
I Get A Kick Out Of You(费翔演唱歌曲)查看源代码讨论查看历史

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歌名:I Get A Kick Out Of You



I get no kick from champagne

Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all

So tell me why should it be true

That I get a kick out of you

Some get their kicks from cocaine

I'm sure that if I took even one sniff

That would bore me terrifically too

Yet I get a kick out of you

I get a kick every time I see you

Standing there before me

I get a kick though it's clear to me

You obviously don't adore me

I get no kick in a plane

Flying too high with some guy in the sky

Is my idea of nothing to do

But I get a kick out of you

I get a kick every time I see you

Standing there before me

I get a kick though it's clear to me

You obviously don't adore me

I get no kicks in a plane

Flying too high with some guy in the sky

Is my idea of nothing to do

But I get a kick out of you


费翔(本名:Kris Philllps,1960年12月24日-),父亲是美国军人,母亲是中国人,出生于中国台湾,毕业于斯坦福大学戏剧系,美籍华裔男歌手、演员。

费翔,上世纪八十年代最出名的华语流行音乐巨星,穿越了黑胶、卡带、CD、网络四大时代。中美混血,台湾歌星,归乡游子,特殊的身份与时代,使他成为当时少男少女们疯狂迷恋的第一男神,盒带销售超过三千万。但,一切戛然止于1989年。65场疯狂的全国巡演之后,他远渡重洋,自此脱离了我们的视线,成为百老汇演出公会里KRIS PHILLIPS。




费翔:I get a kick out of you(中英字幕)
