

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋



教育背景 2008/09–2012/07,同濟大學,土木工程專業,學士



工作經歷 2019/01–至 今,合肥工業大學,土木與水利工程學院,講師

2019/05–至 今,合肥工業大學,博士後

科研項目 [1] 第66批中國博士後科學基金面上資助二等資助,無粘結預應力鋼-鎳鈦筋混凝土橋墩的自復位機理研究,2019M662142,2019/11-2021/11,主持;

[2] 合肥工業大學學術新人提升計劃項目,採用鎳鈦合金的預應力橋墩自復位機理研究,JZ2020HGTA0076, 2020/4-2021/12,主持;

[3] 合肥工業大學校博士專項科研資助基金,採用超彈性鎳鈦筋的橋墩自復位性能研究,JZ2019HGBZ0177,2019/5-2021/4,主持;

獲得獎勵 [1] 2020年橋樑工程青年教師說課大賽優秀獎,排名1/1

代表成果 [1] Liu X, Li J, Tsang HH, Wilson JL (2018). Evaluating Self-Centering Behavior of Unbonded Prestressed Bridge Columns Using a New Performance Index Based on Quasi-Static Analysis. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 12(01), 1850001. (SCI).

[2] Liu X, Li J, Tsang HH, Wilson J. (2018). Enhancing seismic performance of unbonded prestressed concrete bridge column using superelastic shape memory alloy. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29(15), 3082-3096. (SCI).

[3] Liu X, Tsang HH, Wilson J. (2019) Seismic retrofit of precast soft-storey building using diagonal steel-shape memory alloy bracing device: Numerical investigation. Advances in structural engineering, 22(3), 802-817. (SCI).

[4] Liu X, Li J, Tsang HH, et al. Experimental evaluation of seismic performance of unbonded prestressed reinforced concrete column. Engineering Structures, 2019: 109913(SCI).

[5] 劉笑顯, 李建中, 陳旭. (2015). X 形彈塑性鋼擋塊對簡支梁橋橫向地震反應影響.振動與衝擊, 34(2) (EI).

[6] Liu X, Li J. (2015). Improvements in the performance index of self-centering capability of column. In IABSE Symposium Report (Vol. 105, No. 10, pp. 1-7). International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (EI)

[7] 劉笑顯, 上官甦, 李建中*. (2018). 評價橋墩地震自恢復能力的新指標及其應用. 結構工程師, 34(2), 41-49.[1]
