孫必興早熟禾 |
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界:植物界 門:被子植物門 Angiospermae 綱:百合綱 Liliopsida 亞綱:鴨跖草亞綱 Commelinidae 目:莎草目 Cyperales 科:禾本科 Gramineae 亞科:早熟禾亞科 SubFam. Pooideae 屬:早熟禾屬 Poa |
孫必興早熟禾(sūn bì xīng zǎo shú hé),拉丁文 Poa sunbisinii Soreng & G. Zhu,一年生草本或短命的多年生植物。對纖細,叢生的0.1-0.2毫米稈,直立或稍外傾在基部,25-80厘米高,1-3.5毫米直徑髮狀的主要根, 粗糙的平滑或疏生在下面節,節,外露的1或2,最上部的向上1/2的路約稈。 葉鞘平滑,無毛,6-15厘米,0.5-1 * 倍於給裝葉片,最初關閉對於來說約長度; 平的葉片或摺疊,適中瘦, [1]
一年生草本或短命的多年生植物。對纖細,叢生的0.1-0.2毫米稈,直立或稍外傾在基部,25-80厘米高,1-3.5毫米直徑髮狀的主要根, 粗糙的平滑或疏生在下面節,節,外露的1或2,最上部的向上1/2的路約稈。
葉鞘平滑,無毛,6-15厘米,0.5-1 * 倍於給裝葉片,最初關閉對於來說約長度; 平的葉片或摺疊,適中瘦,最上部的×1.5 8-30厘米毫米, 葉舌1-2(-5)毫米,先端鈍,背面粗糙,衣領無毛。
約8-25厘米,長節間,圓錐花序開闊的,最終外露厘米; 分枝最初上升和曲折, 和疏鬆的開展或反折的最終, 微染的披針形,紫色的小穗,(4-)5-7毫米,小花2或3; vivipary無;
小穗軸節間的約1毫米,通常是要具短硬毛的濃密細長粗糙; 質地薄外稃的穎片, 在邊緣或全部上經常紫色通過,龍骨,均勻裝以面具微小點, 外稃3.7-5.2毫米,適中堅定;
先端銳銳尖, 邊緣狹膜質, 具一根狹窄的紫色的帶子, 胼胝體的下部小花網狀的疏生,毛短,胼胝體的上部小花; 粗糙的內稃全部。 花葯0.7-1.6毫米。花期 以及果期8月。
China. Yunnan: Fugong Xian, above Bijiang ca. 9 km by road, W slope of Bilou Mts. (divide between Nu Jiang and Lancang Jiang drainages), 26°35'N, 98°59'E, opening in Abies-Tsuga forest-Fargesia thicket contact zone, 2900 m, 8 Sep 1997, R. J. Soreng, P. M. Peterson & Sun Hang 5222 (holotype, US; isotypes, KUN, PE, others to be distributed).
Haec species a P. eleanorae Bor foliorum superiorum vaginarum marginibus per dimididum longitudinis connatis, lemmate glabro atque glumis 1.5 mm brevioribus quam lemmatibus; a P. gammieana J. D. Hooker inflorescentiae ramis scabris, lemmatis paleaeque carinis glabris atque ligula plerumque breviore, 1–2(–5) mm; a P. dzongicola Noltie callo dorso lanuginoso atque ligula breviore differt.Annuals or short-lived perennials.
Major roots capillary to slender, 0.1–0.2 mm. Culms tufted, erect or slightly decumbent at base, 25–80 cm tall, 1–3.5 mm in diam., smooth or sparsely scabrid below nodes, nodes 2–4, 1 or 2 exserted, uppermost ca. 1/2 way up culm. Leaf sheaths smooth, glabrous, 6–15 cm, 0.5–1 × as long as blade, uppermost closed for ca. 1/2 of length; blades flat or folded, moderately thin, uppermost 8–30 cm × 1.5–5 mm, abaxial surface and margins smooth or sparsely scabrid, adaxially scabrid, keel and 4–10 primary veins abaxially pronounced, apex slender prow-tipped; ligule 1–2(–5) mm, apex obtuse, abaxially scabrid, collar glabrous.
Panicle open, eventually exserted, 8–25 cm, longest internode ca. 4 cm; branches initially ascending and flexuous, eventually spreading or reflexed and lax, mostly 2 per node, scabrid all round, angled in part, longest 8–11 cm with 5–13 spikelets loosely arranged in distal 1/2.
Spikelets lanceolate, purple tinged, (4–)5–7 mm, florets 2 or 3; vivipary absent; rachilla internodes ca. 1 mm, usually densely slender-scabrid to hispidulous; glumes thinner-textured than the lemmas, frequently purple on margins or all over, keel scabrid, surface uniformly minutely punctate, apex sharply acute, lower glume narrowly lanceolate, 3.3–4.6 mm, 1- or 3-veined, upper glume lanceolate 3.8–5 mm, 3-veined; lemmas 3.7–5.2 mm, moderately firm, apex sharply acute, margins very narrowly membranous, with a narrow purple band, keel and marginal veins scabrid, intermediate veins faint to moderately prominent, areas between veins usually densely scabrid over most of the surface; callus of proximal florets sparsely webbed, hairs short, callus of distal florets glabrous; palea scabrid throughout. Anthers 0.7–1.6 mm. Fl. and fr. Aug.
- Openings in upper forested and subalpine slopes, 2900–3900 m. NW Yunnan.
在上面forested 和亞高山的山坡,2900-3900米雲南西北部里的開始。
Poa sunbisinii differs from P. eleanorae by having more closed leaf sheaths, a lack of hairs on the lemma keels, and shorter spikelets with glumes shorter than the lemmas by (on average) ca. 1.5 mm.
It has a long palea as in P. gammieana, but that species has smooth inflorescence branches, pilose lemma and palea keels, and longer ligules. Poa dzongicola has glabrous calluses and longer ligules.
Poa sunbisinii 通過更多關閉葉鞘不同於eleanorae頁, 在龍骨狀外稃上的缺乏毛, 並且短小穗具穎片短於外稃以有一長內稃如同在gammieana頁的1.5毫米的(平均)約, Poa dzongicola有無毛的胼胝體和長葉舌。