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Ø 基於深度遷移學習的軌道交通列車走行部滾動軸承故障診斷方法研究,北京市自然科學基金-豐臺軌道交通前沿研究聯合基金,2021-2024

Ø 數據驅動的地鐵車輛牽引電機軸承智能故障診斷與模式識別方法研究,北京市自然科學基金,2021-2023

Ø 動車組牽引電機軸承在線安全監控技術研究,國家鐵路局,2021-2022

Ø 長大坡道困難工況下牽引運行技術研究,國家重點研發計劃

Ø 潤滑脂組成對高速鐵路牽引電機軸承潤滑脂使用壽命的影響規律研究,中石油

Ø 動車組機械傳動系統軸承測試與評價技術研究,原鐵道部重點課題

Ø 動車組機械傳動系統牽引電機軸承潤滑分析與評價技術研究,南車電機

Ø 時速500公里高速試驗列車異步牽引電動機,南車電機

Ø 檢修動車組軸箱軸承溫升原因分析研究,四方廠

Ø 含水條件下油膜軸承油潤滑機理的研究,中石油

Ø 160公里城際動車組項目接地方案分析及試驗,中車唐山機車車輛有限公司

Ø 智能變電站中物聯網無線傳感單元電磁騷擾特徵分析與濾波處理方法的研究,國家重點實驗室

Ø 基於激光掃描方法的螺紋參數檢測技術研究,教育部中央高校基本科研業務費

Ø 高速旋轉機械振動檢測的光纖傳感技術研究,教育部中央高校基本科研業務費

Ø 精密離心機測試系統關鍵技術研究,人才基金

Ø 煤礦井下供電系統對安全監控系統的電磁干擾研究,煤炭科學研究院

Ø 基於MMC高壓柔性直流換流閥系統中關鍵設備的動態電磁特性研究,國家重點實驗室開放課題

Ø 煤礦安全監控裝備電磁兼容關鍵技術合作研究,國際科技合作計劃



20. Feiyu Lu, Qingbin Tong*, Ziwei Feng, Qingzhu Wan. Unbalanced Bearing Fault Diagnosis under Various Speeds based on Spectrum Alignment and Deep Transfer Convolution Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022. (SCI) IF: 11.648, JCR:Q1

19. Tong Q*, Liu Z, Lu F, et al. A New De-Noising Method Based on Enhanced Time-Frequency Manifold and Kurtosis-Wavelet Dictionary for Rolling Bearing Fault Vibration Signal[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22(16): 6108. (SCI)

18. Qingbin Tong*, Feiyu Lu, Ziwei Feng, et al. A Novel Method for Fault Diagnosis of Bearings with Small and Imbalanced Data Based on Generative Adversarial Networks. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12, 7346. (SCI)

17. Lu F, Tong Q*, Feng Z, et al. Explainable 1DCNN with demodulated frequency features method for fault diagnosis of rolling bearing under time-varying speed conditions[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2022, 33(9): 095022. (SCI)

16. An GP, Tong QB*, Zhang, YA, et al. A Parameter-Optimized Variational Mode Decomposition Investigation for Fault Feature Extraction of Rolling Element Bearings[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, (2021).

15. Y Wang, Cao, J., Tong, Q., An, G., & Yan, H. Study on the thermal performance and temperature distribution of ball bearings in the traction motor of a high-speed EMU. Applied Sciences, 2020,10(12), 4373. (SCI)

14. Zhengwei Nie, Yuyi Lin, and Qingbin Tong. "Numerical simulations of two-phase flow in open-cell metal foams with application to aero-engine separators." International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2018,127: 917-932. (SCI)

13. QINGBIN TONG*, QUAN YUAN, YUHUA ZHAO, FENG YUAN, ZHENGWEI NIE, YUYI LIN, JUNCI CAO, XIN WANG. A Method for Measurement of Aircraft Attitude Parameters Based on Sequence Screen-spot Imaging. IEEE Access, 2018, 6(1), 21566-21577. (SCI)

