二分果狐尾藻 |
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中文名:二分果狐尾藻 二名法:Myriophyllum dicoccum F.Muell. 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 綱:雙子葉植物綱 目:虎耳草目 科:小二仙草科 屬:狐尾藻屬 |
二分果狐尾藻(èr fēn guǒ hú wěi zǎo),學名 Myriophyllum dicoccum F. Mueller ,小二仙草科、狐尾藻屬多年生沉水草本植物, 根狀莖發達, 在底泥中蔓延, 節部生根。莖圓柱形,頂部伸出水面,少分枝,葉通常5片輪生,蓖狀分裂,莖頂部水上葉披針形或匙形,有齒刻或不明顯的鋸齒,漸次變成苞片狀、掌狀淺裂,花單生於葉腋,具短梗,花小、單性,雌雄同株,上部為雄花,下部為雌花;萼管四棱形、花瓣匙形,扁平,膜質,柱頭有乳頭狀突起。果直徑2毫米,成熟時褐色。花期3-9月,果期4-10月。 圖片取自中國植物圖庫 。 [1]
植株雌雄同株和具兩性的花。 莖疏生枝,30-50(-80)厘米; 節間的2-12毫米。沉水葉散布或者2-5輪,櫛狀,概括地寬卵形, 2-3 * 1-2 厘米;
裂片在4-12 對,絲狀,5-10毫米,細短尖的先端;出水的葉互生,線形對狹倒披針形, 0.7-1.7 * 0.5-1.5 厘米,邊緣全緣或短齒。花序腋生,不規則二歧聚傘花序1-5花的;
雌花殘留整個浸泡發育,雄花和兩性花生於出水的莖;苞片葉狀; 小苞片正三角形,不顯眼。 雄花無梗,4瓣; 萼片正三角形,長約0.2毫米;花瓣紅色,長約1.8毫米,晚早落;雄蕊4。
雌花無梗或有花梗,2瓣; 萼片正三角形,長約0.1毫米;花瓣無的或殘跡; 子房2室; 花柱棍棒狀 柱頭紅色,頭狀,不流蘇狀。 兩性的花無梗,4瓣;
在花粉之後的柱頭髮達釋放,流蘇狀。 果無梗或有短花梗,橄欖棕色,2室(雌花)或4室(兩性花),長約1毫米;分果爿圓筒狀,濾波或者稀少具瘤,先端截形。 花期以及果期5-9月。
Plants monoecious and with bisexual flowers. Stem sparsely branched, 30-50(-80) cm; internodes 2-12 mm. Submerged leaves scattered or 2-5-whorled, pectinate, broadly ovate in outline, 2-3 × 1-2 cm; segments in 4-12 pairs, filiform, 5-10 mm, apex finely mucronate;
emergent leaves alternate, linear to narrowly oblanceolate, 0.7-1.7 × 0.5-1.5 cm, margin entire or shortly toothed distally. Inflorescence of axillary, irregular dichasia of 1-5 flowers, female ones remaining submerged throughout development, male and bisexual ones borne on emergent part of stem; bracts leaflike; bracteoles deltoid, inconspicuous.
Male flowers sessile, 4-merous; sepals deltoid, ca. 0.2 mm; petals red, ca. 1.8 mm, late caducous; stamens 4. Female flowers sessile or pedicellate, 2-merous; sepals deltoid, ca. 0.1 mm; petals absent or vestigial; ovary 2-loculed; styles clavate; stigmas red, capitate, not fimbriate.
Bisexual flowers sessile, 4-merous; stigmas developing after pollen release, fimbriate. Fruit sessile or shortly pedicellate, olive-brown, 2-loculed (female flowers) or 4-loculed (bisexual flowers), ca. 1 mm; mericarps cylindric, smooth or sparsely tuberculate, apex truncate. Fl. and fr. May-Sep.
FOC >> Vol.13 (2007) >> Haloragaceae >> Myriophyllum | eFloras.org Link 5.Myriophyllum dicoccum F. Mueller二分果狐尾藻 er fen guo hu wei zao
Fujian, Guangdong, Taiwan [E India, Indonesia (NE Java), Papua New Guinea, Vietnam; Australia].
福建,廣東,台灣 [印度東部,印度尼西亞(爪哇東北),越南,巴布亞新幾內亞;澳大利亞 ]。
Myriophyllum dicoccum was erroneously treated as M. humile (Rafinesque) Morong (Burshia humilis Rafinesque) in FRPS (53(2): 140. 2000). These taxa are separated by their fruit: M. dicoccum has 2-loculed fruit from female flowers and 4-loculed fruit from bisexual flowers on the same plant, whereas M. humile has only 4-loculed fruit.
Myriophyllum dicoccum被錯誤在《中國植物志》里看作M. humile(Rafinesque) Morong(Burshia humilis Rafinesque)(53(2): 140.2000).這2分類群被他們的果區別開: M. dicoccum在相同植株上雌花有2室的果和而兩性花有4室的果,而M. humile只有4室的果。