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民 族 ---- 汉族



国 籍 ---- 中国

职 业 ---- 教育科研工作者







1个人简介 2研究方向 3学术成果 ▪科研项目 ▪论文期刊 4主讲课程 5荣誉奖项








2007年3月至2009年3月期间在香港城市大学访问(Research Fellow)










1. 北京市自然科学基金重点研究专题课题:复杂网络协同性的优化理论与高效算法研究,2019-01-01--2022-21-31, 35万元,主持;

2. 国家重点研发计划-子课题:聚变等离子体三维物理及边界磁场主动控制技术研究,2018-06-01--2022-12-21, 120万元, 主持;

3. 国家重点研发计划课题:地铁与地下管廊工程施工安全保障关键技术研究,2017-06-01--2020-21-31;400万元,排名第二;

4. 横向课题,复杂地震信号高精度反演优化方法研究,2018-04-01-2019-12-31, 39.6万元,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:基于复杂网络知识的分数阶信息传播动力学行为分析,2018-01-01--2021-21-31, 64万元,主持

6. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:分数阶随机系统的非线性动力学行为与控制研究,2014-01-01--2017-12-31,62.0万元,主持

7. 基本科研业务费:2011年度大学生创新性实验计划项目建设,2011-10-27--2012-10-31,100.0万元,参加

8. 基本科研业务费:波流作用中大气环流模型的非线性分析与控制,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,5.0万元,主持

9. 国家自然科学基金"青年基金":波流作用中Hadley 大气模型的非线性动力学研究,2010-01-01--2012-12-31,16.0万元,主持

10. 博士点基金:统一Lorenz型混沌系统的控制与同步研究,2008-01-01--2010-12-30,3.6万元,主持

11. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:基于映射的大尺度神经元网络聚合行为研究,2008-01-01--2010-12-31,28.0万元,参加

12. 校科技基金:复杂网络系统中的混沌控制与同步研究,2006-01-01--2006-12-31,2.0万元,主持

13. 国家自然科学基金:矩阵微分系统与非线性混沌系统的复杂性研究,2005-01-01--2007-12-30,1.0万元,参加

14. 校科技基金:统一混沌系统的控制与同步研究,2004-09-01--2005-09-01,1.5万元,主持

15. 校科技基金:高校党建工作在人才培养中的地位与作用及实现路径研究,2013-11-01--2015-11-30,2.0万元,参加


在Automatica,IEEE Transactions on Automatic control等非线性控制领域期刊上共发表学术论文200余篇。

1. Zhang, Shuo; Yu, Yongguang; Wang, Qing, Stability analysis of fractional-order Hopfield neural networks with discontinuous activation functions, NEUROCOMPUTING(171) 1075-1084, JAN 1 2016 (SCI)

2. Gu Wenjuan, Yu, Yongguang*, Hu, Wei;,Parameter estimation of unknown fractional-order memristor-based chaotic systems by a hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm combined with differential evolution, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, online 2016 (SCI)

3. Wang Qing, Yu Yongguang, Zhang Shuo; Dynamics of a general non-autonomous stochastic Lotka-Volterra model with delays, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation (JAAC), accepted, 2016 (SCI)

4. Wang Qing, Yu Yongguang, Zhang shuo; Dynamics of a general stochastic non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra model with delays and impulsive perturbations, Advances in Mathematical Physics,online,2016 (SCI)

5. Bai, Jing; Wen, Guoguang; Rahmani, Ahmed, YU Yongguang*; Consensus with a reference state for fractional-order multi-agent systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE 47 (1) : 222-234: JAN 2 2016. (SCI)

6. Hu, Wei; Yu, Yongguang; Zhang, Shuo, A hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for parameter identification of uncertain fractional-order chaotic systems, NONLINEAR DYNAMICS (82) (3): 1441-1456, NOV 2015 (SCI)

7. Bai, Jing; Wen, Guoguang; Rahmani, Ahmed, YU Yongguang; Distributed formation control of fractional-order multi-agent systems with absolute damping and communication delay,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE (46) 13: 2380-2392: OCT 3 2015 (SCI)

8. Wang, Hu; Yu, Yongguang; Wen, Guoguang; Stability Analysis of Fractional-Order Neural Networks with Time Delay, NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS 42(2): 479-500 OCT 2015 (SCI)

