里海盐爪爪 |
中文学名:里海盐爪爪 拉丁学名:Kalidium caspicum (Linn.) Ung.-Sternb. 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:木兰纲 亚 纲:石竹亚纲 目:石竹目 科:藜科 亚 科:盐角草亚科 族:盐千屈菜族 属:盐爪爪属 种:里海盐爪爪 分布区域:中国新疆; 欧洲南部 |
里海盐爪爪是一种被子植物,分布于中国新疆;中亚、伊朗、欧洲南部也有。 [1]
Kalidium caspicum (L.) Ung.-Sternb. in Atti Congr. bot. intern. Firenze 317. 1874 (1876); Iljin in Fl. URSS 6: 167. 1936; Голоск. in Фл. Казахст. 3: 246. t. 26. f. 2. 1960. Grubov, Pl. Asiae Centr. 2: 61. t. 5. f. 8. 1966; 中国高等植物图鉴1: 591. f. 1181. 1972. ——Salicornia caspica L. Sp. Pl. 4. 1753.
Salicornia caspica Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 4. 1753.
Plants 20-70 cm tall. Stems suberect, usually branched from middle; branches gray-white, with longitudinal fissures; branchlets usually bearing inflorescences at apex. Leaves undeveloped, tuberculate, ca. 1 mm, base convex, decurrent, adnate to branch, distally touching base of next higher leaf, apex obtuse; leaves of branchlets sheathing and amplexicaul at base. Spikes terete, 5-25 × 1.5-3 mm. Flowers 3 per bract. Perianth top surface flattened in fruit, pentagonal, with 4 small teeth. Seed red-brown, ovoid or globose, 1.2-1.5 mm in diam., papillate. Fr. and fl. Jul-Aug.
Saline and alkaline mud flats, salt-lake shores. N Xinjiang [C and SW Asia, SE Europe].