卜勝利 |
國 籍 ---- 中國
職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者
2012.08-2013.08 Cornell University 訪問副教授
2003.09-2006.06 上海交通大學物理系博士
1.Jiali Tang, ShengliPu, Shaohua Dong, and Longfeng Luo, 「Magnetic field sensing based onmagnetic-fluid-clad multimode-singlemode-multimode fiber structures,」 Sensors 14, 19086-19094 (2014).
2.Shaohua Dong, ShengliPu, and Haotian Wang,「Magnetic field sensing based on magnetic-fluid-cladfiber-optic structure with taper-like and lateral-offset fusion splicing,」 Opt.Express 22, 19108-19116 (2014).
3.ShengliPu, and Shaohua Dong, 「Magnetic fieldsensing based on magnetic-fluid-clad fiber-optic structure with up-taperedjoints,」 IEEE Photon. J. 6,5300206 (2014).
4.ShengliPu,Shaohua Dong, and Juan Huang, 「Tunable slow light based onmagnetic-fluid-infiltrated photonic crystal waveguides,」 J. Opt. 16, 045102 (2014).
5.XuekunBai, Dengfeng Fan, Shaofei Wang, ShengliPu, and Xianglong Zeng, 「Strain sensor based on fiber ring cavity laserwith photonic crystal fiber in-line Mach-Zehnder interferometer,」 IEEE Photon. J.6, 6801608 (2014).
6.YangLiu, Lei Shi, Xinbiao Xu, Ping Zhao, Zheqi Wang, Shengli Pu, and Xinliang Zhang, 「All-optical tuning ofmagnetic-fluid-filled optofluidic ring resonator,」 Lab Chip 14, 3004-3010 (2014).
7.PingZhao, Lei Shi, Yang Liu, Zheqi Wang, ShengliPu, and Xinliang Zhang, 「Iron-oxide-nanoparticles-embedded silicamicrosphere resonator exhibiting broadband all-optical wavelength tunability,」Opt. Lett. 39, 3845-3848 (2014).
8.ShaohuaDong, Shengli Pu,andJuan Huang, 「Magnetic field sensing based on magneto-volume variation ofmagnetic fluids investigated by air-gap Fabry-Pérot fiber interferometers,」Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 111907(2013).
9.HaotianWang, Shengli Pu, Ning Wang, ShaohuaDong,and Juan Huang, 「Magnetic field sensing based onsinglemode–multimode–singlemode fiber structures using magnetic fluids ascladding,」 Opt. Lett. 38, 3765-3768(2013).
10.Shengli Pu, Haotian Wang, NingWang, and Xianglong Zeng, 「Extremely large bandwidth and ultralow-dispersionslow light in photonic crystal waveguides with magnetically controllability,」Appl. Phys. B 112, 223-229 (2013).
11.Shengli Pu, Haotian Wang, NingWang, and Xianglong Zeng, 「Tunable flat band slow light in reconfigurablephotonic crystal waveguides based on magnetic fluids,」 Opt. Commun. 311, 16-19 (2013).
12.HaotianWang, Shengli Pu, Arash Gharibi, andNing Wang, 「Generation and versatile transmission properties of ring-shapedbeams based on thermal lens effect of magnetic fluids and ring-limitedwindows,」 Opt. Commun. 286, 211-216(2013).
13.HongzhuJi, Shengli Pu, Xiang Wang, GuojunYu, Ning Wang, and Haotian Wang, 「Magnetic field sensing based on capillaryfilled with magnetic fluids,」 Appl. Opt.51, 6528-6538 (2012).
14.Hongzhu Ji, Shengli Pu, Xiang Wang,and Guojun Yu, 「Influence of switchable magnetic field on the modulationproperty of nanostructured magnetic fluids,」 Opt. Commun. 285, 4435-4440 (2012).
15.XiangWang, Shengli Pu, Hongzhu Ji, andGuojun Yu, 「Enhanced magnetic-field-induced optical properties ofnanostructured magnetic fluids by doping nematic liquid crystals,」 NanoscaleRes. Lett. 7, 249 (2012).
16.HongzhuJi, Shengli Pu, Xiang Wang, andGuojun Yu, 「Magnetic field sensing based on V-shaped groove filled withmagnetic fluids,」 Appl. Opt. 51,1010-1020 (2012).
17.Shengli Pu, Xuekun Bai, andLunwei Wang, 「Temperature dependence of photonic crystals based onthermoresponsive magnetic fluids,」 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 323, 2866-2871 (2011).
