

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2016.9–2022.6 北京林業大學,獲農學博士學位(碩博連讀)

2019.10–2020.10 法國農業食品環境研究所南錫研究中心(聯合培養)

2016.9–2022.7 山東農業大學,獲農學學士學位


2022.9–至今 北京林業大學生態與自然保護學院









Sun YF#, Xing JH#, He XL, Wu DM, Song CG, Liu S, Vlasák J, Gates G, Gibertoni TB, Cui BK*. Species diversity, systematic revision and molecular phylogeny of Ganodermataceae (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) with an emphasis on Chinese collections. Studies in Mycology, 2022, 101: 287–415. (IF = 25.731)

Sun YF, Costa-Rezende DH, Xing JH, Zhou JL, Zhang B, Gibertoni TB, Gates G, Glen M, Dai YC, Cui BK*. Multi-gene phylogeny and taxonomy of Amauroderma s. lat. (Ganodermataceae). Persoonia, 2020, 44: 206–239. (IF = 11.051)

Sun YF, Lebreton A, Xing JH, Fang YX, Si J, Morin E, Miyauchi S, Drula E, Ahrendt S, Cobaugh K, Lipzen A, Koriabine M, Riley R, Kohler A, Barry K, Henrissat B, Grigoriev IV, Martin FM*, Cui BK*. Phylogenomics and comparative genomics highlight specific genetic features in Ganoderma species. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8: 311. (IF = 5.724)

Sun YF, Liu S, Cui BK*. Morphological and phylogenetic analyses reveal a new species of Fistulina (Fistulinaceae, Agaricales) from Australia. Phytotaxa, 2019, 420: 233–240. (IF = 1.171)

Liu S#, Chen YY#, Sun YF, He XL, Song CG, Si J, Wu DM, Gates G, Cui BK*. Systematic classifcation and phylogenetic relationships of the brown rot fungi within the Polyporales. Fungal Diversity, 2022. (Online, IF = 24.902)

Si J, Wu Y, Ma HF, Cao YJ, Sun YF, Cui BK*. Selection of a pH- and temperature-stable laccase from Ganoderma australe and its application for bioremediation of textile dyes. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 299: 113619. (IF = 6.789)

Liu S, Sun YF, Wang Y, Xu TM, Song CG, Chen YY, Cui BK*. Taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of Trametopsis (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) with descriptions of two new species. MycoKeys, 2022, 90: 31–51. (IF = 3.111)

Xing JH, Sun YF, Han YL, Cui BK*, Dai YC*. Morphological and molecular identification of two new Ganoderma species on Casuarina equisetifolia from China. MycoKeys, 2018, 34: 93–108. (IF = 2.984)

Song J, Sun YF, Ji X, Dai YC*, Cui BK*. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Laetiporus (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) with descriptions of two new species from western China. MycoKeys, 2018, 37: 57–71. (IF = 2.984)

Song J, Xing JH, Ji X, Sun YF, Cui BK*, Dai YC*. Rigidotubus tephroleucus gen. et sp. nov. (Cystostereaceae, Agaricales) evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analyses. Phytotaxa, 2018, 333: 259–266. (IF = 1.171)

王妍, 劉順, 冀星, 孫一翡, 宋長閣, 劉冬梅, 崔寶凱*. 橫斷山區南段多孔菌的多樣性與區系成分分析. 菌物學報, 2021, 40(10): 2599–2619. (CSCD)

錢坤, 武冬梅, 王豪, 孫一翡, 司靜*, 崔寶凱*. 野生四川靈芝的生物學特性和抗氧化活性. 菌物學報, 2022, 41(4): 601–617. (CSCD)



