

事實揭露 揭密真相
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2012.08-2016.06, 在福州大學物理與信息工程學院任講師

2016.07-2020.09, 在福州大學物理與信息工程學院任副教授




俞金玲博士,2012年畢業於中科院半導體研究所並獲得工學博士學位,現任福州大學物理與信息工程學院教授。2017年入選旗山學者,2018年入選福建省高校傑出青年教師。2017年獲得博士生導師資格。俞金玲博士一直致力於新型半導體材料與器件、自旋電子學以及偏振相關光電流技術的研究,主持和參與多項國家級和省部級項目的研究,並取得國際領先的學術成果。以第一作者身份在國際知名期刊Nano Letters、Acs Applied interface & materials、 Physical review B、Applied Physics Letters、Optics Express等期刊上發表論文30篇,申請國家發明專利三十餘項,授權發明專利22件。


拓撲界面態自旋-電荷轉化偏振光電流探測與調控 國家自然科學基金項目62074036 20

21-2024 70萬 主持

三維拓撲絕緣體的自旋光電流研究 國家自然科學基金項目61674038 2017-2020 70萬 主持

三維拓撲絕緣體表面態的光致逆自旋霍爾電流研究 福建省對外合作項目2019I01010020 2019-2021 15萬 主持

三維拓撲絕緣體表面態的逆自旋霍爾效應的探測與調控 清華大學低維量子物理國家重點實驗開放課題 KF201906 2019-2021 10萬 主持

低維半導體結構的自旋軌道耦合和自旋霍爾效應的自旋光電流研究 國家自然科學基金項目61306120 2014-2016 25萬 主持

福建省高校傑出青年科研人才計劃 00382408 2018-2020 8萬 主持



(1) Li, Minggui,Jinling Yu*, Guangzhou Cui, Yonghai Chen, Yunfeng Lai, Shuying Cheng, and Ke He. Circular Photogalvanic Effect of Surface States in the Topological Insulator Bi2(Te0.23Se0.77)3 Nanowires Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition." Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 131(11): 113902.

(2) Wu, Wenyi,Jinling Yu*,Yuying Jiang, Xiaolin Zeng, Yonghai Chen, Yu Liu, Chunming Yin, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Ke He* and Qikun Xue. Tuning of Circular Photogalvanic Effect of Surface States in the Topological Insulator Sb2te3 Via Structural Deformation." Applied Physics Letters , 2022, 120(6): 062407. (SCI二區)

(3) Yu Jinling*, Zhuang Hang, Zhu Kejing, Chen Yonghai, Liu Yu, Zhang,Yang, Xue, Qikun. Observation of current-induced spin polarization in the topological insulator Bi2Te3 via circularly polarized photoconductive differential current. Physical Review B, 2021, 104(4), 045428.(二區)

(4) Zhuang, Hang,Yu Jinling*, Chen Lei, Gu Peng, Chen Yonghai, Liu Yu, Cheng, Shuying. Giant circular photogalvanic effect of the surface states in an ultra-thin Bi2Se3 nanoplate grown by chemical vapor deposition. Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 129(10), 105303.

(5) Jinling Yu*, Lijia Xia, Kejing Zhu, Qinggao Pan, Xiaolin Zeng, Yu Liu, Chunming Yin, Shuying Cheng, Ke He*, Qikun Xue, Control of circular photogalvanic effect of surface states in the topological insulator Bi2Te3 via spin injection, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(15): 18091-18100.(一區)

(6) Jinling Yu*, Wenyi Wu, Yumeng Wang, Kejing Zhu, Xiaolin Zeng, Yonghai Chen, Yu Liu, Chunming Yin, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Ke He*, Qikun Xue, Giant photoinduced anomalous Hall effect of the topological surface states in three dimensional topological insulators Bi2Te3, 2020, 12,18091.(二區)

(7) Jinling Yu*, Kejing Zhu, Xiaolin Zeng, Lei Chen, Yonghai Chen*, Yu Liu, Chunming Yin, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Jin Huang, Ke He*, and Qikun Xue, Helicity-Dependent Photocurrent of the Top and Bottom Dirac Surface States of Epitaxial Thin Films of Three-Dimensional Topological Insulators Sb2Te3, Physical Review B, 2019, 100 (23): 235108.(二區)

(8) Jinling Yu, Xiaolin Zeng, Yumeng Wang, Lijia Xia, Shuying Cheng, Yonghai Chen, et al. Observation of Extrinsic Photo-Induced Inverse Spin Hall Effect in a GaAs/AlGaAs Two-Dimensional Electron Gas. Nanoscale research letters. 2018;13(1):320. (二區)