18.XuekunBai, Shengli Pu, and Lunwei Wang,「Optical relaxation properties of magnetic fluids under externally magneticfields,」 Opt. Commun. 284, 4929-4935(2011).
19.XuekunBai, Shengli Pu, Lunwei Wang, XiangWang, Guojun Yu, and Hongzhu Ji, 「Tunable magneto-optic modulation based onmagnetically responsive nanostructured magnetic fluids,」 Chin. Phys. B 20, 107501 (2011).
20.Shengli Pu, Min Dai, and GuoqingSun, 「Longitudinal field-induced polarized light transmittanceof magnetic fluids,」 Opt. Commun. 283,4012-4016 (2010).
21.Shengli Pu, and Ming Liu,「Tunable photonic crystals based on MnFe2O4 magneticfluids by magnetic fields,」 J. Alloys Compd. 481, 851-854 (2009).
22.Shengli Pu,Lanfang Yao, Feifei Guan, and Ming Liu, 「Threshold-tunable optical limitersbased on nonlinear refraction in ferrosols,」 Opt. Commun. 282, 908-913 (2009).
23.Shengli Pu, Tao Geng, XianfengChen, Xianglong Zeng, Ming Liu, and Ziyun Di, 「Tuning the band gap ofself-assembled superparamagnetic photonic crystals in colloidal magnetic fluidsusing external magnetic fields,」 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 320, 2345-2349 (2008).
24.Shengli Pu, Xianfeng Chen, ZiyunDi, Tao Geng, and Yuxing Xia, 「Electrical properties of nanostructured magneticcolloid and influence of magnetic field,」 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24, 3253-3256 (2007).
25.Shengli Pu, Xianfeng Chen, ZiyunDi, and Yuxing Xia, 「Relaxation property of the magnetic-fluid-basedfiber-optic evanescent field modulator,」 J. Appl. Phys. 101, 053532 (2007).
26.JingfeiChen, Xianfeng Chen, Shengli Pu,Ziyun Di, Yuxing Xia, 「Realization of optical limiting with a magnetic fluidfilm,」 Opt. Commun. 276, 268-271(2007).
27.ZiyunDi, Xianfeng Chen, Jingfei Chen, Yuxing Xia, and Shengli Pu, 「Suppressing the field-induced agglomeration in themagnetic fluid by doping the nonmagnetic particles,」 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 161129 (2007).
28.Shengli Pu, Xianfeng Chen,Yuping Chen, Yonghao Xu, Weijun Liao, Lijun Chen, and Yuxing Xia, 「Fiber-opticevanescent field modulator using a magnetic fluid as the cladding,」 J. Appl.Phys. 99, 093516 (2006).
29.ZiyunDi, Xianfeng Chen, Shengli Pu, XiaoHu, and Yuxing Xia, 「Magnetic-field-induced birefringence and particleagglomeration in magnetic fluids,」 Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 211106 (2006).
30.Shengli Pu, Xianfeng Chen, LijunChen, Weijun Liao, Yuping Chen, and Yuxing Xia, 「Suppressing the thermal lenseffect by magnetic-field-induced mass transfer and phase separation in amagnetic fluid,」 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87,021905 (2005).
31.Shengli Pu, Xianfeng Chen, LijunChen, Weijun Liao, Yuping Chen, and Yuxing Xia, 「Tunable magnetic fluid gratingby applying a magnetic field,」 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 021901 (2005).
32.Shengli Pu, Xianfeng Chen,Yuping Chen, Weijun Liao, Lijun Chen, and Yuxing Xia, 「Measurement of therefractive index of a magnetic fluid by the retroreflection on the fiber-opticend face,」 Appl. Phys. Lett. 86,171904 (2005).
33.WeijunLiao, Xianfeng Chen, Yuping Chen, ShengliPu, Yuxing Xia, and Qu Li, 「Tunable optical fiber filters with magneticfluids,」 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87,151122 (2005).
34.Shengli Pu, Xianfeng Chen,Weijun Liao, Lijun Chen, Yuping Chen, and Yuxing Xia, 「Laser self-inducedthermo-optical effects in a magnetic fluid,」 J. Appl. Phys. 96, 5930-5932 (2004).
曾受Journalof Nanomaterials邀請擔任其Special Issue客座主編,主題為:MagnetoopticalProperties and Photonic Applications of Magnetic Nanomaterials。