唐納德·基恩 |
![]() 出生 1922年6月18日 美國紐約 逝世 2019年2月24日(96歲)日本東京都 公民權 日本 |
唐納德·基恩(英語:Donald Keene;日語:ドナルド・キーン ,1922年6月18日-2019年2月24日),日本籍美國裔日本學學者、教師、作家、日本文學文化翻譯家[1][2]。基恩曾在美國哥倫比亞大學任教超過50年。2011年東日本大地震之後,他從哥倫比亞大學退休,永久遷居日本並歸化日本國籍,使用自己名字的片假名拼音做為歸化後的戶籍姓名[3]。另以鬼怒川與鳴門取漢字雅號「鬼怒鳴門」(鬼怒 鳴門/キーン ドナルド Kīn Donarudo),發音與自己的本名相同[4]。
唐納德·基恩出生於美國紐約市布魯克林。九歲那年,和父親一起去歐洲旅行,唐納德·基恩對學習法語等外語變得非常感興趣。 後來由於父母離異,於母子家庭中成長。1938年,唐納德·基恩進入哥倫比亞大學文學院。
在哥倫比亞大學,他受到馬克·範·多倫(Mark Van Doren)和萊昂內爾·託林(Lionel Torring)影響。 大約在同一時間,Van Doren的演講使他熟識中國學生,他因此學習中文,尤其是漢字。
1945年5月,唐納德·基恩加入沖繩戰役。此外,奧蒂斯·塞里(Otis Ceri,後任同誌社大學榮譽教授)和伊凡·莫里斯(Ivan Morris)是他在美國軍隊口譯時代的朋友。
回到哥倫比亞大學後,他於1947年在角田柳作的指導下獲得了碩士學位。同年,他於哈佛大學求學,並接受了謝爾蓋·愛麗舍夫(Sergei Elyseev)的教導。1948年(昭和23年)開始,唐納德·基恩到劍橋大學學習5年之久,並同時擔任講師。大約在這個時候,他認識E·M·福斯特與亞瑟·偉利。在此期間,他於1949年完成了哥倫比亞大學東方研究院的博士學位。
1986年,唐納德·基恩日本文化中心在哥倫比亞大學成立。自1999年以來,他一直擔任唐納德·基恩基金會(Donald Keene Foundation)的總裁。 2006年11月1日,他呼籲源氏物語千年紀。
原文書名 | 翻譯書名 |
The Battles of Coxinga: Chikamatsu's Puppet Play, Its Background and Importance (Taylor's Foreign Pr, 1951) | |
The Japanese Discovery of Europe: Honda Toshiaki and other discoverers 1720–1952 (Routledge and K. Paul, 1952) | 日本人の西洋発見 (錦正社, 1957). Jp trans. 藤田豊 & 大沼雅彥
nihonjin no seiyou hakken 日本人の西洋発見 (中公叢書, 1968). Jp trans. 芳賀徹訳 [?trans of 2nd ed] |
Japanese Literature an Introduction for Western Readers (Grove Pr, June 1, 1955) | |
Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology (Grove Pr, June 1, 1956) | |
Living Japan (Doubleday, 1959) | 生きている日本 (朝日出版社, 1973). Jp trans. 江藤淳 & 足立康
ikiteiru nihon Revised edition published as 果てしなく美しい日本 (講談社學術文庫, 2002). Jp trans. 足立康改 [?mistake. ?Separate work] |
Major Plays of Chikamatsu (Columbia University Press, January 1, 1961) | |
Four Major Plays of Chikamatsu (Columbia University Press, June 1, 1961) | |
Donald Keene, Kaneko Hiroshi (photography) & Jun'ichirō Tanizaki (introduction), Bunraku: The Art of the Japanese Puppet Theatre (kodansha International, 1965) | 文楽 (講談社, 1966). Jp trans. 吉田健一
bunraku |
Japanese Discovery of Europe, 1720–1830. Revised/2nd ed. (Stanford University Press, June 1, 1969) | |
The Manyoushu (Columbia University Press, 1969) | |
Twenty Plays of the Noh Theatre (Columbia University Press, June 1, 1970) | |
War-Wasted Asia: letters, 1945–46 (Kodansha International, 1975) | 昨日の戦地から (中央公論新社, 2006). Jp trans. 松宮史朗.
