

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋














Advisory Board member of Ambio A Journal of the Human Environment

Associate Editor of Land Degradation & Development

Associate Editor of People and Nature

Editorial Board Member of Geography and Sustainability












 著作論文 Xutong Wu , Bojie Fu*, Shuai Wang , Shuang Song, Yingjie Li,Zhenci Xu, Yongping Wei  and Jianguo Liu. Decoupling of SDGs followed byre-coupling as sustainable development progresses. Nature Sustainability, 2022,doi.org/10.1038/s41893-022-00868-x

Zidong Li, Shuai Wang*, Changjia Li, Chongchong Ye,Dexin Gao, Peng Chen. The trend shift caused by ecological restorationaccelerates the vegetation greening of China's drylands since the 1980s. Environ.Res. Lett. 2022, doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac6002

Yaping Wang, Shuai Wang*, Wenwu Zhao, Yanxu Liu. Theincreasing contribution of potential evapotranspiration to severe droughts inthe Yellow River basin. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 605, 127310

Haoyu Zhang, Shuai Wang*,Chongchong Ye, Yaping Wang. Trends and attribution analysis of modelled evapotranspirationon the Tibetan Plateau. Hydrological Processes, 2022.36(3), e14527.

Tong Li,Qiang Liao, Shuai Wang*, Bojie Fu. Divergentchange patterns observed in hydrological fluxes entering China's two largestlakes. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 817,152969.

Shiyin Chen,Nan Lu, Bojie Fu*, Shuai Wang, Lei Deng, Lixin Wang. Current and future carbon stocksof natural forests in China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2022, 511: 120137.

Peng Chen, Shuai Wang*, Shuang Song, Yijia Wang, YapingWang, Dexin Gao, Zidong Li. Ecological restoration intensifiesevapotranspiration in the Kubuqi Desert. Ecological Engineering, 2021, 175: 106504.

Fangli Wei, Shuai Wang, Bojie Fu*,Martin Brandt, Naiqing Pan, Cong Wang, Rasmus Fensholt. Response to concernsabout the African fire trends controlled by precipitation over recent decades. GlobalChange Biology, 2021.

Changjia Li, BojieFu*, Shuai Wang, Lindsay C. Stringer,Yaping Wang, Zidong Li, Yanxu Liu, Wenxin Zhou. Drivers and impacts of changesin China’s drylands. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2021, 2: 858-873.

Ning Pan, Shuai Wang*, Fangli Wei, Miaogen Shen, BojieFu. Inconsistent changes in NPP and LAI determined from the parabolic LAIversus NPP relationship. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 131(6237):108134.

Xutong Wu, JianguoLiu, Bojie Fu*, Shuai Wang, YongpingWei. Integrating multiple influencing factors in evaluating the socioeconomiceffects of payments for ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services, 2021, 51(27): 101348.

Yaping Wang, Shuai Wang*, Cong Wang, Wenwu Zhao. Runoffsensitivity increases with land use/cover change contributing to runoff declineacross the middle reaches of the Yellow River basin. Journal of Hydrology, 2021,600(5): 126536.

Dexin Gao, Shuai Wang*, Zidong Li, Fangli Wei, PengChen, Shuang Song, Yaping Wang, Lixin Wang, Bojie Fu. Threshold of vaporpressure deficit constraint on light use efficiency varied with soil watercontent. Ecohydrology, 2021, e2305.

Ning Pan, Shuai Wang*, Yanxu Liu, Yan Li, XueFeng, Fangli Wei, Haipeng Yu, Bojie Fu. Rapid increase of potentialevapotranspiration weakens the effect of precipitation on aridity in globaldrylands. Journal of Arid Environments, 2021, 186: 104414.

Xutong Wu, Shuai Wang, Bojie Fu*, Jianguo Liu. Spatialvariation and influencing factors of the effectiveness of afforestation inChina’s Loess Plateau. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 771: 144904.

Xutong Wu, Shuai Wang, Bojie Fu*. Multilevelanalysis of factors affecting participants』 land reconversion willingness afterthe Grain for Green Program. AMBIO A Journal of the Human Environment, 2021, 50(7):1394-1403.

