2015年至今,北京工商大學物理系 副教授
2013年-2015年,中科院理論物理研究所 博士後
2007年-2013年,北京師範大學物理系 博士
3. 非均勻介質中的分數階擴散現象的動力學機制的研究,北京市屬高校青年拔尖人才,2020.1-2022.12,主持。
2. 非均勻介質中萊維飛行動力學機制的研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目,2017.1-2019.12,主持。
1. 基於動力學連續時間無規行走方法對反常擴散機制的研究,國家自然科學基金理論物理專款,2016.1-2016.12,主持。
19. Jian Liu1*, Yuliang Jin, Jing-Dong Bao, and Xiaosong Chen, Coexistence of ergodicity and nonergodicity in the aging two-state random walks. Soft Matter 18, 8687 (2022)
18. Caiyun Zhang, Yuhang Hu, and Jian Liu*, Correlated continuous-time random walk with stochastic resetting. Journal of Statistical Mechanics 093205 (2022)
17. Jian Liu1*, Ping Zhu, Jing-Dong Bao, and Xiaosong Chen, Strong anomalous diffusive behaviors of the two-state random walk process. Physical Review E 105 014122 (2022)
16. Jian Liu1*, Caiyun Zhang, Jing-Dong Bao, and Xiaosong Chen, Correlated continuous-time random walk in the velocity field: the role of velocity and weak asymptotics. Soft Matter 17 9786 (2021)
15. Ping Zhu, Caiyun Zhang, and Jian Liu*, Barrier escape from a truncated quartic potential driven by correlated Lévy noises with opposite correlation. European Physical Journal B 94 154 (2021)
14. Feifei Li, Ping Zhu, Jing-Dong Bao, and Xiaosong Chen, Jian Liu*, Nontrivial anomalous diffusions induced by the harmonic velocity Lévy noise. Journal of Statistical Mechanics 043210 (2021)
13. Jian Liu1*, Jing-Dong Bao, and Xiaosong Chen, Correlated continuous-time random walk in a velocity field: Anomalous bifractional crossover. Physical Review E 102 062122 (2020)
12. Feifei Li, Xiaosong Chen, and Jian Liu*, Anomalous correlated Lévy flight induced by coexistence of correlation and dissipative nonlinearity. Journal of Statistical Mechanics 083209 (2020)
11. Jian Liu1*, Feifei Li, Yaohui Zhu, and Baohe Li, Enhanced transport of inertial Lévy flights in rough tilted periodic potential. Journal of Statistical Mechanics 033211 (2019)
10. Jian Liu1*, Baohe Li, and Xiaosong Chen, Nonergodic property of the space–time coupled CTRW: Dependence on the long-tailed property and correlation. Physica A 491 995 (2018)
9. Jian Liu1*, Yaohui Zhu, Peisong He, Jing-Dong Bao, and Xiaosong Chen, Transient bi-fractional diffusion: space-time coupling inducing the coexistence of two fractional diffusions. European Physical Journal B 90(4) 70 (2017)
8. Jian Liu1*, Baohe Li, and Xiaosong Chen, Generalized master equation for space-time coupled continuous time random walk. Chinese Physics Letters 34(5) 050201 (2017)
7. Jian Liu1* and Xiaosong Chen, Dynamical continuous time random Lévy flights. European Physical Journal B 89(3) 64 (2016)
6. 劉劍1*,陳曉白,徐登輝,李熊,陳曉松,楊波, 非線性阻尼驅動的萊維飛行動力學性質. 物理學報65(16) 160502 (2016)
5. Jian Liu1*, Bo Yang, Jing-Dong Bao, and Xiaosong Chen, Dynamical continuous time random walk. European Physical Journal B 88(4) 88 (2015)
4. Jing-Dong Bao and Jian Liu1, Group superballistic diffusion: Bimodal velocity-inducing coexistence of two states in a corrugated plane. Physical Review E 88 022153 (2013)
3. Jian Liu1 and Jing-Dong Bao, Continuous time random walk with jump length correlated with waiting time. Physica A 392(4) 612 (2013)
2. Jian Liu1, Hai-Yan Wang, and Jing-Dong Bao, Brownian localization: Generalized coupling model yielding a nonergodic Lagevin equation description. Chinese Physics B 22(6) 060513 (2013)
1. Liu Jian1 and Bao Jing-Dong, Effective jump length for coupled continuous time random walk. Chinese Physics Letters 30 (2) 020202 (2013)[1]