9. Shuo Zhang, Yongguang Yu, Hu Wang, Mittag-Leffler stability of fractional-order Hopfield neural networks. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 104-121(16) 2015 (SCI)

10. Wei Hu, Yongguang Yu, Sha Wang, Parameters Estimation of Uncertain Fractional Order Chaotic Systems via a Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Entropy 2015, 17, 692-709 (SCI)

11. Jiamin Wei, Yongguang Yu, Sha Wang, Parameter estimation of chaotic systems with random noises based on an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation (JAAC),5(2)232-242 (2015). (SCI)

12. Guojian Ren, Yongguang Yu and Shuo Zhang, Leader-following Consensus of Fractional Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 919757, 2015 (SCI)

13. Wang hu, Yongguang Yu, Guoguang Wena, Shuo Zhang, Junzhi Yu, Global stability analysis of fractional-order Hopfield neural networks with time delay, Neurocomputing, 154,15-23,2015 (SCI)

14. Sha Wang, Yongguang Yu, Guoguang Wen ,Hybrid projective synchronization of time-delayed fractional order chaotic systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 11 (2014) 129–138.(SCI)

15. S. Wang, Yongguang Yu, H.Wang, A. Rahmani. Function projective lag synchronization of fractional order chaotic systems, Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23:040502. (SCI)

16. Hu Wang, Yongguang Yu, Guoguang Wen, Stability analysis of fractional-order Hopfield neural networks with time delays, Neural Networks 55 (2014) 98–109(SCI)

17. Hu Wang, Yongguang Yu, Guoguang Wen, Shuo zhang; Stability Analysis of Fractional-Order Neural Networks with Time Delay; Neural Process Lett, DOI 10.1007/s11063-014-9368-3 (SCI)

18. Suo zhang, Yongguang Yu, Guoguang Wen, Stochastic quasi-synchronization for uncertain chaotic delayed neural networks, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 25(8), (2014) 1450029(SCI)

19. Shuo zhang, Yongguang Yu, Wei Hu, Robust Stability Analysis of Fractional-Order Hopfield Neural Networks with Parameter Uncertainties, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 302702, 2014(SCI)

20. Jinglei Tian, Yongguang Yu, Hu wang; Stability and Bifurcation of Two Kinds of Three-Dimensional Fractional Lotka-Volterra Systems , MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING , 695871, 2014(SCI)

21. Qing Wang, Y.YU, H.Wang; Robust Synchronization of Hyperchaotic Systems with Uncertainties and External Disturbances, JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 523572, 2014 (SCI)

22. Ya Wang, Yongguang Yu, Guoguang Wen, Hu Wang Parameter Estimation for Chaotic System Based on Improved Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization, Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:3 (2014) 953–962(EI)

23. G Wen, Y. Yu; Z.Peng; Distributed Consensus Tracking for Second-Order Nonlinear Multiagent Systems with a Specified Reference State, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 320687 ,2014(SCI)

24. Lingling Geng, Yongguang Yu, Shuo Zhang, Dynamic Analysis of the Nonlinear Chaotic System with Multistochastic Disturbances, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Article ID 610816 2014(SCI)

25. 王虎、于永光、闻国光 ,低阶大气环流模型的稳定性与分岔分析 ,北京交通大学学报, 03期, pp 125-127, 2014/6/15

26. Wang, Hu、Yu, Yongguang、Wang, Sha、Yu, Junzhi ,Bifurcation analysis of a two-dimensional simplified Hodgkin-Huxley model exposed to external electric fields ,Neural Computing & Applications, 24(1), pp 37-44, 2014/1(SCI)

27. Guoguang Wen, Zhaoxia Peng, Ahmed Rahmani and Yongguang Yu, Distibuted Leader-Following Consensus for Second-Order Multi-Agents Systems with Nonlinear Inherent Dynamics, International Journal of System Science, 2014, 45(9)1892-1901. (SCI)

28. Hu Wang, Yongguang Yu, Bifurcation analysis of a two-dimensional simplified Hodgkin-Huxley model exposed to external electric fields, Neural Computing and Applications, 2014, 24: 37-44. (SCI)

29. Zhaoxia Peng, Guoguang Wen , Ahmed Rahmani and Yongguang Yu, Leader-Follower Formation Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots based on a Bioinspired Neurodynamic based Approach, Robotics and autonomous systems, 61 期: 9 页: 988-996 DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2013.05.004,SEP 2013 .(SCI).

