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合肥工業大學 管理科學與工程 博士 2013.09 - 2017.12

美國Worcester Polytechnic Institute商學院 聯合培養博士生 2016.09 - 2017.09

合肥工業大學 數學與應用數學 本科 2009.08 - 2013.07


合肥工業大學 副教授 2021.01—至今

合肥工業大學 講師 2018.05—2020.12


1. 學科領域:數量經濟學能源與環境經濟學

2. 研究方向:效率與生產力分析;經濟發展質量評價;金融機構效率評價;碳達峰與碳中和政策




3.碳中和背景下長三角區域碳減排協同路徑優化研究(JS2021ZSPY0032),校哲社培育智庫研究專項,2021-20 23,主持人




1. Ding Tao, Yang Jie, Wu Huaqing*, Liang Liang. (2022). Land use efficiency andtechnology gaps of urban agglomerations in China: An extended non-radialmeta-frontier approach. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 79, 101090. (SSCI/SCI期刊).

2. Ding Tao, Li Jiangyuan, Shi Xing*, Wu Huaqing. (2021). Driving forces of water intensity in China’s industrial sector: A global meta-frontier production-theoretical decomposition analysis. Water Economics and Policy, 7(3), 1-25.(SSCI期刊).

3. Ding Tao, Huang Yufei, He Weijun, Zhuang Delin*. (2021). Spatial-temporal heterogeneity and driving factors of carbon emissions in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(27), 35830-35843. (SCI期刊).

4.Ding Tao, Zhou Zhixiang*, Dai Qianzhi, Liang Liang. (2020). Analysis of China’s regional economic environmental performance: A non-radial multi-objective DEA approach. Computational Economics, 55(4), 1209-1231. (SSCI期刊).

5.Ding Tao, Yang Jie, Wu Huaqing, Wen Yao*, Tan Changchun, Liang Liang. (2020). Research performance evaluation of Chinese university: A non-homogeneous network DEA approach. Journal of Management Science and Engineering (管理科學報英文版), (國家自然科學基金委認定A類期刊).

6.Ding Tao, Wu Huaqing, Jia Junjun, Wei Yuqi*, Liang Liang. (2020). Regional assessment of water-energy nexus in China’s industrial sector: An interactive meta-frontier DEA approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 244, 118797. (SSCI/SCI期刊).

7. Ding Tao, Wu Huaqing, Dai Qianzhi*, Zhou Zhixiang, Tan Changchun. (2020). Environmental efficiency analysis of urban agglomerations in China: A non-parametric meta-frontier approach. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 56(13), 2977-2992. (SSCI期刊).

8. Ding Tao, Liang Liang, Zhou Kaile, Yang Min, Wei Yuqi*. (2020). Water-energy nexus: The origin, development and prospect. Ecological Modelling, 419, 108943. (SCI期刊).

9. 丁濤, 楊潔, 宋平凡*. (2021). 中國八大經濟區碳排放驅動因素研究—基於時空技術異質性視角. 軟科學,已錄用. (CSSCI期刊).

10. Tao Ding, Feng Li, Liang Liang. Fixed Cost and Resource Allocation Considering Technology Heterogeneity in Two-Stage Network Production Systems. In: Charles V., Aparicio J., Zhu J. (eds) Data Science and Productivity Analytics. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 2020, vol 290. Springer, Cham (英文專著章節).

11. Tao Ding, Ya Chen, Huaqing Wu*, Yuqi Wei. Centralized fixed cost and resource allocation considering technology heterogeneity [J]. Annals of Operations Research,2018,268(1-2):497-511(SCI/SSCI期刊).

12. Tao Ding, Qingyuan Zhu*, Baofeng Zhang Liang Liang. Centralized fixed cost allocation for generalized two-stage network DEA [J]. Information Systems and Operational Research,2019,57(2):123-140 (SCI期刊).

13. Tao Ding, Liang Liang, Min Yang*, Huaqing Wu. Multiple Attribute Decision Making Based on Cross-Evaluation with Uncertain Decision Parameters [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 2016(2):1-10.(SCI期刊).

14. 丁濤, 梁樑. 基於方案占優和排序穩健性的多屬性決策方法[J]. 中國管理科學, 2016(8):132-138. (國家自然科學基金委認定核心期刊、CSSCI期刊).

15. 丁濤, 吳華清, 梁樑. 360度評估體系中權重調整方法研究[J]. 中國管理科學, 2016(7):149-154. (國家自然科學基金委認定核心期刊、CSSCI期刊).


16. Min Yang, Qingxian An, Tao Ding*, Liang Liang. Carbon emission allocation in DEA approach based on gradually efficiency improvement and emission reduction planning principle [J]. Annals of Operations Research,2019(SCI/SSCI期刊).

17. Liang Changyong, Wang Binyou, Ding Tao*, Ma Yinchao. (2020). DEA based production planning considering technology heterogeneity with undesirable outputs. RAIRO- Operations Research, 54(2), 325-339. (SCI期刊).

18. Zhou Zhixiang, Wu Huaqing, Ding Tao*, Xia Qiong. (2019). Nonradial directional distance function for measuring the environmental efficiency of the Chinese iron and steel industry. Tropical Conservation Science, 12, 1-12. (SCI期刊).

19. Liang Shizhi, Huang Yufei, Ding Tao*. (2021). Efficiency evaluation and projection improvement of the industrial water-energy nexus in China based on network Data envelopment analysis. Frontiers in Energy Research, 9, 707922. (SCI期刊).

20. Tan Changchun, Peng Qinhong, Ding Tao*, Zhou Zhixiang*. (2021). Regional assessment of land and water carrying capacity and utilization efficiency in China. Sustainability, 13(16), 9183.(SCI/SSCI期刊).

21. Tao Aiping, Liang Qun, Kuai Peng*, Ding Tao*. (2021). The influence of urban sprawl on air pollution and the mediating effect of vehicle ownership. Processes, 9. (SCI期刊).







2、擔任《European Journal of Operational Research》《Annals of Operations Research》《Computational Economics》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Financial Innovation》《Computers & Industrial Engineering》《Information Systems and Operational Research》《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》《Water Economics and Policy》等國際SCI/SSCI期刊和《系統工程理論與實踐》《中國科技大學學報》《控制與決策》《合肥工業大學學報(社會科學版)》等中文期刊審稿人。[1]