kinou no senchi kara |
World Within Walls: Japanese Literature of the Pre-Modern Era, 1600–1867 (Henry Holt & Co, October 1, 1976)
Second book in the "A History of Japanese Literature" series |
日本文學史 近世篇, 2 vols. (中央公論社, 1976–77). Jp trans. 徳岡孝夫訳
nihon bungakushi kinseihen |
Landscapes and Portraits: Appreciations of Japanese culture (Kodansha International, 1978) | |
Meeting with Japan (學生社, 1979) | 日本との出會い (中央公論社, 1972). Jp trans. 篠田 一士
nihon tono deai |
Some Japanese Portraits (Kodansha Amer Inc, March 1, 1978/9) | 日本文學散歩 (朝日選書, 1975). Jp trans. 篠田 一士
nihon bungaku sanpo |
Travels in Japan (Gakuseisha, 1981) | 日本細見 (中央公論社, 1980). Jp trans. ??
nihonsaiken |
Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature of the Modern Era; Fiction (Holt Rinehart & Winston, April 1, 1984)
Third book in the "A History of Japanese Literature" series |
* Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature in the Modern Era; Poetry, Drama, Criticism (Holt Rinehart & Winston, April 1, 1984)
Fourth book in the "A History of Japanese Literature" series |
Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature in the Modern Era (Henry Holt & Co, September 1, 1987) | |
The Pleasures of Japanese Literature (Columbia University Press, October 1, 1988; ISBN 0-231-06736-4) | 古典の愉しみ (JICC, 1992). Jp trans. 大庭みな子
koten no tanoshimi Later published by 寶島社, 2000. |
Donald Keene with Herbert E. Plutschow, Introducing Kyoto (Kodansha Amer Inc, April 1, 1989) | |
Travelers of a Hundred Ages: The Japanese As Revealed Through 1,000 Years of Diaries (Diane Pub Co, June 1, 1989) | 百代の過客 日記にみる日本人 (朝日選書, 1984 and 1988). Jp trans. 金関壽夫
hyakudai no kakaku: nikkini miru nihonjin Later published by Asahi, 2011 and 2012. [?trans of revised edition] |
Modern Japanese Novels and the West (Umi Research Pr, July 1, 1989) | |
No and Bunraku: Two Forms of Japanese Theatre (Columbia University Press, December 1, 1990) | 能・文楽・歌舞伎 (講談社, 2001). Jp trans. 吉田 健一 & 松宮史朗
noh, bungaku, kabuki |
Appreciations of Japanese Culture (Kodansha Amer Inc, April 1, 1991) | |
Donald Keene with Ooka Makoto, The Colors of Poetry: Essays in Classic Japanese Verse (Katydid Books, May 1, 1991) | |
Travelers of a Hundred Ages (Henry Holt & Co, August 1, 1992) | |
Seeds in the Heart: Japanese Literature from Earliest Times to the Late Sixteenth Century (Henry Holt & Co, June 1, 1993)
First book in the "A History of Japanese Literature" series |
On Familiar Terms: A Journey Across Cultures (Kodansha Amer Inc, January 1, 1994)
Reworking of the 1990–1992 Japanese newspaper column. |
このひとすじにつながりて (朝日選書, 1993). Jp trans. 金関 壽夫
kono hitosuji ni tsunagarite |
Modern Japanese Diaries: The Japanese at Home and Abroad As Revealed Through Their Diaries (Henry Holt & Co, March 1, 1995)
Later published by Columbia University Press, 1999 [?revised edition] Japanese edition published first. |
The Blue-Eyed Tarokaja: A Donald Keene Anthology (Columbia University Press, June 1, 1996). Editor. J. Thomas Rimer | 碧い眼の太郎冠者
aoi me no taroukaja |
On Familiar Terms: To Japan and Back, a Lifetime Across Cultures (Kodansha Amer Inc, April 1, 1996) | |
もう一つの母國、日本へ - Living in Two Countries (Kodansha International, 1999). Jp trans. 塩谷紘
English and Japanese bilingual text |
Donald Keene with Anne Nishimura & Frederic A. Sharf, Japan at the Dawn of the Modern Age: Woodblock Prints from the Meija Era, 1868-1912 (Museum of Fine Arts Boston, May 1, 2001) | |
Sources of Japanese Tradition: From Earliest Times to 1600 compiled by Donalde Keen, Wm. Theodore De Bary, George Tanabe and Paul Varley (Columbia University Press, May 1, 2001) | |
Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852–1912 (Columbia University Press, April 1, 2002) | 明治天皇 (新潮社, 2001). Jp trans. 角地 幸男.