30. Zhaoxia Peng, Guoguang Wen, Ahmed Rahmani and Yongguang Yu, Distributed Consensus- Based Formation Control for Multiple Nonholonomic Mobile Robots with A Specified Reference Trajectory , International Journal of Systems Science, doi:10.1080/00207721.2013.822609, 2013. (SCI).

31. Hu Wang, Yongguang Yu, Ran Zhao, Sha Wang, Two-parameter bifurcation in a two-dimensional simplified Hodgkin–Huxley model, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 184-193 (SCI)

32. Guoguang Wen, Zhaoxia Peng, Yongguang Yu, and Ahmed Rahmani, Planning and Control of 3-Dimensional of Multi-Agent Formation, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 2013, doi: 10.1093/imamci/dns028, pp. 1-20. (SCI)

33. Guoguang Wen, Zhaoxia Peng, Ahmed Rahmani and Yongguang Yu, Distibuted Leader-Following Consensus for Second-Order Multi-Agents Systems with Nonlinear Inherent Dynamics, International Journal of System Science, 2013 doi: 10.1080/00207721.2012.757386, pp. 1-10. (SCI)

34. Jing Bai, Yongguang Yu, Modified projective synchronization of uncertain fractional order hyperchaotic systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 17( 4), (2012) 1921-1928 (SCI)

35. Sha Wang, Yongguang Yu, Generalized Projective Synchronization of Fractional Order Chaotic Systems with Diferent Dimensions, Chinese Physics Letter, 29(2)(2012) 020505 (SCI)

36. Sha Wang, Yongguang Yu, Application of Multistage Homotopy-perturbation Method for the Solutions of the Chaotic Fractional Order Systems, International Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.13(2012 )No.1, pp.3-14

37. Yongguang Yu, Han-Xiong Li, Adaptive hybrid projective synchronization of uncertain chaotic systems based on backstepping design, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 12(2011)388-393 (SCI)

38. Sha Wang, Yongguang Yu, Miao Diao, Hybrid projective synchronization of chaotic fractional order systems with different dimensions, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,389(2010)4981-4988 (SCI)

39. Yongguang Yu, Han-Xiong Li, Adaptive generalized function projective synchronization of uncertain chaotic systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11(2010)2456-2464 (SCI)

0. Miao Diao, Yongguang Yu, Sha Wang, Junzhi Yu; Hybrid Lag Function Projective Synchronization of Discrete Chaotic Systems with Different Orders; International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences & Numerical Simulation,11(7)(2010)503-508, (SCI)

41. Sha Wang, Yongguang Yu, Miao Diao, Application of multistage homotopy-perturbation method in hybrid synchronization of chaotic systems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 87(13)(2010) 3007-3016 (SCI)

42. Yongguang Yu, Guoguang wen, Hanxiong Li, Miao diao, The Synchronization of Three Fractional Order Lorenz Chaotic Systems, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences & Numerical Simulation,10(3), 379-386, 2009 (SCI)

43. Yongguang Yu, Han-Xiong Li, Jian Duan, Chaos synchronization of a unified chaotic system via partial linearization, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 41(1) (2009)457-463 (SCI)

44. Yongguang Yu, Han-Xiong Li and Junzhi Yu, Generalized synchronization of different dimensional chaotic systems based on parameter identification, Modern Physics Letters B, 23(22)(2009)2593-2606 (SCI)

45. Yongguang Yu, Han-Xiong Li, Junzhi Yu The hybrid function projective synchronization of chaotic systems, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 20(5) , 2009, 789-797 (SCI)

46. Yongguang Yu, Hanxiong Li, Sha Wang, Junzhi Yu, Dynamical analysis of fractional-order lorenz system, Chaos Solitons and Fractals,42 (2009)1181-1189 (SCI)

47. Yongguang Yu, Han-Xiong Li, Application of the multistage homotopy-perturbation method to solve a class of hyperchaotic systems, Chaos Solitons and Fractals,42(2009)2330-2337 (SCI)

48. Chenkun Qi, Han-Xiong Li, Yongguang Yu, A spatio-temporal Volterra modeling approach for a class of distributed industrial processes, Journal of Process Control, 19(7) (2009)1126-1142 (SCI)

49. Yongguang Yu, Lanrong Li, Xia Meng, Sha Wang, Chaotic Synchronization of Fractional-order unidirectionally coupled Lorenz Systems, Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, 33(3)(2009)103-106; 于永光,李兰荣,孟霞,王莎,分数维环式单向耦合Lorenz系统的同步,北京交通大学学报,33(3)(2009)103-106.

