


王井 ,男,1968年3月出生,北大博士安徽省五河县人。大连工大教授,教学骨干,硕士生导师;民革成员,工业清洗技术研究所副所长,中国化学会成员。[1][2]

出生 1968年3月
国籍 中国
知名于 澳洲迪肯大学研究员



1991年7月毕业于北京大学化学系,获理学学士学位; 1999年10月调入大连工业大学(原大连轻工业学院), 2004 年 4 月毕业于大连工业大学化工系纸造纸专业,获工学硕士学位。[3]





原图链接大连工业大学:大连工业大学(Dalian Polytechnic University)原名大连轻工业学院,是辽宁省属、“卓越计划”、“2011计划”重点建设高校,国家首批卓越农林人才教育培养计划改革试点高校。学校创建于1958年,是中国最早建立的4所轻工业学院之一,原隶属轻工业部,1998年划归辽宁省管理。

先后主持或参与横向、省级、院级等项目 10余项,参与教学改革项目 4 项,发表科研论文近20篇。其中有2篇论文被ISTP收录。

具体如下: 先后主编《有机化学纲要、习题及解答》和参编《有机化学实验教程》等3部教材;获2005年青年教师教学大讲赛第一名。

2005年12月-2006年3月,在香港HK Polytechnic University做高级访问学者;

2007年1月-2007年11月,在澳大利亚Deakin University做高级访问学者。[6]


1. 2002年3月~2004年12月,“有机设计性实验的研究”项目(校级重点教学研究项目);


3. 2006年12月~2008年12月,“有机化学省精品课建设”立项(校级重点教学研究项目)。[7]


《有机化学纲要、习题、解答》2003年8月,大连理工大学出版社 10万字 。[8]


《有机化学实验教程》2003年8月,大连理工大学出版社 5万字。[9]



1.2001年,“有机化学实验课程体系改革” 被评为省教学成果二等奖;[11]

2.2001年,“有机化学” 被评为辽宁省优秀课程;

3.2003年,“有机化学” 被评为辽宁省精品课;

4. 2003年,被评为校优秀青年教师称号;

5. 2004年,“有机化学实验”获校优秀课程;

6. 2004年,“有机化学设计性实验研究”获校教学成果二等奖;

7. 2005年,“有机化学实验”被评为校级精品课;

8. 2006年,被评为校教学骨干;

9. 2006年,获得校“菁苑杯”教学大奖赛一等奖。




v Hemp Fibres (Separation and applications in textiles and composites)

v Pulp & Paper (Functional paper, such as antibacterial-paper)

v Polymers (Synthesis & modification, such as polyimide (PI) engineering materials, and hydrogels)

v Nanotech (Fabrication of polymer nanofibres and nanoparticles)

v Organic Synthesis (Medicine asymmetric synthesis, and other esterification)

v Industrial Chemicals (Anti-corrosion, surfactants and lubricating agents)




v 2012-2013, ADA Researcher in Business Hemp project (AUD 120,000)

v 2005-2007, Study on nano HZSM-5 as a catalyst (Liaoning Province, RMB 80,000)

v 2004-2006, Treatment of acid waste water from extracting diosgenin from yam (Hubei province, RMB 75,000)

v 2003-2005, Chemical cleaning of sulphur from petroleum pipeline (Liaoning province government, RMB 160,000)

v 2002-2004, Study on antibacterial paper (Liaoning province government, RMB 80,000)

v 2002-2003, Preparation and application of TNPP antioxidant (DLPU, RMB 20,000)

v 2001-2002, Synthesis & application of CPPO luminant materials (DLPU, RMB 50,000)


v M. Naebe,J. Wang,A. Amini, N. Hameed, L. Li, Y. Chen1, B. Fox, Mechanical Property and Structure of Covalent Functionalised Graphene/Epoxy Nanocomposites,Nanoscale,2013

vJ. Wang,C. Hurren, A. Sutti, X. Wang, and T. Lin. Fabrication of Crosslinked Thermo-responsive PNIPAM Nanofibres via Electrospinning.SMN2013,2013

v C. Hurren;J. Wang; R. Wood; Q. Li; Louis Bibeau; Xungai Wang (2013). Evaluation of Cottonised Hemp Fibre Produced Using a New Catalytic Degumming System.1st International Conference on Natural Fibers(1st ICNF 2013), Guimarães, Portugal. 9-11, June,2013

vJ. Wang, A. Sutti, X. Wang, and T. Lin (2013). Novel UV-Photocrosslinked of PNIPAM Nanofibres by Azido-POSS,2013 Fibre Society Spring Meeting, Geelong, Australia. 22-24, May,2013

