

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2007/09–2011/06, 清華大學, 水利水電工程, 學士

2011/09–2016/06, 武漢大學, 水工結構工程, 博士

2014/09–2015/09, 美國哥倫比亞大學, 土木工程, 聯合培養博士


2017/05–2018/09, 加拿大勞倫森大學, 博士後

2016/08–2020/11,合肥工業大學, 土木與水利工程學院, 講師

2019/01–至 今,合肥工業大學, 土木與水利工程學院, 碩導

2020/12–至 今,合肥工業大學, 土木與水利工程學院, 副教授


[1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,基於細觀結構表徵的庫岸消落帶紅層軟岩時效變形機制研究, 52009024,2021/01-2023/12,主持。

[2] 安徽省自然科學基金青年項目,滲流-應力耦合作用下脆性岩石的時效變形特徵與宏細觀破裂機理研究,JZ2019AKZR0250,2019/07–2021/06,主持。

[3] 開放基金:流體注入誘導的岩石裂紋擴展、聚合過程研究,2017-2019,主持。

[4] 開放基金:孔隙尺度水力耦合過程的數值計算模型研究,2016-2018,主持。

[5] 橫向項目:高鐵軌道-橋樑體系智能養維關鍵技術示範研究,2020-2022,主持。


[1] 多種岩土交替地層中隧洞高效安全建設技術研究與應用,安徽省水利學會,科技進步三等獎, 2019, 排名3/6.

[2] 2019年入選合肥市留學回國人員創新創業扶持計劃.

[3] 第七屆全國水利類專業青年教師講課競賽二等獎,2020.

[4] 第七屆全國大學生水利創新設計大賽優秀指導教師,2021.


[1] Yao Huayan, Dai Ling, Liu Guang*, Jia Yun, Yuan Xiaolu. Experimental Investigation on the Point Load Strength of Red-bed Sandstone with Different Size and Shapes. Acta Geodynamica et Geromaterialia, 2021, 18(1): 5-14.

[2] Liu Guang, Zhang Zhenhua*, Cui Qiang, Peng Jun, Cai Ming. Uplift Behavior of Belled Piles Subjected to Static Loading. Arabian journal for science and engineering, 2021, 46,4369-4385.

[3] Liu, Guang, Cai Ming*. Modeling time-dependent deformation behavior of brittle rock using grain-based stress corrosion method, Computers and Geotechnics, 2020, 118: 103323.

[4] Liu Guang, Peng Jun*, Zhang Zhenhua, Wang Zhiliang, Yang Yi. Numerical investigation of fluid-driven crack propagation and coalescence in granite specimen with two pre-existing flaws, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2020, 75: 103132.

[5] Liu Guang, Sun Waiching*, Lowinger Steven M., Zhang Zhenhua Huang Ming, Peng Jun. Coupled flow network and discrete element modeling of injection-induced crack propagation and coalescence in brittle rock, Acta Geotechnica, 2019, 14(3): 843-868.

[6] Liu Guang, Cai Ming*, Huang Ming. Mechanical properties of brittle rock governed by micro-geometric heterogeneity, Computers and Geotechnics, 2018, 104: 358-372.

[7] Liu Guang, Rong Guan*, Peng Jun, Zhou Chuangbing. Numerical simulation on undrained triaxial behavior of saturated soil by a fluid coupled-DEM model, Engineering Geology, 2015, 193: 256-266.

[8] Liu Guang, Cai Ming*. Modeling Time-Dependent Failure of Brittle Rock Using PFC Grain-Based Model[C]//52nd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. American Rock Mechanics Association, 2018.

[9] Wang Jingfeng, Liu Guang*, Ding Zhaodong, et al. Progresses on the intelligent construction and operation maintenance of urban under-lake tunnels[C]//MATEC Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 2019, 295: 01006.

[10] Rong Guan*, Liu Guang, Hou Di, et al. Effect of particle shape on mechanical behaviors of rocks: a numerical study using clumped particle model. The Scientific World Journal, 2013, 2013.

[11] 劉廣, 榮冠, 侯迪, 等. 顆粒-流體耦合算法與飽和土不排水剪切特性研究[J]. 岩土力學, 2016, 37(1): 210-218.

[12] 劉廣, 榮冠, 彭俊, 等. 礦物顆粒形狀的岩石力學特性效應分析[J]. 岩土工程學報, 2013, 35(3): 540-550.

[13] 實用新型專利,一種隧道接縫處滲漏檢測裝置,專利號:ZL202021039957.4,排名1/7.

[14] 實用新型專利,一種u型橋樑護欄模板,專利號:ZL202020079343.2,排名3/5.

[15] 團體標準,架空輸電線路黃土地基杆塔基礎設計技術規定,T/CEC 5054-2021,批准日期2021.06.29,排名14/18.[1]