(9) Jinling Yu*, Xiaolin Zeng, Liguo Zhang, Ke He, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Wei Huang, Yonghai Chen, Chunming Yin, Qikun Xue, Inverse spin Hall effect induced by linearly polarized light in the topological insulator Bi2Se3. Optics Express, 2018. 26(4): p. 4832-4841.(二區)

(10) Jinling Yu*, Xiaolin Zeng, Liguo Zhang, Ke He, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Wei Huang, Yonghai Chen, Chunming Yin, Qikun Xue, Photoinduced Inverse Spin Hall Effect of Surface States in the Topological Insulator Bi2Se3,Nano Letters,17,7878 (2017).(一區)

(11) Jinling Yu*, Yonghai Chen, Shuying Cheng, Xiaolin Zeng, Yu Liu, Yunfeng Lai, Qiao Zheng, Separation of the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of the photo-induced anomalous Hall effect, Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 90 (2017) 55-60.

(12) Jinling Yu*, Yonghai Chen, Yu Liu, Shuying Cheng, Effects of Strain in Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 9 (2017) 1066-1082.

(13) Jinling Yu*, Zhengzhong Zheng, LiMei Dong, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Qiao Zheng, Haifang Zhou, Hongjie Jia, Hong Zhang, Effect of deposited temperatures of the buffer layer on the band offset of CZTS/In2S3 heterostructure and its solar cell performance, Chinese Physics B, 26 (2017) 046802.

(14) Jinling Yu*, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Qiao Zheng, Yonghai Chen*, and Jun Ren, "Spectroscopic evidence of different segregation lengths of indium atoms at the direct and inverted interfaces in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells." Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2016, 81: 240-247.

(15) Jinling Yu*, Xiaolin Zeng, Shuying Cheng, Yonghai Chen, Yu Liu, Yunfeng Lai, Qiao Zheng, Jun Ren, Tuning of Rashba/Dresselhaus Spin Splittings by Inserting Ultra-Thin InAs Layers at Interfaces in Insulating GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells, Nanoscale Research Letters, 11 (2016) 477. (二區)

(16) Jinling Yu*, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Qiao Zheng, Laipan Zhu, Yonghai Chen*, and Jun Ren, Temperature dependence of spin photocurrent spectra induced by Rashba- and Dresselhaus-type circular photogalvanic effect at inter-band excitation in InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells, Optics Express,2015,23 (21): 27250-27259. (SCI二區)

(17) Jinling Yu*, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Qiao Zheng, Yonghai Chen*, and Chenguang Tang, Tuning of in-Plane Optical Anisotropy by Inserting Ultra-Thin InAs Layer at Interfaces in (001)-Grown GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well, Journal of Applied Physics,2015,117 (1): 015302-015308.

(18) Jinling Yu, Yunfeng Lai*, Shuying Cheng, QiaoZheng, and Yonghai Chen, Temperature-Dependent Photoluminescence and Raman Investigation of Cu-Incorporated ZnO Nanorods, Journal of Luminescence,2015,161: 330-334. (SCI二區)

(19) Jinling Yu*, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Qiao Zheng, and Yonghai Chen*, Spin photocurrent spectra induced by Rashba- and Dresselhaus-type circular photogalvanic effect at inter-band excitation in InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs step quantum wells, Nanoscale Research Letters,2014,9(1): 130-140. (SCI二區)

(20) Jinling Yu*, Yunfeng Lai*, Yuzhu Wang, Shuying Cheng, and Yonghai Chen, Polarized Raman Scattering of Single Zno Nanorod, Journal of Applied Physics,2014,115 (3):033505-033511.

(21) Jinling Yu*,Yonghai Chen*, Yu Liu, Chongyun Jiang, Hui Ma, Laipan. Zhu, and Xudong Qin, Intrinsic Photoinduced Anomalous Hall Effect in Insulating GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells at Room Temperature,Applied Physics Letters, 2013,102 (20): 202408-202412. (SCI二區)

(22) Jinling Yu, Yonghai Chen*, Bo Xu, Chongyun Jiang, Xiaoling Ye, Shujie Wu and Hansong Gao, In-plane optical anisotropy induced by asymmetrically δ-doping in (001) GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells studied by reflectance difference spectroscopy, Journal of Applied Physics,2013,113(8): 083504-083508.

(23) Jinling Yu*, Yonghai Chen*, Shuying Cheng, and Yunfeng Lai, Temperature dependence of anisotropic mode splitting induced by birefringence in an InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser studied by reflectance difference spectroscopy, Applied optics,2013,52(5):1035-1040.

(24) Jinling Yu*, Yonghai Chen*, Shuying Cheng, and Yunfeng Lai, Spectra of circular and linear photogalvanic effect at inter-band excitation in In0.15Ga0.85As/Al0.3Ga0.7As multiple quantum wells, Physica E, 2013,49: 92-96.

