

事實揭露 揭密真相
前往: 導覽搜尋




2004 – 2010,南京農業大學,植物保護學院植物病理學方向 博士

2000 – 2004,南京農業大學,植物保護學院植物保護學 學士


2010.07-2013.06 中國科學院微生物研究所,植物基因組學國家重點實驗室 博士後

2013.07-至今 北京林業大學,林學院森林保護學科 講師


林木病原菌致病機制及病原菌-林木互作機制研究 森林保護


[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,調節蛋白RRT1參與楊樹潰瘍病菌Lonsdalea


[2] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,歐美楊潰瘍病菌Lonsdalea quercina雙組分系統在致病與寄主適應過程中的功能研究,2015/01–2017/12,25萬元,主持人



1. Yang RL#, Deng CY#, Wei JW, He W, Li AN*, Qian W*., 2018. A Large-Scale Mutational Analysis of Two-component Signaling Systems of Lonsdalea quercina Revealed that KdpD-KdpE Regulates Bacterial Virulence Against Host Poplar Trees. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 31, 724-736

2. Su Lei, Li Aining, Li Huali, Chu Chengcai, and QiuJinlong, 2013. Direct Modulation of Protein Level in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant. 6, 1711-1714.

3. Li, A., Zhang, M., Wang, Y., Li, D., Liu, X., Tao, K., Ye, W., 2014. PsMPK1, an SLT2-type mitogen-activated protein kinase, is required for hyphal growth, zoosporogenesis, cell wall integrity, and pathogenicity in Phytophthorasojae. Fungal Genetic Biology. 65, 14-24

4. Li Aining, Wang Yonglin, Tao Kai, Dong Suomeng, Huang Qian, Dai Tingting, Zheng Xiaobo, and  Wang Yuanchao, 2010. PsSAK1, a stress-activated MAP kinase, controls zoospore viability and pathogenicity in Phytophthorasojae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 23,1022-1031.

5. Zhang Meng, Lu Jing, Tao Kai, Ye Wenwu, Li Aining, Liu Xiaoyun, Kong Liang, Dong Suomeng, Zheng Xiaobo, Wang Yuanchao 2012. A Myb transcription factor of Phytophthorasojae, regulated by MAP kinase PsSAK1, is required for zoospore development. PLoS One 7:e40246.

6. Wang Yonglin, Li Aining, Wang Xiaoli, Zhang Xin, Zhao Wei, Dou Daolong, Zheng Xiaobo, and Wang Yuanchao, 2010. GPR11, a putative seven-transmembrane G protein coupled receptor, controls zoospore development and virulence of Phytophthorasojae. Eukaryotic Cell. 9, 242-250.

7. Wang Yonglin, Dou Daolong, Wang Xiaoli, Li Aining, Sheng Yuting, Hua Chenlei, Cheng Binyan, Chen Xiaoren, Zheng Xiaobo, Wang Yuanchao, 2009. PsCZF1 gene encoding for a C2H2 zinc finger protein is required for the growth, development and pathogenesis inPhytophthorasojae. Microbiology Pathogenisis. 47, 78-86.

8. Chen Qinghe, Wang Yuanchao, Li Aining, Zhang Zhengguang, Zheng Xiaobo, 2007. Molecular mapping of two cultivar-specific avirulence genes in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthegrisea. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 277, 139-148.

9. 魏強#,李愛寧*,賀偉. 2017, 歐美楊細菌性潰瘍病菌雙組分信號轉導系統LqHK1基因的功能. 林業科學, 53(4): 105-112.

10. 李賓#,李愛寧,魏強,王海明,賀偉*. 2015, 歐美楊細菌性潰瘍病菌hrcJ 基因的功能分析. 林業科學, 51(12): 71-78.

11. 程曦,田彩娟,李愛寧,邱金龍,2012. 植物與病原微生物互作分子基礎的研究進展。遺傳. 34(2): 134―144.[1]