Xutong Wu, Shuai Wang, Bojie Fu*. Multilevelanalysis of factors affecting participants』 land reconversion willingness afterthe Grain for Green Program. AMBIO A Journal of the Human Environment, 2021, 50(7):1394-1403.

Fangli Wei, Shuai Wang, Bojie Fu*, Martin Brandt,Naiqing Pan, Cong Wang, Rasmus Fensholt. Nonlinear dynamics of fires in Africaover recent decades controlled by precipitation. Global Change Biology, 2020;00: 1-11.

Bojie Fu*,Junze Zhang, Shuai Wang, Wenwu Zhao.Classification–coordination–collaboration: a systems approach for advancingsustainable development goals. National Science Review, 2020, 7(5): 838-840.

Shuang Song, Shuai Wang*, Bojie Fu, Yanxu Liu, KevinWang, Yikai Li, Yaping Wang. Sediment transport under increasing anthropogenicstress: Regime shifts within the Yellow River, China. Ambio, 2020, 49: 2015-2025.

Tong Li, Shuai Wang*, Bojie Fu, Xiaoming Feng.Frequency analyses of peak discharge suspended sediment concentration in theUnited States. Journal of Soils Sediments, 2020, 2: 1157-1168.

Tong Li, Shuai Wang*, Yanxu Liu, Bojie Fu, WenwuZhao. A retrospective analysis on changes in sediment flux in the MississippiRiver System: Trends, driving forces, implications. Journal of Soils Sediments,2020, 3: 1719-1729.

Junze Zhang,Nan Yin, Yan Li, Jianping Yu, Shuai Wang*.Socioeconomic impacts of a protected area in China: An assessment from ruralcommunities of Qianjiangyuan National Park Pilot. Land Use Policy, 2020, 99:104849.

Tong Li, Shuai Wang*, Yanxu Liu, Bojie Fu, DexinGao. Reversal of the sediment load increase in the Amazon Basin influenced bydivergent trends of sediment transport from the Solimões Madeira Rivers. Catena,2020, 195: 104804.

Fangli Wei, Shuai Wang, Martin Brandt, Bojie Fu*,Michael E Meadows, Lixin Wang, Lanhui Wang, Xiaowei Tong, Rasmus Fensholt.Responses and feedbacks of african dry ecosystems to environmental changes. CurrentOpinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2020, 48: 29-35.

Junze Zhang,Bojie Fu*, Mark Stafford-Smith, ShuaiWang, Wenwu Zhao. Improve forest restoration initiatives to meetsustainable development goal 15. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2020, 5: 10-13.

Xutong Wu,Yongping Wei, Bojie Fu*, Shuai Wang,Yan Zhao, Emilio F Moran. Evolution and effects of the social-ecological systemover a millennium in China’s Loess Plateau. Science Advances, 2020, 6(41): eabc0276.

Junze Zhang,Nan Yin, Shuai Wang*, Jianping Yu,Wenwu Zhao, Bojie Fu. A Multiple Importance–satisfaction analysis framework forthe sustainable management of protected areas: Integrating ecosystem servicesand basic needs. Ecosystem Services, 2020, 46: 101219.

Shuang Song, Shuai Wang*, Bojie Fu, Yuxiang Dong,Yanxu Liu, Haibin Chen, Yaping Wang. Improving representation of collectivememory in socio-hydrological models new insights into flood risk management. Journalof Flood Risk Management, 2020, 14(1): e12679.

Cong Wang, Shuai Wang, Bojie Fu*, Yihe Lü, YuanxinLiu, Xing Wu. Integrating vegetation suitability in sustainable revegetationfor the Loess Plateau, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 759: 143572.

Shuai Wang, Shuang Song,Junze Zhang, Xutong Wu, Bojie Fu*. Achieving a fit between social andecological systems in drylands for sustainability. Current Opinion inEnvironmental Sustainability, 2020, 48: 53-58.

Zidong Li, Shuai Wang*, Shuang Song, Yaping Wang,Walter Musakwa. Detecting Land Degradation in Southern Africa using time seriessegment and residual trend (TSS-RESTREND). Journal of Arid Environments, 2020, 184:104314.