12. Shao Z, Shang Y, Tong Q, et al. Multiple color image encryption and authentication based on phase retrieval and partial decryption in quaternion gyrator domain[J]. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2018:1-20. (SCI)

11. Qingbin Tong*, Junci Cao, BaozhuHan, DeliWang, Yuyi Lin,Weidong Zhang and Jianqiang Wang. A fault diagnosis approach for rolling element bearings based on dual-tree complex wavelet packet transform-improved intrinsic time-scale decomposition, singular value decomposition, and online sequential extreme learning machine. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(12):1-12. (SCI)

10. Zhengwei Nie, Yuyi Lin, Qingbin Tong. Numerical investigation of pressure drop and heat transfer through open cell foams with 3D Laguerre-Voronoi model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 113:819-839. (SCI)

9. Zhengwei Nie, Yuyi Lin, Qingbin Tong. Modeling structures of open cell foams. Computational Materials Science, 2017, 131:160-169. (SCI)

8. QINGBIN TONG*; Junci Cao; Baozhu Han; Xiaodong Zhang; Zhengwei Nie;Jiamin Wang; Yuyi Lin; Weidong Zhang. A Fault Diagnosis Approach for Rolling Element Bearings Based on RSGWPT-LCD Bilayer Feature Screening and ExtremeLearning Machine. IEEE Access, 2017. 5(1), 5515-5530. (SCI)

7. Qingbin Tong*, Baozhu Han, Yuyi Lin, Weidong Zhang, Junci Cao and Xiaodong Zhang. A Fault Feature Detection Approach for Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Element Bearings Based on Redundant Second Generation Wavelet Packet Transform and Local Characteristic-Scale Decomposition. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2017, 5(1), 101-110. (SCI)

6. Qingbin Tong*; Zhanlong Sun; Zhengwei Nie; Yuyi Lin. Sparse decomposition based on ADMM dictionary learning for fault feature extraction of rollingelement bearing. JOURNAL OF VIBROENGINEERING, 2016, 18(8), 5204-5216. (SCI)

5. Qingbin Tong*; Baozhu Han; Yuyi Lin; Weidong Zhang. Multi-fault diagnosis for rolling element bearings based on intrinsic mode function screening and optimized least squares support vector machine. JOURNAL OF VIBROENGINEERING, 2016, 18(7), 4430-4448. (SCI)

4. Tong Q*, Jiao C, Huang H, et al. An automatic measuring method and system using laser triangulation scanning for the parameters of a screw thread. Measurement Science and Technology, 2014, 25(3): 035202. (SCI)

3. Tong Q*, Han B, Wang D, et al. A novel laser-based system for measuring internal thread parameters. Journal of Russian Laser Research, 2014, 35(3): 307-316. (SCI)

2. Qing-bin T*. Accurate measurement method of the thickness of a quartz pendulous reed by combining polarized reflectance and vision image. Journal of Russian Laser Research, 2011, 32(6): 537-546. (SCI)

1. Qing-Bin T*, Hui-Ping M, Li-Hua L, et al. Measurements of radiation vibrations of turbomachine blades using an optical-fiber displacement-sensing system. Journal of Russian Laser Research, 2011, 32(3): 216-229. (SCI)


1 發明專利:基於可解釋1DCNN模型的滾動軸承故障診斷方法及系統. 發明人:佟慶彬, 路飛宇, 馮子微等。

2 發明專利:變轉速工況下樣本不平衡的滾動軸承故障診斷方法及系統. 發明人:佟慶彬, 路飛宇, 馮子微等。


1、指導學生參加 「2011年第四屆全國大學生節能減排社會實踐與科技競賽」的項目獲國家三等獎



1 教育部學位與研究生教育發展中心評審專家,留學基金委評審專家。

2 Chinese Optics Letters、浙江大學、北京理工大學學報、北京化工大學等國內期刊審稿人; IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, Measurement Science and Technology,IEEE Access, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, IEEE Sensors Journal 等國際期刊審稿人。[1]
