冠毛草 |
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中文名:冠毛草 拉丁學名:Stephanachne pappophorea (Hack. ) Keng 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:單子葉植物綱 目:禾本目 科:禾本科 亞 科:早熟禾亞科 族:針茅族 屬:冠毛草屬 種:冠毛草 命名者及年代:(Hack.) Keng,1934 |
冠毛草(guān máo cǎo),學名:Stephanachne pappophorea (Hack.) Keng,是禾本科冠毛草屬植物,植株草黃色。稈直立,叢生,光滑,基部宿存枯萎的葉鞘,高10-40厘米,具4-5節。葉鞘緊密抱莖,微糙澀,上部者長於節間;葉舌膜質,長2-3毫米,頂端齒裂;葉片無毛或邊緣微粗糙,長5-25厘米,寬1-3毫米。圓錐花序穗狀,緊密,長4-18厘米,寬約1厘米,具光澤,呈黃綠色或枯草黃色;小穗柄長0.5-2.5毫米,具微毛;小穗長5-7毫米;穎幾等長或第一穎稍長,窄披針形,先端成芒狀漸尖,具1-3脈,中脈粗糙;外稃長3-4毫米,具5脈,頂端2裂,裂片長1.2-1.8毫米,其先端延伸成長0.5毫米的短尖頭,裂片基部生有1圈長3-4毫米的冠毛狀柔毛,其下密生短毛,芒自裂片間伸出,長6-8毫米,近中部微膝曲,芒柱稍扭轉;內稃稍短於外稃,疏生短柔毛;鱗被披針形,長約1毫米;花葯長1-1.2毫米,深黃色;子房長約0.5毫米,花柱2,柱頭帚刷狀;穎果長約2毫米,棕黃色,卵狀長圓形。花果期7-9月。 [1]
Calamagrostis pappophorea Hackel, Annuaire Conserv. Jard. Bot. GenΦve 7–8: 325. 1904; Pappagrostis pappophorea (Hackel) Roshevitz.
Perennial, forming dense tussocks from a short rhizome, base invested in old leaf sheaths. Culms erect, 10–40 cm tall, 1–1.3 mm in diam., smooth, 2–5-noded. Leaf sheaths tight, auriculate, auricles 2–5 mm; leaf blades flat or involute, 5–25 cm, 1–5 mm wide, both surfaces scabrid, apex finely acuminate; ligule 1.5–3 mm, lacerate. Panicle linear-oblong in outline, spikelike, not interrupted, 4–18 cm, slightly shining; branches almost smooth; pedicels 0.5–2.5 mm, puberulent.
Spikelets 5–7 mm, yellowish green; glumes narrowly lanceolate, 1–3-veined, midvein scabrid, apex slenderly acuminate; lemma 3–4 mm (including lobes), body appressed-pilose, apical lobes extended into ca. 0.5 mm mucros, circlet of hairs 3–4 mm; awn 6–8 mm, weakly geniculate near middle, column slightly twisted; palea slightly shorter than lemma. Lodicules 2 or 3, ca. 1 mm. Stamens 3, anthers 1–1.2 mm. Fl. and fr. Jul–Sep.
《中國植物志》 第9(3)卷 (1987) >> 305頁 PDF >> 冠毛草 Stephanachne pappophorea 2.冠毛草(禾本科圖說)圖版75:7-12
Stephanachne pappophorea (Hack.) Keng in Contrib. Biol. Lab. Sci. Soc. China Bot. 9.(2) : 136. 1934; 禾本科圖說587. 圖521. 1959; 中國高等植物圖鑑5: 125.圖7079. 1976——Calamagrostis pappophorea Hack. in Ann. Conserv. et Jard. Bot. Geneve 7-8: 325. 1904. ——Pappagrostis pappophorea (Hack.) Roshev. in Kom. Fl. URSS 2: 231. 1934.
產自甘肅、新疆、青海。蘇聯中亞地區也有分布。模式標本采自新疆天山 。