李然 |
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國 籍 ---- 中國
職 業 ---- 教育科研工作者
職 稱 ---- 研究員
1986.9~1990.7 成都科技大學陸地水文專業 本科
1994.7~1999.7四川大學水利系 碩、博連讀
1990.9~1994.7河北省唐秦水文水資源勘測局 助工
1999.7~2001.6 四川大學高速水力學國家重點實驗室 講師
2001.7~2006.6 四川大學水力學與山區河流開發保護國家重點實驗室 副研究員
2006.7 四川大學水力學與山區河流開發保護國家重點實驗室 研究員
2010.10~2011.9 美國德州大學奧斯汀分校水資源研究中心 訪問學者
1. 四川省環保重大專項(19ZDZX):城市黑臭水體水質長效保障技術體系與示範研究,2019/01-2020/12,主持
2. 大型水電工程委託項目,金沙江下遊河道過飽和氣體監測,2019/01-2024/12,主持
3 科技部國家重點研發項目(2016YFC0401710),"水利工程環境安全保障及泄洪消能技術研究"之課題10"泄水過飽和氣體形成機制與消減技術研究",2016/07-2020/12,專題負責
4 國家自然科學基金項目(51279115),水流交匯對過飽和總溶解氣體生成及釋放規律的影響研究,2013/01-2016/12,主持
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(51179111),高壩梯級過飽和總溶解氣體釋放規律及生態調控技術研究,2012/01-2015/12,主持
6. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(50579043),高壩下游溶解氣體過飽和與摻氣特性關係研究,2006/01-2008/12,主持
7. 大型水電工程委託項目,白鶴灘水電站水環境影響研究,2006/02-2015/12,主持
8. 大型水電工程委託項目,如美水電站水文情勢及水環境影響專題研究,2018/01-2019/12,主持
9. 大型水電工程委託項目,去學水電站水生生物保護措施優化的水環境影響專題研究項目,2016/09-2018/01,主持
10. 大型水電工程委託項目,西藏羊卓雍湖沉砂池技術改造工程出水口泥沙擴散數值模擬研究,2014/09-2016/12,主持
[1]Xia Shen,Ran Li ; Ben R. Hodges,Jingjie Feng,Huanjie Cai,Xiaoyi Ma, Experiment and simulation of supersaturated total dissolved gas dissipation:Focus on the effect of confluence types, Water Research, 2019.3, 155: 320~332
[2]Jingying Lu, Ran Li*,Qian Ma, Jingjie Feng, Faxing Zhang, Zhong Tian. Mechanical model for supersaturated total dissolved gas generation of high jump projects. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE., 145(1):04018082-1. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001550..
[3]Jingjie Feng, Lin Wang, Ran Li*, Kefeng Li, Xunchi Pu, Yong Li. Operational regulation of a hydropower cascade based on the mitigation of the total dissolved gas supersaturation [J]. Ecological Indicators, 2018.
[4]Huixia Yang,RanLi, Pengzhi Lin, Hang Wan, Jingjie Feng. Two-phase smooth particle hydrodynamics modeling of air-water interface in aeratedflows [J]. Science China, Series E-Tech Sci, 2017, 54(1):56-162.
[5]Xia Shen, Ran Li*,JupingHuang, JingjieFeng, Ben R. Hodges, Kefeng Li, WeilinXu. Shelter construction for fish at the confluence of a river to avoid the effects of total dissolved gas supersaturation [J]. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 97: 642-648.
[6]Yangming Ou, Ran Li*, et al. The promotion effect of aeration on the dissipation of supersaturated total dissolved gas [J]. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 95: 245-251.
[7]Juping Huang, Ran Li, Jingjie Feng*, Weilin Xu*, Lele Wang. Relationship investigation between the dissipation process of supersatrurated total dissolved gas and wind effect. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 95: 430-437.
[8]Xia Shen, Shengyun Liu, Ran Li*, et al. Experimental study on the impact of temperature on the dissipation process of supersaturated total dissolved gas. Journal of Environmental Science, 2014, 26(9), 1874-1878.
[9]Rui Wang, Ran Li*,et al. A Hydraulics-Based Analytical Method for Artificial Water Replenishment in Wetlands by Reservoir Operation [J]. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 62: 71-76.
[10]Jingjie Feng, Ran Li*,et al. Eco-environmentally friendly operational regulation: an effective strategy to diminish the TDG supersaturation of reservoirs. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2014, 18, 1213-1223.
[11]Ran Li, Ben R Hodges*,et al. Comparison of Supersaturated Total Dissolved Gas Dissipation with Dissolved Oxygen Dissipation and Reaeration[J]. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2013, 139(3): 385-390.
(1)馬倩, 李然, 盧晶瑩, 馮鏡潔, 蒲迅赤, 李克鋒, 安瑞冬. 射流入水TDG飽和度與射流條件相關關係的實驗裝置: 201610994451.0.
(2)馮鏡潔, 牛晉蘭, 李然, 等. 利用活性炭促進過飽和總溶解氣體釋放的方法:中國, 201510377567.5.
(3)李然, 等. 壩下過飽和總溶解氣體產生與氣泡尺寸關係的實驗裝置: 中國, 2010 1 0124183.X.
(4)李然, 等. 水體總溶解氣體過飽和生成及其對魚類影響研究的裝置: 中國, 2009 1 0164299.3.
(5)李然, 等. 大壩泄水下游水體過飽和總溶解氣體的實驗裝置:中國, 2008 1 0044665.7.
- ↑ 李然 ,技點網
- ↑ 四川大學水利水電學導師教師師資介紹簡介-李然 ,四川大學, 2021-09-05
- ↑ 【成大講壇】名師課堂第十二周安排 ,成都大學, 2016-05-13