小花剪股穎 |
中文名:小花剪股穎 拉丁學名:Agrostis micrantha Steud. 別 名:多花剪股穎 界:植物界 門:被子植物門 Angiospermae 綱:單子葉植物綱 Monocotyledoneae 目:禾本目 Graminales 科:禾本科 Gramineae 亞 科:早熟禾亞科 Pooideae 族:剪股穎族 Agrostideae 屬:剪股穎屬 Agrostis 種:小花剪股穎 拼 音:xiǎo huā jiǎn gǔ yǐng |
小花剪股穎(xiǎo huā jiǎn gǔ yǐng),學名 Agrostis micrantha Steud.,俗名:多花剪股穎,異名:Agrostis myriantha Agrostis milioides Agrostis micrandra Agrostis clavata subsp. micrantha Agrostis myriantha var. yangbiensis ,為禾本科剪股穎屬下的一個植物種。多年生。稈叢生,葉片扁平或干時內卷,小穗灰綠色,花果期8月。分布區域:中國西藏、四川 、雲南 、甘肅、陝西及緬甸、印度、錫金。 [1]
小花剪股穎 多年生。稈叢生,高30-52厘米,徑0.8-1毫米,具3-4節。葉鞘疏鬆抱稈,有縱條紋,無毛或僅近上部邊緣具細柔毛,多短於或基部者長於節間,頂生葉鞘長8-12厘米;
Agrostis clavata Trinius subsp. micrantha (Steudel) Y. C. Tong; A. micrandra Keng ex J. L. Yang; A. milioides Mez; A. myriantha J. D. Hooker; A. myriantha var. yangbiensis B. S. Sun & Y. Cai Wang.
Perennial, tufted. Culms weak, erect to decumbent and rooting at lower nodes, 40–100 cm tall, 4(–8)-noded. Leaf sheaths smooth, loose; leaf blades linear to lanceolate, flat, thin, 5–14 cm × (2.5–)4–11 mm, both surfaces scaberulous, margins finely scabrid; ligule 2–3(–6) mm, back scabrid, apex truncate, lacerate.
Panicle effuse, 10–15(–20) cm, usually narrowly oblong in outline when young, spreading at flowering, usually contracted in fruit; branches several at each node, capillary, up to 10 cm, bare in lower part.
Spikelets 1.3–1.8(–2.2) mm, olive green, occasionally violet tinged; glumes narrowly lanceolate-oblong, lower glume usually slightly longer than upper, sometimes equal, keeled, keel scabrid to aculeate, apex subacute; callus glabrous or nearly so; lemma 3/4–9/10 spikelet length, awnless, apex obtuse; palea 0.3–0.6 mm, (1/4–)1/3(–1/2) lemma length. Anthers 0.3–0.5(–0.7) mm. Fl. and fr. Jul–Sep.
《中國植物志》 第9(3)卷 (1987) >> 243頁 PDF >> 小花剪股穎 Agrostis micrantha 17. 小花剪股穎(擬)圖59: 5-8
Agrostis micrantha Steud. Syn. Pl. Glum 1: 170. 1854; Hook. f. Fl Brit. Ind 7: 256-257. 1896; Bor Grass. Burma Ceyl. Ind. Pakist. 388. 1960. ——Agrostis micrandra Keng,禾本科圖說539.圖466. 1959. Syn nov.