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在国内外知名期刊发表论文近30篇,其中包括Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Banking and Finance(高被引论文), Journal of Empirical Finance(3篇), Journal of Futures Markets(2篇), Quantitative Finance(2篇)等国外期刊以及《管理科学学报》,《金融研究》等国内期刊,主持国家自科项目1项(绩效评估:特优)和国家社科项目1项,担任国家自然科学基金委员会通讯评审、教育部学位中心学位论文通讯评审和10多本国内外经济金融类知名期刊的匿名评审。



1. 国际溢出、国内基本面与期权定价. 管理科学学报,(2021+). 录用. (与 刘莉,刘子锐)

2. Realized bipower variation, jump components and option valuation. Journal of Futures Markets,41.12(2021), 1933-1958. (with Wang,Y., and Liu, L.)

3. Improving volatility prediction and option valuation using VIX information: A volatility spillover GARCH model. Journal of Futures Markets, 39.6 (2019), 744-776. (with Wang, Y., Liu, L., and Wang, Q.)


1. Forecasting stock returns: A predictor-constrained approach. Journal of Empirical Finance, 55 (2020), 200-217. (with Pettenuzzo, D., and Wang, Y.)

2. Industry equi-correlation: A powerful predictor of stock returns. Journal of Empirical Finance, 59 (2020), 1-24. (with Wang, Y., Wu, C., and Wu, W.)

3. Oil price increases and the predictability of equity premium. Journal of Banking and Finance, 102 (2019), 43-58. (with Wang, Y., Liu, L., and Wu, C.)


1. Macroeconomic fundamentals, jump dynamics and expected volatility. Quantitative Finance, 20.8 (2020) , 1345-1371. (with Bu, R., Liu, L., and Wang, Y.)

2. Oil price volatility and macroeconomic fundamentals: A regime switching GARCH-MIDAS model. Journal of Empirical Finance, 43 (2017), 130-142. (Wang, Y., Wu, C., and Yin, L.)

3. Asymptotically distribution-free tests for the volatility function of a diffusion. Journal of Econometrics, 184.1 (2015), 124-144. (with Chen, Q., and Zheng, X.)


1. Macroeconomic uncertainty and expected shortfall (and value at risk): A new dynamic semiparametric model. Quantitative Finance, 21.11 (2021): 1791-1805 . (with Wang, Y., and Liu, L.)


1. 主持,国家自科项目:国际金融危机背景下的金融资产配置管理: 基于泛函系数方法的研究(No. 71601161),2017.01-2019.12 (绩效评估:特优)

2. 主持,国家社科项目: 基于高维数据变量选择方法的系统性金融风险测度与预警研究(No. 21XJY007),2021.09-2024.06[1]