meiji tennou Also published in 4 volumes, 2007. |
Donald Keene with Lee Bruschke-Johnson & Ann Yonemura, Masterful Illusions: Japanese Prints from the Anne Van Biema Collection (University of Washington Pr, September 1, 2002) | |
Five Modern Japanese Novelists (Columbia University Press, December 1, 2002) | 思い出の作家たち―谷崎・川端・三島・安部・司馬 (新潮社, 2005). Jp trans. 松宮史朗
omoide no sakkatachi: Tanizaki, Kawabata, Mishima, Abe, Shiba |
Yoshimasa and the Silver Pavilion: The Creation of the Soul of Japan (Columbia University Press, November 1, 2003) | 足利義政と銀閣寺 (中央公論新社, 2008). Jp trans. 角地 幸男.
Yoshimasa to ginkakuji |
Frog In The Well: Portraits of Japan by Watanabe Kazan 1793–1841 (Asia Perspectives),(Columbia Univ. Press, 2006) | 渡辺崋山 (新潮社, 2007). Jp trans. 角地 幸男
Watanabe Kazan |
Chronicles of My Life: An American in the Heart of Japan. (Columbia University Press, 2008) | 私と20世紀のクロニカル』 (中央公論新社, 2007)
watashi to 20 seiki no kuronikaru Later published as ドナルド・キーン自伝 (中公公論新社, 2011). Jp trans. 角地幸男 Un Occidental En Japon (Nocturna Ediciones, 2011). Es trans. José Pazó Espinosa |
So Lovely A Country Will Never Perish: Wartime Diaries of Japanese Writers (Columbia University Press, 2010) | ? 日本人の戦爭 作家の日記を読む (文藝春秋, 2009). Jp trans. 角地幸男
nihonjin no sensou: sakka no nikki wo yomu |
The Winter Sun Shines In: A Life of Masaoka Shiki (Columbia University Press, 2013) | 正岡子規 (新潮社, 2012). Jp trans. 角地 幸男
Masaoka Shiki |
日本の文學 (築摩書房, 1963). Jp trans. 吉田健一
nihonbungaku |
日本の作家 (中央公論社, 1972)
nihon no sakka |
Kobo Abe and Donald Keene, 反劇的人間 (中公新書,1973)
hangekiteki ningen. In conversation with Kobo Abe |
Ooka Shouhei and Donald Keene, 東と西のはざまで 大岡昇平と対談 (朝日出版社, 1973)
higashi to nishi no haza made'. In conversation with Ooka Shouhei |
Tokuoka Takao and Donald Keene, 悼友紀行 三島由紀夫の作品風土 (中央公論社, 1973) |
ドナルド・キーンの日本文學散歩. Column in Asahi Weekly 週刊朝日, 8th Jan 1957 - 26th Sept 1975
Donarudo Kiin no nihonbungaku sanpo |
ドナルド・キーンの音盤風刺花伝 (音楽之友社, 1977)
Later published as わたしの好きなレコード watashi no sukina rekoodo |
日本文學を読む (新潮選書, 1977)
nihonbungaku wo yomu |
日本の魅力 対談集 (中央公論社, 1979)
nihongo no miryoku. A collection of conversation. |
日本を理解するまで (新潮社, 1979) [?trans]
nihon wo rikaisuru made |
日本文學のなかへ (文藝春秋, 1979)
nihonbungaku no nakahe |
音楽の出會いとよろこび (音楽之友社, 1980). Jp trans. 中矢 一義.