50. Yongguang Yu, Adaptive synchronization of a unified chaotic system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 36(2), April 2008, 329-333 (SCI)

51. Yongguang Yu, Han-Xiong Li, The synchronization of fractional-order Rössler hyperchaotic systems, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387(5-6)(2008),1393-1403 (SCI)

52. Yongguang Yu, The synchronization for time-delay of linearly bi-directional coupled chaotic systems. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,33(4),2007,1197-1203. (SCI)

53. Yongguang Yu, Lanrong Li, Xia Meng and Dali Yang, Chaos Control of the Lu system, Beijing Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao, 31(3) (2007),31-34 (in Chinese).

54. Yongguang Yu, Dynamical Analysis of a Low-order Model Representing Hadley Circulation, Beijing Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao, 30(3)(2006) ,50-53,(in Chinese)

55. Yongguang Yu, Suochun Zhang and Dali Yang, The Analysis of Model on Population Growth with Stage-structure in the Polluted Environment, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica(English series)22(2),(2006)265-272.

56. Yongguang Yu, Suochun Zhang, Global synchronization of three coupled chaotic systems with ring connection, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,24(5)(2005),1233-1242 (SCI)

57. Yongguang Yu, Suochun Zhang, Adaptive Backstepping Synchronization of Uncertain Chaotic System, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,21(2004),643-649 (SCI)

58. Yongguang Yu, Suochun Zhang, The Synchronization of linearly bi-directional coupled chaotic systems, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,22(2004),189-197 (SCI)

59. Yongguang Yu, Suochun Zhang, Hopf bifurcation analysis of the Lu system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,21(2004), 1215-1220 (SCI)

60. Yongguang Yu, Suochun Zhang, Controlling Lu System Using Partial Linearization, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.25(12) (2004)1437-1442. (SCI)

61. Xiaosong Yang, Yongguang Yu and Suochun Zhang, A new Proof for existence of horseshoe in the Rossler system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 18(2003), 223-227 (SCI)

62. Yongguang Yu, Suochun Zhang and Zaizhong Yang, The effect of dispersal on population growth with stage-structure. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica(English series) 19(3)(2003) 499-504

63. Yongguang Yu, Suochun Zhang, Controlling uncertain Lu system using backstepping design, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 15(2003), 897-902 (SCI)

64. Yongguang Yu, Suochun Zhang, Hopf Bifurcation in the Lu system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 17(2003), 901-906 (SCI)

65. Jinhu Lu, Guanrong Chen and Yongguang Yu, Asymptotic Analysis of a modified Lorenz system, Chinese Physics Letter, 19(9)(2002), 1260-1263 (SCI)

66. Yongguang Yu, Suochun Zhang, Adaptive backstepping control of the uncertain Lu system, Chinese Physics, 11(12)(2002), 1249-1253 (SCI)





1. 2018年,获评北京市青年教学名师

2. 2018年,入选北京交通大学卓越百人计划

3. 2017年,主持的教改项目获北京市教学成果二等奖

4. 2013年,主持的教改项目获北京市教学成果二等奖

5. 2013年,参加的教改项目获北京市教学成果一等奖

6. 2013年,获评北京交通大学校级教学名师

7. 2013年,获评北京交通大学校级课堂教学教风标兵

8. 2011年9月,北京交通大学青年教师智谨奖教金

9. 2009年,北京交通大学红果园“双百”人才计划D类获得者

10. 2006年7月,北京交通大学理学院优秀共产党员

11. 2003年,获得中国科学院院长优秀奖




  1. 于永光 教授 ,北京交通大学, 2024-11-05
  2. ‘学院资讯’公共基础课与专业融合教学改革论坛 ,北京化工大学, 2023-11-16
  3. 于永光 博士、教授、院长 ,北京交通大学, 2019-09-07