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阿佛列·爱德嘉·柯伯德(Alfred Edgar Coppard,1878年1月4日 - 1957年1月13日)是一位英国作家诗人


  • Adam & Eve & Pinch Me (1921)
  • Clorinda Walks in Heaven (1922)
  • The Black Dog and Other Stories (1923)
  • Fishmonger's Fiddle: Tales (1925)
  • The Field of Mustard (1926)
  • Silver Circus (1928)
  • Count Stefan (1928)
  • The Higgler (1930)
  • Nixey's Harlequin (1931)
  • Fares Please! (1931)
  • Crotty Shinkwin and The Beauty Spot (1932)
  • Dunky Fitlow (1933)
  • Ring the Bells of Heaven (1933)
  • Emergency Exit (1934)
  • Pink Furniture (1935)
  • Polly Oliver (1935)
  • Ninepenny Flute (1937)
  • You Never Know, Do You? (1939)
  • Ugly Anna (1944)
  • Fearful Pleasures (1946)
  • Selected Tales (1946)
  • The Dark Eyed Lady – Fourteen Tales (1947)
  • Collected Tales (1948)
  • Lucy in Her Pink Coat (1954)
  • Selected Stories (1972)
  • The Collected Tales of A. E. Coppard (1976)
  • The Higgler and Other Stories (1991)
  • The Man from the Caravan and Other Stories (1999)
  • Father Raven and Other Tales (2006)
  • Weep not my wanton : selected short stories (2013)


  • Hips and Haws (1922)
  • Yokohoma Garland & Other Poems (1926)
  • Pelaga and Other Poems (1926)
  • The Collected Poems of A. E. Coppard (1928)
  • Cherry Ripe: Poems (1935)
  • Simple Day: Selected Poems (1978)


  • The Hundredth Story of A. E. Coppard (1930)
  • Cheefoo (1932)
  • Good Samaritans (1934)
  • These Hopes of Heaven (1934)
  • Tapster's Tapestry :A Tale (1938)


  • Rummy: that noble game expounded in prose, poetry, diagram and engraving (1932)


  • Songs from Robert Burns. Selected by A. E. Coppard, with wood engravings by Mabel M. Annesley (1925)


  • Consequences, a complete story in the manner of the old parlour game, in nine chapters, each by a different author (1932)
  • The Fairies Return, or New Tales for Old (1934)


  • It's Me, O Lord! (1957)


  • Fabes, Gilbert H., The First Editions of A. E. Coppard, A. P. Herbert and Charles Morgan, 1933 London: Myers.
  • Saul, George Brandon, A.E. Coppard: His Life and Poetry,1932, University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. dissertation.
  • Schwartz, Jacob with foreword and notes by A. E. Coppard, A Bibliography of A. E. Coppard - The Writings of Alfred Edgar Coppard, 1931.
  • Jehin, A. Remarks on the Style of A.E. Coppard. Buenos Aires, 1944.


阿佛列·爱德嘉·柯伯德出生于福克斯通(Folkestone),双亲是裁缝和女佣。柯伯德在贫困的情况下长大,后来将他的童年描述为“惊人的贫穷”,而弗兰克·奥康纳(Frank O'Connor)将柯伯德的童年描绘成“残酷”。

在1920年代初,他认识理查德·休斯(Richard Hughes)和埃德盖尔·里克斯(Edgell Rickword)等人。

阿佛列·爱德嘉·柯伯德是独立工党的成员,小说受到托马斯·哈代的影响,最初的作品比贝茨(Herbert Ernest Bates)更受欢迎[1]


  1. "Coppard, A(lfred) E(dgar)" by Brian Stableford in David Pringle, St. James Guide to Horror, Ghost & Gothic Writers. London : St. James Press, 1998, 1558622063 (pp. 147-8).