ongaku no deai to yorokobi Later published by 中央公論社 1992. |
ついさきの歌聲 (中央公論社, 1981) Jp trans. 中矢一義訳
tsuisaki no utagoe |
私の日本文學逍遙 (新潮社, 1981)
watashi no nihonbungaku shouyou |
日本人の質問 (朝日選書, 1983)
nihonjin no shitsumon |
百代の過客 日記にみる日本人. Column in the Asahi Evening News, 4th Jul 1983 - 13th Apr 1984.
hyakudai no kakaku: nikki nimiru nihonjin |
Ryotaro Shiba and Donald Keene, 日本人と日本文化 司馬遼太郎との対談 (中公新書, 1972, 1984)
nihonjin to nihonbunka: conversations with Ryotaro Shiba Later published as 世界のなかの日本 十六世紀まで遡って見る 司馬遼太郎対談 (中央公論社, 1992) sakai no naka no nihon: juurokuseiki made sakanobattemiru. In conversation with Ryotaro Shiba. |
少し耳の痛くなる話 (新潮社, 1986)
sukoshi mimi no itakunaru hanashi |
二つの母國に生きて (Asahi, 1987) [?trans. 塩谷紘]
futatsu no bokoku ni ikite [Living in two countries] |
このひとすじにつながりて. Column in the Asahi Evening News, 7th Jan 1990 - 9th Feb 1992.
kono hitosushi ni tsunagarite |
古典を楽しむ 私の日本文學 (朝日選書, 1990)
koden wo tanoshimu: watashi no nihonbungaku |
日本人の美意識 (中央公論, 1990)
nihonjin no biishiki |
聲の殘り 私の文壇交遊録 (Asahi, 1992)
koe no nokori: watashi no bundankouyuuroku [Remaining voices: Record of my literary circle] |
Yukio Mishima & Donald Keene (editor), 三島由紀夫未発表書簡 ドナルド・キーン氏宛の97通 (中央公論社, 1998)
Mishima Yukio mihappyoushokan 97 letters addressed to Donald Keene |
日本語の美 (中公文庫, 2000) [?trans]
nihongo no bi [The beauty of Japanese] |
明治天皇を語る (新潮新書, 2003).
meijiennnou wo kataru [Stories of the Emperor Meiji]. Based on a series of lectures. |
日本文學は世界のかけ橋 (たちばな, 2003)
nihonbungaku ha sekai no kakebashi |
Jakucho Setouchi, Donald Keene & Shunsuke Tsurumi, 同時代を生きて 忘れえぬ人びと (岩波書店, 2004)
doujidai wo ikite wasureenu hitobito |
私の大事な場所 (中央公論新社, 2005/2010)
watashi no daijina basho |
ドナルド・キーン著作集』(全15巻)(新潮社, 2011)
donarudo kiin chosakushou (zen-15gan). The collected works of Donald Keene (15 volumes) [excluding 日本文學史 The history of Japanese literature] |
Donald Keene & Koike Masayuki, 戦場のエロイカ・シンフォニー 私が體験した日米戦 (藤原書店, 2011)
senjou no Eroica shinfonii: watashi ga keikenshita nichibeiikusa |
Donald Keene and Setouchi Jakuchou, 日本を、信じる (中央公論新社, 2012) |
私が日本人になった理由―日本語に魅せられて (PHP研究所, 2013)
watashi ga nihonjin ni natta riyuu - nihongo ni miserarete |
Translation of the History of Japanese literature series
日本文學史 nihonbungakushi
- ↑ 存檔副本. [2019-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-07-01).
- ↑ Japanese literature scholar Donald Keene dies at 96. The Japan Times (Tokyo). February 24, 2019 [February 24, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-02-27).
- ↑ MARTIN FACKLER. Lifelong Scholar of the Japanese Becomes One of Them. 紐約時報. 2012-11-02 [2012-11-03]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-29).
- ↑ 「鬼怒鳴門」と申します、よろしくお願いします. YOMIURI ONLINE (読売新聞社). 2012-03-08 [2012-03-08]. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-11).
- ↑ Literature Scholar Donald Keene Dies at 96,nippon, 25Feb2019