闊穎賴草 |
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百合超目 Lilianae 禾本目 Poales 禾本科 Poaceae 賴草屬 Leymus 伊吾賴草 Leymus yiunensis |
伊吾賴草(yī wú lài cǎo),學名 Leymus yiunensis N. R. Cui & D. F. Cui,異名:Leymus yiwuensis ,多年生草本,高25—35厘米。產於海拔約2400米,分布於新疆(Burqin,Yecheng,Yiwu)。 [1]
膝曲的稈直立或,14-35厘米高,有節的1的通常,平滑,無毛。 葉鞘平滑,無毛或邊緣具緣毛; 葉舌0.5-1毫米,膜; 葉片內卷,4-9厘米×毫米,背面無毛,正面和邊緣粗糙。
穗狀花序直立,綠色,緊密, ( 3-)5-11 * (0.35-) 0.5-1 厘米; 青春期的軸,通常具白色,長,柔軟頭髮在節點上。 每節,0.7-1.1厘米,具3-5小穗2-8)小花;
小穗軸密被短柔毛。 通常穎片包括基部的第一個外稃,狹披針形,近等長,5-9毫米,1脈,下部短柔毛,上部粗糙,先端縮小,。 披針形的Lemma,清楚5脈,背面密被,白色,柔軟的頭髮,邊緣具緣毛;
首先,外稃7-9毫米包括點1-1.5毫米; 胼胝體具柔軟毛0.5張-1毫米內稃近相等外稃,具緣毛沿着龍骨狀。 花葯黃,2-3毫米子房橢圓形,先端被微柔毛。 花期 以及果期6-8月。
FOC >> Vol.22 (2006) >> Poaceae >> Leymus | eFloras.org Link 7.Leymus yiunensis N. R. Cui & D. F. Cui伊吾賴草 yi wu lai cao
伊吾賴草 Leymus yiunensis Leymus yiwuensis N. R. Cui ex L. B. Cai, nom. illeg. superfl.Culms erect or geniculate, 14–35 cm tall, usually 1-noded, smooth, glabrous.
Leaf sheath smooth, glabrous or margin ciliate; ligule 0.5–1 mm, membranous; leaf blade involute, 4–9 cm × 0.1–2.5 mm, abaxial surface glabrous, adaxial surface and margin scabrous. Spike erect, green, dense, (3–)5–11 × (0.35–) 0.5–1 cm; rachis pubescent, usually with white, long, soft hairs on nodes.
Spikelets 2 per node, 0.7–1.1 cm, with 3–5(–8) florets; rachilla densely pubescent. Glumes usually covering base of first lemma, narrowly lanceolate, subequal, 5–9 mm, 1-veined, proximally pubescent, distally scabrous, apex narrowed, awnlike.
Lemma lanceolate, distinctly 5-veined, abaxially with dense, white, soft hairs, margin ciliate; first lemma 7–9 mm including point 1–1.5 mm; callus with soft hairs 0.5–1 mm. Palea subequaling lemma, ciliate along keels distally. Anthers yellow, 2–3 mm. Ovary elliptic, apex puberulent. Fl. and fr. Jun–Aug.
- Meadows; ca. 2400 m. Xinjiang (Burqin, Yecheng, Yiwu).
草甸 海拔約2400米,新疆(Burqin,Yecheng,Yiwu)。
Leymus yiwuensis was described as a new species by Cai (Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 17: 29. 1997) based on the same holotype specimen (N. R. Cui 820064, XJA) as L. yiunensis.
Leymus yiwuensis被蔡描述成一新種(公牛。 膚蠅等幼蟲。 研究, 哈爾濱 17: 29. 1997) 基於作為L. yiunensis的相同的主模式標本(N. R. Cui 820064,XJA)。