雷金納德·奧德沃思·戴利 |
1896年從哈佛大學獲得地質學博士後,赴德國與法國學習研究。1901年回國任加拿大國界委員會 地質師,領導不列顛哥倫比亞省南部至艾伯塔省西部640km長,3至16km寬的,6500km2的科迪勒拉山脈山區調查6年。[1]1912年,最終提交給加拿大地質調查局3卷最終報告《North America Cordillera: Forty-Ninth Parallel》[2]。這期間對北緯49度線的野外地質工作,使戴利於1903年獨立地提出了岩漿頂蝕理論(部分地殼可能向下坍塌,融入到下面的熔融物質中,這使得岩漿向上湧起的過程,合理有效地解決了岩漿侵位的空間問題)與火成岩起源理論。1914年出版了名著《火成岩及其成因》(Igneous Rocks and Their Origin)。
戴利是阿瑟·赫爾姆斯 與阿爾弗雷德·魏格納的大陸漂移學說[4]的早期支持者。戴利在其1926年的專著《Our Mobile Earth》的標題頁,小字印有伽利略的名言"地球仍然在轉啊"(E pur si muove)。戴利的大陸移動理論是基於他相信的月球的起源是由地球被撞擊而非離心力造成,從而地球再平衡不可避免的導致大陸運動(現在通說是熔融地球被碰撞出月球,此時尚沒有洋陸分化)。
1940年發表專著《Strength and Structure of the Earth》,提出地核以外的地球構造分為三層:岩石圈、軟流圈、中間圈。擴展了其大陸移動的觀點。
- ↑ Miksha, Ron (2013). The Mountain Mystery, p. 322.
- ↑ Daly, R.A., (1912). Geology of the North American Cordillera at the 49th Parallel, Ottawa, Government Printing Office, Canada Department of Mines Geological Survey Memoir 38.
- ↑ Eckel, Edwin, 1982, GSA Memoir 155, The Geological Society of America — Life History of a Learned Society: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Memoir 155, 168 p., ISBN 0-8137-1155-X.
- ↑ Natland, James (2006). "Reginald Aldworth Daly (1871–1957): Eclectic Theoretician of the Earth," Geology Today, pp. 24-26, Geological Society of America.
- ↑ Daly, Reginald A. Origin of the Moon and Its Topography. PAPS. 1946, 90 (2). JSTOR 10.2307/3301051. doi:10.2307/3301051.
- ↑ Dalyite. [2018-12-16]. (原始內容存檔於2018-09-11).
- Daly, R A, Strength and Structure of the Earth, Prentice-Hall, New York, 1940: 434, ISBN 978-0028435206
- Daly, RA, The Depths of the Earth, Science, 1933, 77 (1987): 95–102 (Jan 27, 1933), Bibcode:1933Sci....77...95D, PMID 17797838, doi:10.1126/science.77.1987.95
- Daly, RA, Gardiner on Coral Reefs, Science, 1931, 74 (1927): 566–567 (Dec 4, 1931), Bibcode:1931Sci....74..566D, PMID 17807633, doi:10.1126/science.74.1927.566
- Daly, R A, A General Sinking of Sea-Level in Recent Time, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 1920, 6 (5): 246–50 (May 1920), Bibcode:1920PNAS....6..246D, PMC 1084496, PMID 16586806, doi:10.1073/pnas.6.5.246
- Daly, R A, Low-Temperature Formation of Alkaline Feldspars in Limestones, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 1917, 3 (11): 659–65 (Nov 1917), Bibcode:1917PNAS....3..659D, PMC 1091350, PMID 16576265, doi:10.1073/pnas.3.11.659
- Daly, R A, A New Test of the Subsidence Theory of Coral Reefs, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 1916, 2 (12): 664–70 (Dec 1916), Bibcode:1916PNAS....2..664D, PMC 1091132, PMID 16586654, doi:10.1073/pnas.2.12.664
- Daly, RA, Notes on Oceanography, Science, 1901, 13 (337): 951–954 (Jun 14, 1901), Bibcode:1901Sci....13..951D, PMID 17733661, doi:10.1126/science.13.337.951
- Daly, RA, Scientific Expedition to Iceland, Greenland and Labrador, Science, 1901, 13 (318): 192 (Feb 1, 1901), Bibcode:1901Sci....13R.192D, PMID 17816318, doi:10.1126/science.13.318.192
- Robert M. Hazen: Reginald Aldworth Daly (1871-1957). Daly′s Biography, American Geophysical Union
- James H. Natland: Reginald Aldworth Daly (1871–1957): Eclectic Theoretician of the Earth. GSA Today, vol. 16, no. 2, 2006
- Francis Birch: Reginald Aldworth Daly, 1871-1957, A Biographical Memoir National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, 36 pp., 1960