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1. 协作机器人研发与应用(Cooperative Robot Development and Application)

2. 移动操作机器人研发与应用(Mobile Cooperative Robot Development and Application)

3. 双臂协作机器人研发与应用(Dual-Arm Cooperative Robot Development and Application)

4. 系统动力学与先进控制理论(System dynamics and advanced control theory)

5. 电机伺服驱动控制与运动控制(Motor Servo Control and Motion Control)

6. 移动机器人(Mobile Robot),包括智能体感车、全向移动机器人、四驱四转移动平台等

主要是基于模型设计(Model Based Design)实现驱动在环(DIL,Driver In Loop)、模型在环(MIL,Model In Loop)、软件在环(SIL,Software In Loop)、硬件在环(HIL)和快速控制原型(RCP)以及基于MATLAB/Simulink直接生成代码(Code Generation),从而实现零部件层(Component)、系统层(System)和应用层(Application)的建模、驱控、算法设计等研发与产业化。 已经产业化落地的产品包括:一级、二级直线电机倒立摆系统;磁悬浮球系统;智能体感车(独轮、双轮、四轮);单片机架构和操作系统架构的cSPACE快速控制原型开发系统;全向移动机器人(已经产业化); 电机伺服驱动器(单驱、双驱)、协作机器人、移动协作机器人等


[1] 合工大智能院机器人公共平台建设项目,2019-2021, 270万,主持。

[2] 国家自然科学青年基金项目,51505116,2016/01-2018/12,26万,主持。

[3] 中国博士后基金面上一等资助,2016/06-2018/05,8万,主持。

[4] 安徽省科学基金面上资助,1508085SME221,2015/07-2017/06, 8万,主持。

[5] 合肥市研究院研发资金项目,2015/10-2017/10, 100万,主持。

[6] 合肥工业大学学术新人提升B计划项目,JZ2016HGTB0716,2016/04-2017/12,20万,主持。



受邀担任《Nonlinear Dynamics》、《Asian Journal of Control》、《Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems》、《Advances in Mechanical Engineering》、《International Journal of Fuzzy Systems》、《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》、《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》等国际期刊和其他国内期刊审稿人。




[1] Zhen Sheng-Chao(*),Zhao Han, Huang Kang, Deng Bin and Chen Ye-Hwa. A novel Optimal Robust Control Design of Fuzzy Mechanical Systems [J]. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2015, 23(6): 2012-2023.

[2] Zhen Sheng-Chao(*),Huang Kang, Zhao Han and Chen Ye-Hwa. Why can a free-falling cat always manage to land safely on its feet? [J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 79(4): 2237-2250.

[3] Liu Xiaoli, Zhen Sheng-Chao(*),Huang Kang, Zhao Han, Chen Ye-Hwa and Shao Ke. A systematic approach for designing analytical dynamics and servo control of constrained mechanical systems [J]. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2015, 2(4): 382-393.

[4]Chen Xiaolong, Zhao Han, Sun Hao, Zhen Sheng-Chao(*), et al. Optimal Adaptive Robust Control Based on Cooperative Game Theory for a Class of Fuzzy Underactuated Mechanical Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020, Dec, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2020.3016003.

[5]Liu Xiaoli, Zhen Sheng-Chao(*), Sun Hao(*), et al. A Novel Model-based Robust Control for Position Tracking of Permanent Magnet Linear Motor[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 67(9): 7767-7777.

[63]Zhen Sheng-Chao, Zhao Ziyi, Liu Xiaoli(*),et al. A Novel Practical Robust Control Inheriting PID for SCARA Robot[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8(Dec. 18), DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3045789.

[7]Huang Kang, Xian Yuanjie, Zhen Sheng-Chao(*), Sun Hao. Robust control design for a planar humanoid robot arm with high strength composite gear and experimental validation[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 155(5):107442.

[8]Zhen Sheng-Chao, Peng Xin, Liu XiaoLi, Li HongMei, Chen Ye-Hwa. A new PD based robust control method for the robot joint module[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2021.107958.[1]
