

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




1992年 劍橋大學 植物系 博士

1984年 布魯塞爾自由大學 理學院 碩士

1982年 北京大學 地理系 學士







2018年 參與中國科學院古脊椎動物和古人類研究所主持的河南許昌靈井古人類化石遺址的多學科研究,取得重要進展。其研究(中國發現新型古人類化石)入選2018年2月科技部基礎研究管理中心公布的2017年度「中國科學十大進展」

2012年 海洋工程科學技術一等獎

2008年 北京大學方正獎教金

2004年 國家人事部新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選

1999年 國家傑出青年基金獲得者


Gao P., Zhou L., Liu K., Xu X.,Radiocarbon in the maritime air and sea surface water of the South China Sea,Radiocarbon,2019,61(2):461-472.

Fischer H., Meissner K.J., Mix A.C., …, Zhou L., Palaeoclimate constraints on the impact of 2 °C anthropogenic warming and beyond, Nature Geoscience, 2018, 11: 474-485.

Li Z.-Y., Wu X.-J., Zhou L.-P., Liu W., Gao X., Nian X.-M., Trinkaus E.,Late Pleistocene archaic human crania from Xuchang, China,Science,2017,355(6328):969-972.

Du J., Huang B., Zhou L.,Global deepwater circulation between 2.4 and 1.7 Ma and its connection to the onset of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation,Paleoceanography,2016,31(11):1480-1497.

Ma Z., Ravelo A.C., Liu Z., Zhou L., Paytan A.,Export production fluctuations in the eastern equatorial Pacific during the Pliocene-Pleistocene: Reconstruction using barite accumulation rates,Paleoceanography,2015,30(11):1455-1469.

Qiu F., Zhou L.,A new luminescence chronology for the Mangshan loess-palaeosol sequence on the southern bank of the Yellow River in Henan, central China,Quaternary Geochronology,2015,30:24-33.

Hu B., Radke J., Schlüter H.-J., Heine F.T., Zhou L., Bernasconi S.M.,A modified procedure for gas-source isotope ratio mass spectrometry: The long-integration dual-inlet (LIDI) methodology and implications for clumped isotope measurements,Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry,2014,28(13):1413-1425.

Nian X., Gao X., Xie F., Mei H., Zhou L.,Chronology of the Youfang site and its implications for the emergence of microblade technology in North China,Quaternary International,2014,347(1):113-121.

Gao P., Xu X., Zhou L., Pack M.A., Griffin S., Santos G.M., Southon J.R., Liu K.,Rapid sample preparation of dissolved inorganic carbon in natural waters using a headspace-extraction approach for radiocarbon analysis by accelerator mass spectrometry,Limnology and Oceanography: Methods,2014,12(4):174190.

Tan W.B., Zhou L.P., Liu K.X.,Soil aggregate fraction-based 14 C analysis and its application in the study of soil organic carbon turnover under forests of different ages,Chinese Science Bulletin,2013,58(16):1936-1947.

Xi X.T., Ding X.F., Fu D.P., Zhou L.P., Liu K.X.,Δ14C level of annual plants and fossil fuel derived CO2 distribution across different regions of China,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,2013,294:515-519.

Qin J.T., Zhou L.P.,Effects of thermally transferred signals in the post-IR IRSL SAR protocol,Radiation Measurements,2012,47(9):710-715.

Zhou L.P., Fu D.P., Zhang J.F.,An analysis of the components of the luminescence signals of selected polymineral and quartz samples from loess in western China and southern Tajikistan, and their suitability for optical dating,Quaternary Geochronology,2010,5:149-153.

Zheng C.X., Zhou L.P., Qin J.T.,Difference in luminescence sensitivity of coarse-grained quartz from deserts of northern China,Radiation Measurements,2009,44:534-537.

Zhu Y., Zhou L., Mo D., Kaakinen A., Zhang Z., Fortelius M.,A new magnetostratigraphic framework for late Neogene Hipparion Red Clay in the eastern Loess Plateau of China,Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,2008,268:47-57.

Zhou L.P., Shackleton N.J.,Misleading positions of geomagnetic reversal boundaries in Eurasian loess and implications for correlation between continental and marine sedimentary sequences,Earth and Planetary Science Letters,1999,168:117-130.

Zhou L.P., Oldfield F., Wintle A.G., Robinson S.G., Wang J.T.,Partly pedogenic origin of magnetic variations in Chinese loess,Nature,1990,346:737-739.

Pye K., Zhou L.-P.,Late Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian dust deposition in North China and the Northwest Pacific Ocean,Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,1989,73:11-23.


2018~2021年 《南海184航次第四紀深海沉積物的自生10Be記錄》,國家自然科學基金面上項目

2013~2016年《南海深部過程的海水14C 示蹤研究》,國家自然科學基金委重大計劃重點項目)

2012~2015年 《光釋光測年技術在深海研究中的應用》,國家自然科學基金


2015年~ 國際海洋痕量元素與同位素生物地球化學循環項目(GEOTRACES)科學指導委員會委員

2014年~ 中國大洋發現計劃專家委員會委員

2013年~ 北京大學僑聯主席

2011年~ 國際第四紀研究聯合會(INQUA)地層與年代學委員會副主席

2001年~ 中國第四紀研究委員會 副秘書長[1]
