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苍山长梗柳是分属被子植物门双子叶植物纲裘良目杨柳科的一种植物。 [1]


灌木直立,在1米高。 第一年小枝无毛; 幼年小枝被绒毛。

叶柄ca 3毫米,被绒毛; 叶片卵形长圆形, 约2厘米×8毫米在花期,背面带绿色,浅灰色具长柔毛,正面基部绿色,具短绒毛的沿中脉, 背面中脉突起 侧脉不清楚。 花花叶同放。

雄性柔荑花序未知。 圆柱状的雌性柔荑花序,5-8厘米 * 约6毫米; 花序梗5-10毫米,被绒毛,具2或3小叶; 轴具长柔毛; 披针形的苞片,约3毫米,背面具长柔毛,正面近无毛。

雌花 正面的腺1,线,大约0.7毫米; 子房倒棍棒形或卵球形圆筒状,约×毫米,短柔毛; 青春期的柄接近,约4毫米,大约2 * 倍于子房; 花柱长约0.7毫米,2裂; 柱头全缘或者稍浅裂。花期 5月[2]

Shrubs erect, to 1 m tall. First-year branchlets glabrous; juvenile branchlets tomentose. Petiole ca 3 mm, tomentose; leaf blade ovate-oblong, circa 2 cm × 8 mm at anthesis, abaxially greenish, grayish villous, adaxially green, downy along midvein basally, base broadly cuneate, margin entire, apex shortly acuminate; midvein raised abaxially; lateral veins indistinct. Flowering coetaneous. Male catkin unknown. Female catkin terete, 5-8 cm × circa 6 mm; peduncle 5-10 mm, tomentose, with 2 or 3 leaflets; rachis villous; bracts lanceolate, circa 3 mm, abaxially villous, adaxially subglabrous. Female flower: adaxial gland 1, linear, circa 0.7 mm; ovary obclavate or ovoid-cylindric, circa 2 × 0.8 mm, pubescent; stipe pubescent proximally, circa 4 mm, circa 2 × as long as ovary; style circa 0.7 mm, 2-lobed; stigma entire or slightly lobed. Fl. May

  • Mountain slopes; ca. 3000 m. Yunnan (Dali Xian: Changshan).

A. K. Skvortsov indicates that this taxon is problematic because he observed malformed ovaries and intermediate transitions from ovaries to anthers.


门中文名 被子植物门 门英文名 Angiospermae

纲中文名 双子叶植物纲 纲英文名 Dicotyledoneae

目中文名 裘良目 目英文名 Julianiales

科中文名 杨柳科 科拉丁名 Salicaceae

属中文名 柳属 属拉丁名 Salix

种中文名 苍山长梗柳 种拉丁名 Salix longissimipedicellaris N. Chao ex P. Y. Mao

生境 本种没有生境资料 是否中国特有 是 是否引种栽培 非人工引种栽培




  1. 苍山长梗柳, 植物智, 2020-01-18
  2. FOC >> Vol.4 (1999) >> Salicaceae >> Salix