长芒草沙蚕 |
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中文名:长芒草沙蚕 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:单子叶植物纲 亚 纲:鸭跖草亚纲 目:禾本目 科:禾本科 亚 科:画眉草亚科 族:画眉草族 属:草沙蚕属 种:长芒草沙蚕 中文学名:Tripogon longearistatus Nakai |
长芒草沙蚕(cháng máng cǎo shā cán),学名 Tripogon longearistatus Hackel ex Honda,异名:Tripogon longe-aristatus Tripogon panxianensis Tripogon japonicus Tripogon longearistatus var. japonicus Tripogon longearistatus subsp. japonicus ,多年生密丛草本。秆直立,细弱,高约30厘米。产福建、贵州、云南、广东等省;常生于山坡。日本、朝鲜也有分布。 [1]
长芒草沙蚕 多年生密丛草本。秆直立,细弱,高约30厘米。叶鞘除口部疏生柔毛外,其余大都平滑无毛;叶舌短,呈纤毛状或近于缺;
Tripogon japonicus (Honda) Ohwi; T. longearistatus subsp. japonicus (Honda) T. Koyama; T. longearistatus var. japonicus Honda; T. panxianensis H. Peng.Culms 15–30 cm tall. Basal leaf sheaths papery; leaf blades 4–13 × ca. 0.1 cm, adaxial surface glabrous or loosely pilose, abaxial surface glabrous.
Racemes 8–20 cm, usually slightly flexuose, spikelets loosely erect, distant by about their own length along the slender rachis. Spikelets 4.5–9 mm, pale green to dark gray; florets 4–7(–9), loosely arranged, rachilla visible; lower glume linear-lanceolate, asymmetrical, broadened or toothed on one side, 2.5–3 mm, subacute to acuminate;
upper glume narrowly lanceolate-oblong, 4–4.5 mm, apex acuminate-rostrate or emarginate and mucronate; lemmas elliptic-lanceolate, 2.5–3.3 mm to sinus, 2-dentate, central awn 3.6–8 mm, stiff, strongly reflexed, teeth acute, lateral veins extended into 0.3–2 mm awns arising free from lemma tooth or from its outer margin; palea keels very narrowly winged, ciliolate. Anther 1, 1–1.5 mm. Fl. and fr. Sep–Oct.