Ning Pan, Shuai Wang*, Yanxu Liu, Ting Hua, JunzeZhang, Xue Feng, Bojie Fu. Quantifying responses of net primary productivity toagricultural expansion in drylands. Land Degradation and Development, 2020, 32(4):2050-2060

Shuai Wang, Bojie Fu*,ÖrjanBodin, Jianguo Liu, Mengmeng Zhang et al. Alignment of social andecologicalstructures increased the ability of river management. Science Bulletin, 2019, 64(18),1318-1324.

XutongWu, ShuaiWang, Bojie Fu*,Yan Zhao and Yongping Wei. Pathways frompayments for ecosystem services programto socioeconomic outcomes. Ecosystem Services,2019, 39, 101005.

MengmengZhang, Shuai Wang*, GuangyaoGao,Bojie Fu, Zhaoxia Ye et al. Exploring responses of lake area toriverregulation and implications for lake restoration in arid regions. Ecological engineering, 2019, 128,18-26.

XutongWu, Shuai Wang, Bojie Fu*,Xiaoming Feng and Yongzhe Chen.Socio-ecological changes on the Loess Plateauof China after Grain to GreenProgram. Scienceof the Total Environment,2019, 678, 565-573.

BojieFu, Shuai Wang, Junze Zhang, ZenqianHouand Jinghai Li. Unravelling the complexity in achieving the17sustainable-development goals. NationalScienceReview, 2019, 6(3), 386-388.

FangliWei, ShuaiWang*, Bojie Fu and YanxuLiu. Representation of biodiversity and ecosystemservices in East Africa’sprotected area network. Ambio, 2019,1-13.

YapingWang, Wenwu Zhao, Shuai Wang*,XiaomingFeng and Yanxu Liu. Yellow River water rebalanced by human regulation.Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 9707.

Shuai Wang,Fu Bojie*, Zhao Wenwu,Liu Yanxu, Wei Fangli. Structure,function, and dynamic mechanisms of coupledhuman-natural systems. Current Opinion inEnvironmentalSustainability, 2018,33:87-91.

Shuai Wang, Fu Bojie*, ChenHaibin, Liu Yu. Regional developmentboundary of China’s Loess Plateau: Waterlimit and land shortage. Land Use Policy,2018, 74:130-136.

WeiFangli, Shuai Wang*, Fu Bojie, FengXiaoming, Pannaiqing, Wang Cong.Vegetation dynamic trends and the main driversdetected using the ensembleempirical mode decomposition method in East Africa. Land Degrad Dev.2018.

ZhangMengmeng, Shuai Wang*, Fu Bojie, GaoGuangyao,Shen Qin. Ecological effects and potential risks of the waterdiversion projectin the Heihe River Basin. Scienceofthe Total Environment,2018, 619, 794-803.

LiTong, Shuai Wang*, Liu Yanxu, FuBojie, Zhao Wenwu. Drivingforces and their contribution to the recent decreasein sediment flux to oceanof major rivers in China. Science of theTotal Environment, 2018.

WeiFangli, Shuai Wang*, Fu Bojie,Linxiu Zhang, Erustus M Kanga, Fu Chao.Balancing community livelihoods andbiodiversity conservation of protectedareas in East Africa. Current Opinion inEnvironmental Sustainability,2018.

WuXutong, Shuai Wang*, Fu Bojie*, LiuYu, Zhu Yuan. Land use optimizationbased on ecosystem service assessment: Acase study in the Yanhe watershed. Land UsePolicy, 2018, 72, 303-312.

FangliWei,Shuai Wang*, Bojie Fu, Naiqing Pan,Xiaoming Feng et al. Vegetationdynamic trends and the main drivers detectedusing the ensemble empirical modedecomposition method in East Africa. Landdegradation & development, 2018,29(8), 2542-2553.

WalterMusakwa*,Shuai Wang.Landscape change and itsdrivers: A Southern African perspective. CurrentOpinion in EnvironmentalSustainability, 2018.