(25) Jinling Yu*, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, and Yonghai Chen*, Investigation Anisotropic Mode Splitting Induced by Electro-Optic Birefringence in an InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser, Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 114 (3): 033511-033516.

(26) Jinling Yu*, Yonghai Chen*, Yu Liu, Chongyun Jiang, Hui Ma, Laipan Zhu, Xudong Qin, Observation of circular dichroism in (001)-oriented P-I-N InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells without magnetic field, Applied Physics Letters,2013,102(7):072404-072408. (SCI二區)

(27) Jinling Yu, Yonghai Chen*, Chongyun Jiang, Yu Liu, Hui Ma, Laipan Zhu, Observation of the photoinduced anomalous Hall effect spectra in insulating InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells at room temperature,Applied Physics Letters,2012,100(14): 142109-142112. (SCI二區)

(28) Jinling Yu, Yonghai Chen*, Chongyun Jiang, Yu Liu, Hui Ma, Laipan Zhu, Spectra of Rashba- and Dresselhaus-type circular photogalvanic effect at inter-band excitation in GaAs/AlGaAs quamtun wells and their behaviors under external strain, Applied Physics Letters, 2012,100(14): 152110-152114.(SCI二區)

(29) Jinling Yu, Yonghai Chen*, Chongyun Jiang, Xiaoling Ye, Hongyi Zhang, Detecting and tuning anisotropic mode splitting induced by birefringence in an InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser,Journal of Applied Physics,2012,111 (4): 043109-043113.

(30) Jinling Yu, Yonghai Chen*, Chongyun Jiang, Yu Liu, Hui Ma, Room-temperature spin photocurrent spectra at interband excitation and comparison with reflectance-difference spectroscopy in InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells, Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109(5): 053519-053524.

(31) Jinling Yu, Yonghai Chen*, Chenguang Tang, Chongyun Jiang, Xiaoling Ye, Observation of strong anisotropic forbidden transitions in (001) InGaAs/GaAs single-quantum well by reflectance- difference spectroscopy and its behavior under uniaxial strain, Nanoscale Research Letters,2011,6(1): 210-219. (SCI二區)

(32) Jinling Yu,Yonghai Chen*,Yunfeng Lai and Shuying Cheng, "Spin–orbit coupling effects on the in-plane optical anisotropy of semiconductor quantum wells." Chinese Physis B, 2014, 23(1): 017806.

(33) Jinling Yu,Yonghai Chen*, Xiaoling Ye, Chongyun Jiang, Caihong Jia, In-plane optical anisotropy in GaAsN/GaAs single-quantum well investigated by reflectance-difference spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics,2010,108 (1): 013516-013520.

(34) Linyan Lin,Jinling Yu*, Shuying Cheng, Peimin Lu, Yunfeng Lai, Sile Lin and Pengyi Zhao. "Band Alignment at the In2S3/Cu2ZnSnS4 Heterojunction Interface Investigated by X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy." Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 2014, 116(4): 2173-2177.

(35) Linyan Lin,Jinling Yu*, Shuying Cheng, Peimin Lu, Influence of Ag and Sn incorporation in In2S3 thin films,Chinese Physis B, 2015,24(7): 078103

(36) Zhongming Zheng,Jinling Yu*, Shuying Cheng,Yunfeng Lai, Qiao Zheng and Danpei Pan,Investigation of structural, optical and electrical properties of Cu doped β-In2S3 thin films, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics,2016,27(6), 5810-5817.

(37) Jie Zhang,Jinling Yu*, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai and Yonghai Chen, "Investigation of the mode splitting induced by electro-optic birefringence in a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser by polarized electroluminescence." Chinese Physis B, 2014,23(2): 027304.

(38) Xiaolin Zeng,Jinling Yu*, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Yonghai Chen, Wei Huang, Temperature dependence of photogalvanic effect in GaAs/AlGaAs two-dimensional electron gas at interband and intersubband excitation, Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 121: 193901.

(39) Peng Gu,Jinling Yu*, Xinlin Zeng, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Haifang Zhou, et al. Effect of Temperature and Gas Flow on Bi2Se3Nanoplates Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition. Journalof Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2018;18(11):7590-4

(40) Yumeng Wang,Jingling Yu*, Xiaolin Zeng, Yonghai Chen, Yu Liu, Shuying Cheng, Yunfeng Lai, Chunming Yin, Ke He and Qikun Xue, Temperature and excitation wavelength dependence of circular and linear photogalvanic effect in a three dimensional topological insulator Bi2Se3. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter. 2019, 31(41).





