2022.7-至今 西南财经大学社会发展研究院 讲师
1. Xiaoqi Dong, Yinhe Liang*, and Shuang Yu. Is There Middle-achieving Peer Effect? The Impact of Peer Effort on Academic Performance. Labour Economics 2022. (SSCI, Economics/ Q3, IF:1.89)
2. Yinhe Liang, Shuang Yu*. Does education help combat early marriage? The effect of Compulsory Schooling Laws in China. Applied Economics 2022. (SSCI, Economics/ Q3, IF:1.92)
3. Yinhe Liang, Shuang Yu*. Are Non-left-behind Children Really Not Left Behind? The Impact of Village Migration on Children’s Health Outcomes in Rural China. Applied Economics 2022. (SSCI, Economics/ Q3, IF:1.92)
4. Shuang Yu*, Xiaojun Zhao. How Do Different Households Respond to Public Education Spending? Sustainability 2021. (SSCI/SCI, Environmental Studies/ Q2, IF:3.89)
5. Shuang Yu*, Xiaojun Zhao. The negative impact of bullying victimization on academic literacy and social integration: Evidence from 51 countries in PISA. Social Sciences & Humanities Open 2021. (EI)
6. Shuang Yu*, Xiaojun Zhao. How Does Population Aging Influence Political Polarization. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences 2021.
7.赵晓军,余爽*. 改革开放以来中国经济发展阶段与人力资本结构研究[J]. 经济科学, 2020(1):5-20. (CSSCI)
8.臧敦刚,余爽,李后建*. 公共服务、村庄民主与幸福感——基于民族地区757个行政村31615个农户的调查[J]. 农业经济问题, 2016(3):79-87. (CSSCI)
9.余爽*,臧敦刚. 基于TAM的P2P网络借贷平台使用意愿实证研究[J]. 农村金融研究, 2016(3):35-41. (JST)
1. Shadows Under the Halo: The Impact of Rank Decrease on Student Noncognitive Outcomes (Yinhe Liang and Shuang Yu, Minor Revision Economics of Education Review)
2. The Effects of Teacher Gender Composition on Students’ Noncognitive Outcomes (Yinhe Liang, Suhong Yang, and Shuang Yu, R&R Economic Development and Cultural Change)
3. Longer Matching, Less Disparity?: The Effect of Repeat Teacher-Student Matching on Student Performance Disparity (Yinhe Liang and Shuang Yu, under review Scandinavian Journal of Economics)
4. Public Education Spending and Intergenerational Education (Yinhe Liang, Shuang Yu, and Xiaojun Zhao, under review The World Economy)
5. Peer Effects under Class Rank Evidence from Chinese Middle Schools (Yinhe Liang, Yaojing Wang, and Shuang Yu)
6. Land Reform and Early Marriage in China (Yinhe Liang, Hongyu Wang, and Shuang Yu)
1. 2022.06,线上腾讯会议,The 5th International Conference of China Development Studies
2. 2022.03,线上腾讯会议,第二十次中国劳动经济学者论坛季会
3. 2021.12,陕西省西安市,第二十一届中国经济学年会
4. 2021.12,线上腾讯会议,第四届未来经济学家论坛
5. 2021.08,线上腾讯会议,中国经济学年会CEA论坛
6. 2020.12,广州省广州市,中国青年学者论坛
7. 2020.11,浙江省杭州市,第三届微观经济数据与经济学理论创新论坛
8. 2019.11,浙江省杭州市,首届产业经济学者论坛
9. 2019.09,湖北省武汉市,中国青年学者论坛[1]