vJ. Wang,A. Sutti, X. Wang, T. Lin, “Thermo-responsive Hercosett / Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) films: A new, fast, optically responsive coating”,Journal of Colloid and Interface, 369(1), 231-237,2012

vJ. Wang,C. Hurren, A. Sutti, X. Wang, and T. Lin. Thermo-responsive PNIPAM Nanofibres Crosslinked by OpePOSS,4th int'l Conf on Smart Materials and Nanotech in Engineering (SMN2013), Gold Coast, Australia. 10-12, July,2013

vJ. Wang,A. Sutti, X. Wang, T. Lin, “Fast responsive and morphologically robust thermo-responsive hydrogel nanofibres from poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and POSS crosslinker”,Soft Matter,7, 4364-4369,2011

vJ. Wang,A. Sutti, X. Wang, T. Lin, “Islands-in-the-sea Nanofibres from PNIPAM/PEKc bicomponent Polymers”,MRSConference Proceedings,Boston, USA,2011

vJ. Wang,A. Sutti, X. Wang, T. Lin, "A new way to nanostructure hydrogels Electrospun Thermo-responsive Islands-in-the-Sea Nanofibres",2011 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, 27 Nov-3 Dec,2011

v M. Naebe,J. Wang,Y. Xue, X. Wang, T. Lin, “Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Rigid-Rod Polyimide”,Journal of Applied Polymer Science,118 (1), 359-36,2010

v F. Ren, Y. Wang, M. Li. X. Wang, H. Li,J. Wang,“Preparation and Characterisation of High Strength Polyimide”,Journal of Dalian Polytechnic University,29 (1), 29-32,2010

vJ.Wang,“Temperature-responsive hydrogel nanofibres from crosslinked OpePOSS- PNIPAM”.ITRI Research Conference,Geelong, Australia, November2010

vJ.Wang,“Electrospun Islands-in-the-Sea Nanofibres and their Thermo-responsive Properties”.ITRI Research Conference, Geelong, Australia, November2009

v F. Ren, Y. Wang, X. Wang,J. Wang,“Preparation and characterization of series polyimides”,China Synthetic Resin and Plastics, 26(2), 19-22,2009

vJ. Wang, T. Lin, “Temperature Responsive Hydrogel Nanofibres from POSS- containing PNiPAAm”,NANOSMAT-4, Rome, Italy, 19-22 October2009

vJ. Wang,T. Lin, A Sutti, T. Chen, X. Wang, “Temperature Responsive Nanogels with Controlled Particle Sizes and Swollen Ratios”,First Frontiers in Polymer Science, Mainz, Germany, 7-9, June,2009

v F. Ren, M. Li,J. Wang,D. He, “Synthesis and imidization of poly(amide-imide)s”, Journal of Dalian Polytechnic University, 27(4), 316-318,2008

v Z. Zhao, J. Liu, Y. Wang, G. Liu,J. Wang,“Properties of the hydrophilic E-51 epoxy resin”,Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry, 26(4), 326-328,2007

v Z. Song, B. Liu,J. Wang,L. He, “Advance in Research on Treating Wastewater by Coal Fly Ash”,Liaoning Chemical Industry,20(5), 70-74,2007

v J. Liu, F. Shi, L. Yu,J. Wang,L. Niu, J. Li, Z. Hu, “Characterization of nano-sized hydroxyapatite/chitosan prepared in simulated body fluid”,Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry,26(1), 53-55,2007

v Z. Song, B. Liu,J. Wang,L. He, Y. Li, Q. Guo, D. He, “Cleaning Produce Research on Extracting Diosgenin from Yam by Sulfuric Acid”,Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry,26(4), 89-92,2007

v M. Li,J. Wang, Y. Yang, A. Yang, “Study on the Synthesis of PTCSA with Nano HZSM-5 as Catalyst”,Chemistry and Adhesion,28(6), 398-404,2006

vJ. Wang,D. He, Z. Song, B. Liu, “High Efficiency Calium Carbonate Dispersant”,Industrial Minerals & Processing,35(10), 17-19,2006

v Y. Liang, Q. Sun,J. Wang,“Synthesis of Soil Urease Inhibitor N-(n-butyl Tiophosphoric Triamide)”,Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry,25(2), 103-106,2006

v C. Xie,J. Wang, J. Liu, “Modification and Application of Chitin and Chitosan”,Materials Review,20(5), 369-371,2006

vJ. Wang, D. Yang, Z. Song, D. He,“Study of Defoamer Containing Fatty Acids in Washing Machine Detergents”,Cleaning World,22(6), 8-9,2006