Shuai Wang,Fu Bojie*, Liang Wei,Liu Yu, Wang Yafeng. Driving forces of changes in thewater and sedimentrelationship in the Yellow River. Science ofthe Total Environment, 2017, 576, 453-461.

FuBojie*, Shuai Wang, Liu Yu, LiuJianbo, Liang Wei, and Miao Chiyuan.Hydrogeomorphic ecosystem responses tonatural and anthropogenic changes in theLoess Plateau of China. Annual Review ofEarth and Planetary Sciences,2017, 45, 223-243.

WangCong, Shuai Wang, Fu Bojie*, LiZongshan, Wu Xing, Tang Qiang.Precipitation gradient determines the tradeoffbetween soil moisture and soilorganic carbon, total nitrogen, and speciesrichness in the Loess Plateau,China. Science ofthe Total Environment,2017, 575, 1538-1545.

WangCong, Shuai Wang, Fu Bojie*, YangLei, Li Zongshan. Soil MoistureVariations with Land Use Along the PrecipitationGradient in the North-SouthTransect of the Loess Plateau. LandDegradation & Development, 2017,28, 926-935.

Shuai Wang, Fu Bojie*, PiaoShilong, Lü Yihe,Ciais P. et al. 2016. Reduced sediment transport in the YellowRiver due toanthropogenic changes. NatureGeoscience,2016, 9: 38-42.

Shuai Wang, Fu Bojie*, and LiangWei. Developing policy for the Yellow Riversediment sustainable control. NationalScience Review, 2016, 3, 162-165.

Shuai Wang, Fu Bojie*, and LiuJianbo. Soil moisture temporal stability analysisfor typical hilly and gullyre-vegetated catchment in the Loess Plateau, China.Environmental Earth Sciences,2016, 75.9,1-9.

Feng,X., Fu, B.*,Piao, S., Shuai Wang.,Ciais, P., etal. Revegetation in China’s Loess Plateau is approachingsustainable waterresource limits. NatureClimate Change,2016.

Wang,C., Shuai Wang., Fu, B.*,& Zhang, L. Advancesin hydrological modelling with the Budyko framework Areview. Progress in Physical Geography,2016, 40(3),409-430.

Shuai Wang, Fu Bojie*, GaoGuangyao Zhou Ji, Jiao Lei, Liu Jianbo. Linking thesoil moisture distributionpattern to dynamic processes along slope transectsin the Loess Plateau, China. EnvironmentalMonitoring and Assessment,2015, 187(12), 1-13.

Zhu,H., Fu, B.*, Shuai Wang.,Zhu, L., Zhang, L., Jiao,L., & Wang, C. Reducing soil erosion by improvingcommunity functionaldiversity in semi‐aridgrasslands. Journal ofApplied Ecology,2015, 52(4), 1063-1072.

Shuai Wang, Fu Bojie*. Trade-offsbetween forest ecosystem services. ForestPolicy and Economics,2013, 26, 145-146.

Fu,B.*,Shuai Wang., Su, C.,&Forsius,M. Linking ecosystem processes and ecosystem services. Current Opinion in EnvironmentalSustainability,2013, 5(1), 4-10.

Shuai Wang, Fu Bojie*, SuChanghong, Wei Yongping. Ecosystem services management:an integrated approach. Current opinion in environmental sustainability,2013, 5:11-15.

Shuai Wang, Fu Bojie*, GaoGuangyao, Liu Yu, Zhou Ji. Responses of soil moisturein different land covertypes to rainfall events in a re-vegetation catchmentarea of the Loess Plateau,China. Catena,2013, 101, 122-128.

Shuai Wang, Fu Bojie*, GaoGuangyao, YaoXueling, Zhou Ji. Soil moisture and evapotranspiration ofdifferent land covertypes in the Loess Plateau, China. Hydrologyand Earth System Sciences, 2012,16, 2883-2892.

Shuai Wang, Fu Bojie*, HeChansheng, Sun Ge, Gao Guangyao. A comparative analysisof forest cover andcatchment water yield relationships in Northern China. Forest Ecology and Management,2011,262:1189-1198.









