

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋









1. Chen, B., Jiang, X., & Knyazev, D. (2017). On disclosure policies in all-pay auctions with stochastic entry. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 70, 66-73.(ABS 3星級)

2. Hu, M. Y., Jiang, X., Liang, H., Liu, Z., & Song, C. (2017). Online Sales in Startups. Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research, 8(2), 20-35.

3. Jiang, X. (2018). Relative performance prizes and dynamic incentives in best-of-N contests. Review of Industrial Organization, 53(3), 563-590. (ABS 2星級)

4. Jiang, X., Kong, D., & Xiao, C. (2020). Policy certainty and heterogeneous firm innovation: Evidence from China. China Economic Review, 63, 101500. (ABS 2星級, SSCI一區)

5. Jiang, X., & Shi, Y. (2020). Does US partisan conflict affect US–China bilateral trade? International Review of Economics & Finance, 69, 1117-1131. (ABS 2星級, SSCI一區)

6. Jiang, X., Chang, L., & Shi, Y. (2020). A retrospective analysis of the dynamic transmission routes of the COVID-19 in mainland China. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-10.(SCI一區)

7. Jiang, X., Shi, Y., & Zhang, Z. (2021). Does US partisan conflict affect China’s foreign exchange reserves? International Review of Economics & Finance, 75, 21-33. (ABS 2星級, SSCI一區)

8. Kong, D., Cheng, X., & Jiang, X. (2021). Effects of political promotion on local firms』 social responsibility in China. Economic Modelling, 95, 418-429. (ABS 2星級, SSCI一區)

9. Jiang, X., Yang, J., Yang, W., & Zhang, J. (2021). Do employees』 voices matter? Unionization and corporate environmental responsibility. International Review of Economics & Finance, 76, 1265-1281. (ABS 2星級, SSCI一區)

10. Pan, Z., Jiang, X., & Zhao, N. (2021). Does birth spacing affect female labor market participation? Evidence from urban China. China Economic Review, 101644. (ABS 2星級, SSCI一區)

11. Chen, B., Jiang, X., & Wang, Z. (2021). Single-and Double-Elimination tournaments under psychological momentum. The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics, 22(2), 509-525. (ABS 2星級)

12. Jiang, X., Zhao, N., & Pan, Z. (2022). Regional housing wealth, relative housing wealth and labor market behavior. Journal of Housing Economics, 55, 101811. (ABS 2星級)

13. Jiang, X., Chang, L., & Shi, Y. (2023). Housing price diffusions in mainland China: evidence from a spatially penalized graphical VAR model. Empirical Economics, 64(2), 765-795. (ABS 2星級)

14. Jiang, X., Huang, R., & Wang, C. (2023). Tax enforcement and efficiency wages: Evidence from China』 Golden Tax Project III. Finance Research Letters, 58, 104454. (ABS 2星級, SSCI一區)

15. Jiang, X., Pan, Z., & Zhao, N. (2023). Relative value vs Absolute value: Housing wealth and labor supply. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 66(1), 41-76. (ABS 3星級)

16. Cheng, X., Jiang, X., Kong, D., & Vigne, S. (2024). Shifting stakeholders』 logics: Foreign institutional ownership and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 1-19. (FT50, ABS 3星級, SSCI一區)

17.楊進,周川力 & 姜先登.(2019).官員搭配、制度環境與地方實際稅率——基於中國工業企業數據的研究.《當代財經》(02),25-36.

18.姜先登.(2020).後疫情時期應對結構性失業的政策措施建議. 《中國財政》(19),66.

19.劉蓉,熊陽 & 姜先登.(2020).預算透明度提升對地方財政支出績效的影響研究——來自合成控制法的新證據. 《當代財經》(05),35-47.

20.姜先登 & 康趙宇.(2022).官員晉升激勵與企業實際稅負——來自製造業上市企業的證據.《中國經濟問題》(01),76-93.

21.康趙宇,姜先登 & 蒯依澄.(2023).董事高管責任保險會提升企業社會責任嗎.《財會月刊》(01),63-72.


1. 主持:國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,《引才政策對人力資本流動影響及其經濟效應研究》。

2. 主持:教育部人文社會科學基金青年基金項目,《引才政策與區域創新:基於人才流動視角的研究》。

3. 參研:國家社會科學基金重大項目,《大規模減稅降費的效應評估與政策優化》。

4. 參研:國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,《營商環境動態演變及對企業家精神與創新的影響研究》

5. 參研:國家社會科學基金青年項目,《基於流動人口多維貧困治理的財政扶貧機制優化研究》。

6. 參研:國家社會科學基金青年項目,《城市綠色發展協調監管機制與治理體系研究》。


1. 2020年度九三學社四川省委抗擊新冠肺炎疫情先進個人。

2. 2020年度九三學社四川省委信息工作先進個人。

3. 2020年度九三學社成都參政議政先進個人。

4. 2020年度九三學社成都市委參政議政傑出貢獻獎。

5. 2020年度西南財經大學「光華獎」研究生優秀論文指導老師。

6. 2020年度西南財經大學暑期「三下鄉」 社會實踐活動優秀指導教師。

7. 2020年度西南財經大學優秀工會工作者。

8. 2022年度西南財經大學優秀工會會員。

9 2023年度九三學社成都市委優秀社員。[1]
