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来自 孔夫子网 的图片

中国产业集群第6辑》,顾强 著,出版社: 机械工业出版社。





Editor's Note

Promoting the Accelerative Upgrading of Chinese Regional

Industrial Clusters in Global Value Chain

Real Service Centres in italian Industrial Districts

Incubation Centers of SMEs in Taiwan

Tips on Technology Centres for SMEs in USA, Japan, India and Hongkong

The "Technology Clinic" for SMEs

——Report on the Development of Technology Services

Centres in Jiangsu Province

Questionnaire Survey and Analysis on the Development of

Technology Centres for SMEs in Zhejiang Province

Important Support for Innovation and Upgradafion ofIndustrial Clusters

——On-The-Spot Record on the Development of Technol-ogy Centres for SMEs in Hebei Province

Tips on Technology Centres for SMEs in Guangdong,Zhejiang and Beijing

Problems on the Development of Creativity Industrial

Clusters in Great Cities

Analysis on Space Particularity and External Value of the Cultural Creativity Industrial Cluster

——A Case of the 798 Cultural District

General Development of Future Cultural Creativity Industries

in some Counties and Districts of Beijing

Tips on the Profile of National Cultural Creativity Industrial Clusters

Interpretation on the Development of Industrial Clusters in

Zhejiang and Guangdong Provinces from Three Aspects

Study on the Formation Mechanism of Two Kinds of Enterprise Clusters

