
I See the Lights - 张杰查看源代码讨论查看历史

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I See the Lights - 张杰


I See the Lights - 张杰 (Jason Zhang)[1]



Open your misty eyes

Here comes another fight

There's a stormy night

Before the morning arrives

No matter where you go

I will follow you

Keep careful watch of your soul

Smashing through the door

Into another world

Picking up my sword

Nothing I can't conquer

I'll keep carrying on

We have to be strong

Still a long long way to run

Until I see the sun

I see the lights

I hear the triumph

Let's solve the mystery and live a dream

I see the lights

I hear the triumph

Let's write our story

Let's make our fantasy come true

Smashing through the door

Into another world

Picking up my sword

Nothing I can't conquer

I'll keep carrying on

We have to be strong

Still a long long way to run

Until I see the sun

I see the lights

I hear the triumph

Let's solve the mystery and live a dream

I see the lights

I hear the triumph

Let's write our story

Let's make our fantasy come true

I see the lights

I hear the triumph

Let's solve the mystery and live a dream

I see the lights

I hear the triumph

Let's write our story

Let's make our fantasy come true


简介: 张杰,中国著名歌手,华语歌坛新生代领军人物,偶像与实力兼具的超人气天王。2004年出道至今,已发行6张高品质唱片,

唱片销量称冠内地群雄, 举办过4场爆满的个人演唱会。

2008年以来在各大权威音乐奖项中先后10次获得 内地最受欢迎男歌手 称号,2010年在韩国最权威的颁奖礼[2]


  1. [1] | 来自于QQ音乐]
  2. [2] |张杰 来自于九酷网 音乐]