, Y.* Bioactive components and antioxidant activities of oak cup crude extract and its four partially purified fractions by HPD-100 macroporous resin chromatography. ARABIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2019, 12(2), 249-261.

Yu, M., Yang, L., Xue, Q., Yin, P., Sun, L.*(孫立煒),Liu, Y.* Comparison of Free, Esterified, and Insoluble-Bound Phenolics and Their Bioactivities in Three Organs of Lonicera japonica and L. macranthoides. MOLECULES, 2019, 24, 9705.

Liwei Sun (孫立煒), Ran Zhou, Jinling Sui, and Yujun Liu. Simultaneous Preparation of Salidroside and p-Tyrosol from Rhodiola crenulata by DIAION HP-20 Macroporous Resin Chromatography Combined with Silica Gel Chromatography. Molecules, 2018, 23, 1602.

Hang Fan, Liwei Sun (孫立煒), Lingguang Yang, Jinchi Zhou, Peipei Yin, Ke Li, Qiang Xue, Xiang Li, Yujun Liu. Assessment of the bioactive phenolic composition of Acer truncatum seed coat as a byproduct of seed oil. Industrial Crops & Products, 2018, 118: 11–19. 並列第一作者

Ke Li, Hang Fan, Peipei Yin, Lingguang Yang, Qiang Xue, Xiang Li, Liwei Sun* (孫立煒), Yujun Liu*. Structure-activity relationship of eight high content flavonoids analyzed with a preliminary assign-score method and their contribution to antioxidant ability of flavonoids-rich extract from Scutellaria baicalensis shoots. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 11, 159–170.

Lingguang Yang, Peipei Yin, Ke Li, Hang Fan, Qiang Xue, Xiang Li, Liwei Sun* (孫立煒), Yujun Liu*. Seasonal dynamics of constitutive levels of phenolic components lead to alterations of antioxidant capacities in Acer truncatum leaves. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 11, 14–25.

Lingguang Yang, Peipei Yin, Chi-Tang Ho, Miao Yu, Liwei Sun*(孫立煒) and Yujun Liu*. Effects of thermal treatments on 10 major phenolics and their antioxidant contributions in Acer truncatum leaves and flowers. Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5, 180364.

Xiang Li, Fan Yao, Hang Fan, Ke Li, Liwei Sun*(孫立煒), and Yujun Liu*. Intraconversion of polar ginsenosides, their transformation into less-polar ginsenosides, and ginsenoside acetylation in ginseng flowers upon baking and steaming. Molecules, 2018, 23, 759.

Qiang Xue, Hang Fan, Ke Li, Lingguang Yang, Liwei Sun* (孫立煒) and Yujun Liu*. Comparative evaluations on phenolic antioxidants of nine adulterants and anti-inflammation of four alternatives with their original herb Erycibe schmidtii. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 51151–51161.

Tong Zhang, Yuxuan Bai, Xiuling Hong, Liwei Sun* (孫立煒), Yujun Liu*. Particulate matter and heavy metal deposition on the leaves of Euonymus japonicus during the East Asian monsoon in Beijing, China. Plos One, 2017, 12(6): e0179840.

Lingguang Yang, Peipei Yin, Hang Fan, Qiang Xue, Ke Li, Xiang Li, Liwei Sun* (孫立煒) and Yujun Liu*. Response Surface Methodology Optimization of Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction of Acer Truncatum Leaves for Maximal Phenolic Yield and Antioxidant Activity. Molecules, 2017, 22, 232.

D Salimu, J Sun, CC Baskin, JM Baskin, Liwei Sun* (孫立煒), YJ Liu*. Changes in oxidative patterns during dormancy break by warm and cold stratification in seeds of an edible fruit tree. AoB Plants, 2016, 8: plw024.

Liwi Sun (孫立煒), Fan H., Yang L., Shi L., Liu Y. Tyrosol prevents ischemia/reperfusion-induced cardiac injury in H9c2 cells: involvement of ROS, Hsp70, JNK and ERK, and apoptosis. Molecules, 2015, 20: 3758–3775.

Liwei Sun(孫立煒), Cara K. Isaak, Yaling Zhou, Jay C. Petkau, Karmin O, Yujun Liu, Yaw L. Siow Salidroside and Tyrosol from Rhodiola protect H9c2 cells from ischemia/ reperfusion-induced apoptosis, Life Sciences, 2012, 91(5-6): 151-158.[1]