vJ. Wang, X. Dai, T. Xu, L. Cui, “Status and Prospect of Fluoric Series Cleaning Agents”,Cleaning World,22(7), 27-30,2006

v M. Li, D. Yang, Y. Yang,J. Wang, “Synthesis of Isoamyl Isovalerate Catalyzed by Manometer-graded HZSM-5 Molecular Sieve Catalyst”,Advances in Fine Petrochemicals,6(4),22-25,2005

v X. Xu, J. Zhou,J. Wang, “Chitosan: Wet Strength Agent of Kenaf Based Paper Mulch”,Transactions of China Pulp and Paper,119(2), 62-95,2004

v B.Y. Liu,J. Wang, S.W. Yao, “The Use of Chitin-copper Complex in Antibacterium Paper”,China Pulp & Paper Industry,25(4), 43-45,2004

v M. Li, D. Yang,J. Wang, “Reaction Properties of HZSM-5 Zeolite Catalysts Modified by Alkali-earth and Rare-earth Metal Compounds”,Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry,23(1), 11-14,2004

v X. Wu,J. Wang, J. Zhou, “Development and Application of Chitin and Chitosan in Paper Industry”,Paper Science & Technology,23(2), 44-47,2004

vJ. Wang, B. Liu, Yao S., “The Use of Chitin-copper Complex in Anti-bacterium Paper”,The 2nd International Symposium on Technologies of Pulping, Papermaking and Biotechnology on Fibre Plants, Nanjing, China, 13-14, Oct,2004

v B. Liu,J. Wang, S. Yao, “Copper Containing Wide-Spectrum Antibacterial Paper”,The 2nd International Symposium on Technologies of Pulping, Papermaking and Biotechnology on Fibre Plants, Nanjing, China, 13-14, Oct,2004

vJ. Wang,J. Zhang, “Preparation and Application Performance of Series Disodium Sulfosuccinate Monoester”,Detergent & Cosmetics,27(4), 161-162,2004

v B. Liu,J. Wang, W. Jiang, Y. Li, Z. Liu, “Copper Containing Wide-Spectrum Antibacterial Paper”,China Pulp & Paper,22(11), 31-33,2003

vJ. Wang, M. Li, H. Piao, “Catalyst MoS2/K2CO3/TiO2for MHA from CO/H2”,Chinese Journal of Spectroscopy Laboratory,19(6), 765-768,2002

vJ. Wang, M. Li, Y. Yang, H. Piao, “Preparation of the Catalyst MoS2/K2CO3/TiO2”,Chinese Journal of Spectroscopy Laboratory,19(5), 576-579,2002

v M. Li,J. Wang, S. Fang, Z. He, “Preparation of 1,4-Benzenedimine Using Zinc Powder as Reducing Agent”,Chinese Journal of Spectroscopy Laboratory,18(6), 797-799,2001


v T. Xu, L. Cui, F. Tan, F. Qu, C. Jia,J. Wang,“Paint Remover”,China Patent:CN200710010965.9,2007。

v T. Xu,J. Wang,X. Dai, “Natural Environmental Paint-remover”,China Patent:CN200510047828.3,2006.[12]


  1. 首页/选大学/辽宁的大学/大连工业大学/ 大连工业大学化工与材料学院师资力量,高考派
  2. 王井(化工与材料学院)老师 - 大连工业大学 - 教师点评网 2010年1月21日 - 王井,大连工业大学化工与材料学院王井老师的个人简历,王井老师在大连工业大学教授的课程信息及评价,王井老师的科研成果、论文等,另外还有大连工业大学...
  3. 2007年辽宁省高等教育教学改革研究项目 - 教务处 2011年3月7日 - 王岩、高世萍、王井、于长顺 本科 2 大连工业大学 材料科学与工程示范性专业建设研究与实践 胡志强 夏英、高文元、徐德增、冯钠 本科 3 大连工业大学 ...
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  5. 大学教师库_大连工业大学化工与材料学院_高等教育资讯网 大学:大连工业大学 院系:化工与材料学院 5 地区:辽宁 评论:3条 简介:王井:...简介:薛文平,1956年出生,1982年毕业于吉林大学化学系,现于大连工业大学化工与材料...
  6. 当前位置:查字典大学网 > 辽宁的大学 > 大连工业大学 > 大连工业大学师资力量
  7. ...澳洲Deakin大学研究员_民革成员_王井简介_人物_亚东军事网...2016年10月13日 - 王井(1968.3~ )博士,安徽省五河县人。教授,教学骨干,硕士生导师;民革成员,工业清洗技术研究所副所长,中国化学会成员。1991年7月毕业于北京大学化学...
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